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Peridot POV
     Lapis told me about what aqua had said. The thing I hated most about it all was that it made so much sense it hurt. I don't even know what I'm looking for at this point all the hole I thought were there have been plugged up. Whatever I guess I can still ask. I was finally in my last class so I could at least talk to rhodonite about it.
I hadn't prepared anything I was going to ask since I have nothing but a gut feeling here at this point. I don't want to consider the possibility that I'm just making something out of nothing since that could mean that I'm actually jealous of aqua. I'm not though I'm just protect of lapis, who is my girlfriend, entirely mine and no one else's. Right doing this to help lapis.
"Hey rhodonite"
"Oh hey peridot I uh didn't see you come in"
"I tend to blend in"
Rhodonite is okay to hang out with but they are constantly jumpy which makes me worry about being stabbed for behind out of nowhere.
"Say can you tell me anything about aqua marine?"
"About aqua marine? Did she do something? Why do you want to know"
"No nothing like that I'm just curious about what she was like before I met her since you know people don't talk about their past"
"If she's not saying anything should you be snooping?"
I do seem kind of suspicious going around asking for dirt about the person I am friends with. Great.
"Uhh it just looks like something is bothering her and you know I'm trying to lend a hand so I need to know more about her"
"Oh well I don't know much about her, she doesn't really acknowledge me but she doesn't get mad when I go to her parties either so"
"Yeah but do you know anything about her from her old school"
"Not really sorry I was kind of exiled back in school for being weird"
This is going nowhere I need someone who will have know aqua through and through since she was younger. Someone who knows all her plans and relations.
"Do you know anyone she's close to"
"Right now it's you and lapis, then there's topaz but she's always just there"
Wait topaz would know everything, they are stuck to aqua like glue.
Topaz doesn't say much at all but they are always by aquas side. They drive aqua around and attend all the same classes, I don't think I've ever seen topaz on their own at all. That's definitely what I need right now someone who knows all the insides. I don't know how to talk to them on their own though.
"What do you know about topaz"
"They are aquas right hand, I don't know if they even ever do anything on their own"
"Do you think I'd be able to talk to them without aqua around"
"Oh I wouldn't recommend it, I mean they are together for a reason. Then you go trying to separate them and then you find out that topaz maybe doesn't like people or something. I don't know if that's a good idea"
"I'm not breaking up their friendship I'm just gonna talk for like 5 minutes"
    If I talk to topaz and there's nothing there then I'll drop all this but if there is then that means I'm right. Alright now how to get topaz without aqua. I guess to just straight up ask them would be the best bet. Maybe I can lie and say it's a surprise for aqua? When is aqua's birthday?
"You wouldn't happen to know aqua's birthday would you?"
"It's not until next month"
"Good enough for me"
Looks like Lady Luck is in my favor these days.
    I waited class out eager to try out my new plan. I don't completely know if it will work but here's to hoping.
"Alright your papers are due next week, that's all for today"
Aqua and topaz should be in the usual spot we meet up at when we say our goodbyes. I don't want to lose my nerve so I rush over right away.
    I get there before lapis and spot topaz up ahead. Usually they don't stand out too much but now that I'm paying closer attention they are severely intimidating. Instead of a right hand they seem more like a body guard, they are much taller than me and bigger in general. I thought this would be a little difficult but I didn't think I'd be nervous.
"Hey aqua, topaz"
"Oh your here quick"
"Yeah I got off a little sooner than normal"
"I see lapis up ahead too"
"Oh actually before she gets here topaz can I talk to you for a second? Alone"
    Aqua immediately shot a look in my direction while topaz looked at her almost like they were asking for permission.
"Secretive, what is so special that I can't hear about"
"Well it wouldn't be a secret if I just told you"
"Are you planning something?"
"I might be if topaz would join me"
Aqua looks up at topaz and gives a short nod. Right on signal topaz comes over to me.
    I lead them away from aqua until I was sure she couldn't here and turned my attention to the task at hand. Honestly having topaz this close made me realize that they were in fact very menacing.
"Okay so uh aqua, you know their birthday coming up and everything"
Topaz said nothing just nods in acknowledgement.
"I wanted to know what she likes and stuff you know. Tell her more about her"
"Is this what you really want to know?"
   Their voice was unexpectedly soft for someone of their build. The question itself was strange too, why ask that.
"Yeah I mean wouldn't I have to know that"
Again they said nothing just looked at me expressionless. They carefully looked around and got a little closer. They leaned it slightly it wasn't enough to reach my ear but I got the message.
"She likes messing with people"
"What is that supposed to mean"
They looked me straight in the eye and turned away to walk back towards aqua. Lapis had also gotten there and seems a little confused by my pairing with topaz.
    Topaz didn't give too much except that but it seems important. Maybe that's their way of warning me? I'll ask more later this is where I'll find what I want for sure.

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