Making friends

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Slight homophobia warning

Peridot POV
     My class is a little closer than lapis so I was on time, I just hope lapis made it okay. I didn't have lapis for my first class sadly. She was in marine science while I was stuck in robotics. Don't get me wrong I love building robots but we are stuck on the history of machines right now which is very boring. At least it'll be an easy day.
     I sat in my usual chair next to a couple typically quiet strangers. The professor began his lecture and everything went as normal. About halfway through the lecture I felt someone staring at me and heard a few muffled voices in the back.
I tried to pay attention to our professor but it was getting harder to zone out the voices.
"What are they?"
"She's not trying to cover them"
"She doesn't seem like the type to score a boyfriend"
Okay now I'm getting annoyed. What are they even talking about? I tried to keep a straight face and get through this lecture. Once this is done I'll get to see lapis and everything will be fine.
"I heard she's gay"
"Oh yeah I heard that too"
"I saw her kissing some girl in the hallway not too long ago"
"Wait really that's disgusting"
Okay that's it!
"Alright that enough for today make sure you finish your paper on early machines by next week"
I let out a long sigh and grabbed my things together. I could probably still tell them off but at this point it's a waste of effort. I rushed out of the class and walked to where lapis and I usually meet.
Lapis POV
I was waiting outside of astrology with aqua marine and topaz when I saw peridot walking towards us. She seemed a little upset.
"Hey peri something up"
"Just some annoying people but we can talk about that later. I see you've made some friends"
We turned out attention to aqua and topaz. Topaz still had the same poker face as ever but aqua was looking very excited.
"So you're the little blood sucker, lot shorter than I imagined but you two make an exquisite match."
"So I'm guessing everyone at this school still loves gossip as much as the average 13 year old girl?"
Aqua marine feigned offense and soon joined our laughter.
"Wait why am I a blood sucker?"
Me and aqua marine looked at each other and then peridot who still had at least two perfectly visible hickeys and one that was a little more covered.
"Well I suppose lapis is more of the blood sucker seeing how you turned out"
I playfully pushed aqua and turned my attention back to a thoroughly confused peridot.
I guess she forgot about them
I carefully brushed my fingertips along the purple bruising on her neck making small circles around the 3 spots. I lean close and whisper in her ear
"Don't tell me you forgot about these"
I saw her eyes widen in realization as she quickly put a hand up to her neck.
"That would explain a lot"
"Got some stares?"
"Um sure let's call em stares"
"Oh well don't be so stingy. Tell us what happened"
Aqua marine suddenly hopped her way back into the conversation.
"Well just some people that were talking about it. They've also seen us kiss and put two and two together. Though they didn't really seem to support it."
Peridot looked at the ground. A mixture of sadness fear and anger showed on her face.
"Oh well let them talk. Truth be told have the people here to judge are lonely individuals jealous of you two so they're mad about it. Regardless talking about it behind your back is pathetic and I hate nosy people."
Me and peridot laughed softly.
"That's ironic"
"Listen darling I won't talk about you behind your back. I'll say it straight to your face."
Peridot POV
This girl doesn't seem to bad and she's not judging me and lapis so I guess she's okay. The one next to her didn't say much but nodded along to all the small girls statements so I think it's safe to assume she likes us too? Hard to tell.
"I'll just zone them out next time besides as long as I have lapis the whole world can judge me for all I care."
Lapis blushed lightly and smiled. She pulled me into a hug and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead.
"Awwwww well aren't you just adorable. Right topaz?"
"That remind me I never got your names"
"Ah yes how rude of me. My name is aqua marine and this is the ever so lovely topaz"
Topaz waved
"I'm peridot and I'm pretty sure I don't need to introduce lapis"
"Actually lapis here has told us quite a bit about you ms.peridot. Initially she had told us about how she got her little love mark but after seeing the number she did on you I'm starting to think she was a little skimpy on the details."
Lapis and I both blushed and looked at each other.
"Best you didn't know"
"Well now I'm just drowning in curiosity"
"Uhhhh class is starting very soon we should head in and take a seat."
Lapis and I went inside the lecture hall and quickly sat next to each other in our usual chairs.
"She seemed nice"
"Yeah we sit next to each other during marine science. She talked to me for the first time today probably due to curiosity."
"Well I'm right here you know"
We turned and saw aqua marine and topaz sitting next to us.
"I have this class too"
I tried to think back to see if I could remember ever seeing aqua marine or topaz before in the class. Nothing
"The lecture is going to start soon so why don't we meet up for lunch and talk a little more about things then. Peri and I have a long break after this class."
"Well I'd be happy to grace you with my presence"
Lapis and I rolled our eyes and laughed.
Seems like we actually made a friend, didn't think that would ever happen

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