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Time skip till Monday
Peridot POV
   Honestly the best and worst part of my morning are waking up to the alarm blaring and noticing my beautiful girlfriend's arms placed gently around me. Now this is both the best and worst part of the morning because just when I'm conscious enough to enjoy it I also have to get up to turn off the alarm.
"Hey you heard the ringing time to get up now"
As usual the only response is groaning and the shuffling of blankets as she rearranges into a position where the sunlight doesn't hit her face.
No answer
"You can't do this every Monday, we spent all of yesterday at home in bed so you can't possibly be tired"
"Yeah I can"
"From what?"
"I'm too tired to answer that"
      Eventually her anxiety forces her to get up in fear of being late and she finally starts getting ready. She actually takes much less time to get ready than me, when I asked her about it she said she's learned to rush in order to get more sleep.
"Wanna grab some donuts and coffee for breakfast today?"
After leaving and grabbing breakfast lapis has graciously noticed that we are early.
"I could've slept an extra ten minutes"
"Hey it's better to be early than late"
"Yeah yeah"
"At least we can talk to aqua a bit before class"
We got to lapis's first class and found aqua marine standing near the entrance along with topaz.
"Early again? Planning to make it a habit?"
"I'd prefer it if we didn't"
"Sorry lapis is a little cranky over being early, she says it cuts her sleep time"
"Did you stay up late last night? I don't spot any new marks"
Lapis and I both rub our necks uncomfortably.
"No she just likes to sleep"
Talking to aqua marine feels weird, sometimes she asks so many questions that I feel as though I'm being interrogated. She's just nosy I guess or as lapis calls it "overly curious"
"Hey why don't you two join me for a small party I'm having"
Lapis seemed visibly unenthusiastic
"Yeah I don't really do college parties"
"Yeah me neither sorry aqua"
"Oh come on you look like you could blow off some steam. It'll be fun promise and besides you two can leave at anytime if you get bored or uncomfortable"
"Who else will be there?"
"No one special just a few of my friends they're won't even be a hundred people don't worry about that"
"Look aqua I don't really know about this"
"Such a downer, well then. Lapis? Would you like to attend"
I think lapis zones out midway through the conversation because her immediate response was.
"Huh Yeah sure"
"Oh wonderful! I'll text you the address it'll be this Friday at 7 don't be late"
And with that she went into class that would be starting shortly, though I'm sure she just left so lapis couldn't object.
"What just happened?"
"You agreed to go to the party"
Lapis face palmed and let out a long groan and a heavy sigh.
"I gotta get to my own class it's starting soon, we can talk about this later."
She lowered a little so I could give her a kiss and I went to my own class. Honestly all my classes are really easy to me the only problem I have is the work load. I still have to make my own little robots so I can sell em off so school is really putting a dent in my only source of income. Besides that all the trouble with jasper has put a lot more stress than I needed.
Time skip
"So what are we gonna do about the party?"
"You tell me, you agreed to it after all"
"It wasn't my fault and you know that"
"Well why don't we just not show?"
"Cause aqua seemed like she really wanted us there"
"That usually wouldn't stop you"
"Hey Im trying to be more friendly"
Lapis was either the pretty quiet but reliable person or just completely tired honest and couldn't care less type of person. It depended on if she liked you or not, but could be easily changed if she didn't get enough sleep that day and there's no avoiding it.
"Alright let's just go then"
"You sure?"
"Yeah I mean she said it'll be a small party and that we could leave at any time. Besides it could be fun for once"
"You might even make some new friends who knows"
"Highly doubt that"
"It pays to be optimistic"
We walked over to where we usually see aqua during our little extended in between class break and took a seat.
"Well peridot? Are you going to be joining lapis and I this Friday?"
"Yeah sure why not, who knows it might be fun"
"Ha I knew that if I could convince lapis you'd come too"
Even though this true still ticked me off a little.
"Are you gonna drink?"
Oh right I forget this a college party. I'm not much of a drinker and I can't stand the taste so I'm usually the driver. I'm not sure if lapis drinks though.
"Maybe, do you drink?"
She shrugged
"Not often but I can hold my liquor well"
"Well we can discuss this later I'd best be going"
We waved aqua good bye and went towards our own classes
"Didn't know you drink"
"I definitely knew you didn't drink"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
She patted me on the head

It is hot as balls where I live, it's already hit a hundred. Usually this wouldn't be a problem with the whole dont go outside thing but my parents are "turn the ac off it's expensive" type of people so yeah I'm burning alive rn.

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