The Perfect End (smut)

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Peridot POV
    On our ride home we both fell asleep. It was a long day and I enjoyed every minute of it. My legs and stomach still felt all wobbly from the rides but I didn't mind it much. It was late but it wasn't late enough to sleep so we ordered some pizza and planned on just resting up the rest of the day. By the time we get home it wouldn't be long before the food got there so it was seeming out to be a nice evening.
    When we got home lapis plopped onto the bed and snuggled a pillow. She usually doesn't have a lot of energy so I'm surprised she kept up with all my excitement for so long, she must be exhausted though.
"More hungry right now"
"Pizza will be here any minute now"
"Mhm my stomach feels all weird though"
"Probably from the roller coasters, you get used to it"
"You sure seem to like those things"
"There's something nice about being propelled at high speeds and tossed around like a rag doll"
"Oh that remind me"
    Lapis went to the kitchen and grabbed something off the top of the fridge. It was a large gift box wrapped in green wrapping paper with a gold ribbon neatly tied around it.
"You hid it on top of the fridge?"
"You can't reach up there and you don't look up there too often"
"I'd be a little more offended if that wasn't a smart plan"
"Just open it"
    I carefully tug on the ribbon and undo the paper, it was done so well that I can't bring myself to rip it apart. When I open the box I'm met with an official cph hoodie, a poster, and a signed photo card with Percy and Pierre (my favorites) on it.
"Oh my stars"
"The internet is a wonderful place isn't it"
"But these are basically collectors items, this one is even signed by the voice actors. What part of the internet would you even find this on"
"The dark webbbb"
"Wait what"
"Kidding it was eBay"
"Oh well it's amazing that you found it"
"Does that mean you like it?"
"Like it? I LOVE IT! I'm gonna put this one on and the rest in my drawer until I find a frame"
"You're framing them?"
"I don't want them to get folded or creased"
    I can hear lapis laugh as I carefully pick up my precious gift and set them in my drawer. I hear a knock at the door which can only mean the pizza guy is here. With that in mind I choose not to put on the hoodie. I don't want to risk it getting dirty minutes after I receive it. I carefully fold it and set it aside before going back to help lapis with the pizza.
"Foods here"
"Yeah I heard the knocking"
"Grab a plate or something I don't want you making a mess"
I feign offense and grab some paper plates. 
    Pizza is great after long days. It's unhealthy, it's easy to eat, and it shows up at your door. Can not possibly top that. It's the perfect way to end the day, lapis really out did herself with this 'perfect date' thing of hers. It sounds like she even had more planned but didn't even get to it. Regardless I don't think I could've seen today go in a different direction.
"You know I had a lot of fun today"
"I think that means I've redeemed my self"
"Yeah you did"
"Well there's still one more thing planned"
"What is it?"
"You'll see but first ima go shower I still smell like the arcade"

Hi smut warning up ahead
I wonder what she's got in store? I was pretty sure the day was over but she seems to have another thing up her sleeve. Well guess I'll just have to wait. I end up laying in bed mostly looking through my phone for a while until I hear the water turn off. I don't think much of it and turn my attention back to my phone. When the door opens I don't even look up.
"That was quick, so what's next on the agenda?"
I look up at her and almost drop my phone. She is in a lacy black bra and underwear set that hugs her figure perfectly. It only covers what it needs to and doesn't leave much to the imagination.
"I think I'm going to like the next surprise quite a bit"
"I bet you will"
She doesn't waste much time walking over and climbing onto the bed. We immediately lock lips and let our tongues play their usual game. She lets her hands move up and down my body lifting my clothes off gently without breaking contact. With my eyes closed her scent is all I know. It's stronger right now filling my entire body with her familiar body wash and sweetened shampoo.
She established pretty early on that she would be taking charge today. After undressing me completely she pushes me down to the bed with a solid thud and keeps me down with her body. Her knee in between my legs and her hands slowly settling down on my chest. She's also moved away from my mouth and started to leave a trail of gentle kisses down my neck. She knows what she's doing and her little antics are making me restless. I can't help but use her leg to my own advantage not when it's sitting perfectly where I want it to be.
"Couldn't wait any longer?"
"You wouldn't have put it there if I couldn't use it"
"You're right, today is all about you"
She moves lower letting her tongue trail gently down. She lands in between my legs and gets to work. Her fingers dancing inside me while her mouth plays along. She keeps pumping her hand in and out letting the sounds fill the room. She's gotten too good at this for my own good. I feel like I last less time each night. With a swift trust of her fingers I reach my limit, riding out the remainder of my strength.
"How was that for a perfect date"
"I didn't think it could get any better but you keep surprising me"

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