Dealing with the Devil

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Lapis POV
    What is she doing here? Did she track me down again? How did she know though? I can't think my brain is fuzzy and it hurts. I just want her out as far as possible I was supposed to be done. I should tell peridot I can't deal with this on my own.
    I try to slam the door on her but she holds a hand out. She was able to stop all the strength I put into closing the door with one hand.
"Lapis? Are you alright what's taking so long"
I thought about yelling or something along those lines but I can't think of anything to say, my mind is so fuzzy.
"Oh there you are, why are you standing at the door way just grab the food and set it on the counter"
    I didn't get what she was saying until I looked closer at jasper. She was wearing a uniform and holding the pizza with her off hand. Does she work there? Or is it a trick
"Look l'm not here to cause trouble I'm just working part time and the pizza place not far from here"
"Do you know them?"
That would be a long story to explain and honestly I'm hungry and tired
"I do have a life besides you now. I'm tryna do my best to have you not hate me you know"
    Okay I guess that makes sense. It's not like her life revolves around me so she can have a job that's suspiciously timed with my staying at aqua. Just get the pizza and she'll leave perfect way to get rid of her.
"OH WAIT, I know you. Your that one girl from elementary school"
"I don't remember you at all though"
"We weren't in the same sector I was in the blue area and you were yellow but I would see you fighting people on the courtyard"
"I guess I was kinda known for that"
"Come in come in I've always wanted to meet you your infamy is too much to pass on"
Nooooo no no no no no this is bad very not good why would you suggest that she's not good idiot. Tell her to fuck right off now please AHHH
"Guess I'll be going on break soon so might as well"
"Set the pizza over here please"
Aaaaaand she's in the house great just fucking great I'm calling peri I would like to go home now.
    I grab my phone and look at some texts peri had sent me.
Hey so your not drunk right?
Just making sure
Cause if you are I'll be there rn
You aren't right?
I'm giving 30 minutes before I call the cops
I know that if I tell her she'll freak out and aqua said I shouldn't worry her or she'll get asthma or something like that. I guess I'll be fine aquas here so I don't have to worry too much
I'm fine don't worry or you'll get anorexia and have trouble moving your hands
No that's the trouble breathing one dummy
    I turn my attention back to aqua who is talking to satan about something. I guess I should pretend I don't hate her or else aqua will ask too many questions.
"Hey lapis so how do you two know eachother"
"I was in hell and she was the devil"
"Uh we used to date didn't end well"
I took a water and a plate and went to the table to sit down. They kept talking as I rushed to finish before she sat down. My head started to clear up too guess the alcohol started to wear off.
"Something happened between you two that you won't say lapis, and honestly I live for this type of drama"
"I don't wanna talk about it"
"What about a game then?"
"No your games are evil"
Aqua is too smart if she's suggesting a game it has an ulterior motive and I'm not falling for it.
"It'll be fun besides you won't have to do anything you dont want to they'll be an escape route drink if you don't want to do something"
I'm good with alcohol and starting to sober up but I don't know if this is a good idea.
"What do you say"
"Alright fine"
She pulls out a small deck of cards the top of which read "the confession game" only aqua would own something like that
"Pick a card finish the statement or drink you'll play too of course"
She glanced at jasper who just nodded in response
We all sat down and brought over some bottles of hard stuff like whisky, vodka, tequila and what ever else aqua had as well as some beers.
"I'll go first then we'll go onto my right"
She picked a card and read it
"My first one night stand left me..."
She took a moment to think and then said
"Disappointed more than anything he was very inexperienced"
My turn hopefully I get something like aqua.
"My most recent intimate moment went something like..."
I am not talking about that in front of jasper. I take a shot of vodka and feel it burn my throat I don't want to cough too much so I chase it with beer. Jasper picks a card and reads it
"My favorite memory from my most recent partner is..."
She looked at me, "when you said you'd be mine"
I felt my heart skip a beat. That was unexpected didn't think we left any good memories.
Aquas card was longest relationship which to no ones surprise was 2 weeks. When it was my turn again I prayed to every god I could think of to let this be a nice easy not embarrassing card.
"What does that mean"
"Draw 3 and answer all of them"
Fuck my life man
I draw three cards and slowly turn them over
"Last item you wore while doing it"
"Riskiest place you've ever done it"
"Favorite position"
"I'll drink"
"Well you have to drink 3 times one for each card"
Wow as if I couldn't be having a worse time right now. I pour my shots and take them all straight, I take a beer and chug it to get rid of the stinging.
Shittttttt chasing with beer is a bad idea I should've gotten water
I felt my body go woozy and the alcohol hit me like a truck every thought I had felt fake like I was in a dream
"Your turn jasper"
"If I could relive any memory it would be..."
She looked at me again
"Any part in our relationship"
I felt my face heat up she's kind of cute when she's like this.

Fun fact: this is modeled after an actual card game called the confessions game. Never played it I saw an ad read the rules and thought it was a fun concept.

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