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Lapis POV
"I know I started it but did you really have to leave a mark again"
"You're right you did start it, so you get what you deserve"
"But aqua will see right through the damn makeup I swear it's like she just knows without even looking at me"
"Oh well then"
"I hate you"
"Yeah love you too"
She knows how much it bothers me yet she keeps doing this. I angrily blend out the makeup I put on and stare at the purple spot in the mirror. It's not too obvious but that won't stop careful people from noticing. There's just the slightest discoloration and I know for a fact that aqua is going to see it. I wish peridot would have done this tonight or something, we don't have school tomorrow but nooooooo "yOu GeT wHaT yOU dESeRvE"
"Hey stop mumbling to yourself and hurry up, we are gonna be late"
"Who's fault is that"
"Your's now hurry up"
I finish my little cover up and rush to grab my clothes, whatever I pick up first will do nicely. Peridot always gets upset whenever we are late and thanks to yesterday she's already pretty ticked off. I finish changing and hurry to the door. On my way there I pick up my phone and check the time.
"Hey peri"
"Yeah lapis?"
"Why are we 4 hours early"
"Cause I changed the alarm for 4 hours early"
"And why would you set the alarm 4 hours early"
"Because I wanted to"
Well that's just playing dirty, my precious 4 hours of sleep were murder by a heartless criminal. Did yesterday realllyyyy bother her that much? I was just playing around. It's not my fault our classes are so boring.
"Well since we have 4 extra hours why don't we stop for breakfast"
"How about we go back to sleep"
"Yeah no"
We stop by a 24 hour breakfast diner and write our names down. Since it's so goddamn early in the morning that no one in their right mind would even think of going to this place we are seated quickly.
"What's wrong you seem upset"
"Well I was woken up early"
"I see well if it bothers you so much why'd you come"
"It's not like I knew I was up early"
"You barely even know what day it is"
"Why are you so mad anyway?"
"Just cause"
"Great I know exactly what's wrong now"
"You should"
"I can't read your mind"
We are interrupted by the waitress here with our food. Fast service is nice but I'm still never coming back at this hour. We don't continue our discussion mostly due to the food being pretty good. By the time I'm done I'm ready to nap but I doubt peridot would let me seeing as she's still up to her little tantrum"
"What are we going to do now since we still have a little over three hours left"
"There's a few little shops not too far from here"
"What shops are open at this hour"
"Those shops"
I can't be angry about her taking me on a date and if I complain about the time I just sound ungrateful. How great only a nerd like her can corner me with manners. She's smart I'll give her that she gave me a white elephant.
"We are here"
The shops are small and close together. It's like an outdoor market place with a little bit of everything. Most of the people selling things are fairly old so I guess they don't have anything else to do at this hour. I'm not sure why peridot really knows this place but she seems to know her way around it pretty well.
"So what are we here to buy?"
"You'll see"
"And you know where you're going?"
This place is nice I'd love to come when it's not for some petty reason. I find some interesting things at some of the smaller shops, one guy was selling decorative daggers that peridot wouldn't let me buy. Another had a dinosaur carved entirely out of wood, it had a long neck with ridges in it so it could move up and down. I bought him and named it Brock short for brontosaurus mostly because he looks like one.
   Peridot takes us slightly deeper into the shops until she reaches a stand with a man in a straw hat.
"4 please"
The man nods and picks up four large mangos. He weighs them and puts them in a black bag. Peridot hands him some money and takes the bag.
"So we came all the way here and got up super early, for mangos?"
"They're good I used to come here often for them"
"Can't you get mangos at the grocery store"
"Yeah but these are better"
"We came all the way here for better mangos?"
"Not only that"
"Then why?"
"I wanted to take you on a date"
    She wakes me up 4 hours early to take me on a date where we go to a breakfast diner and get mangos. Is she okay?
"Awwwww you forgot?"
"Forgot what geez your killing me"
"It's our six month anniversary"
Oh so that's what's really been bothering her. She's mad because I forgot
"I may have kinda let that slip"
"Yeah I knew it"
"No wait I'm sorry I barely know what day it is in general"
    Congratulations lapis you are the biggest idiot this world has to offer and I hate you. How in the world did I forget something so important. I've even been a jerk all day too. I mentally slap my self and hurry after peridot who is now walking back to the car with an empty face.
"Hey hold up"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to forget such an important day it's just that whenever I'm with you time passes me by"
"You're lucky you're a cute idiot or else I'd actually be mad"
I run up and lift her off the ground. She groans and I slowly put her down kissing her as an apology.
"This weekend I'm going to take you on the best date you've ever been on just wait"
"Yeah yeah"

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