Backed Out

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Aqua POV
The game was brought to an end when lapis started to noticeably wobble. The alcohol tolerance on that woman is impressive she took 6 shots and chased them all with beer in under an hour. She's even still function relatively at ease.
"Lapis let's watch a movie shall we?"
    Oh dear gods she's even more energetic now. How many shots does it take to shut her off. It'll be a pain if she calls peridot like this we barely got away unscathed last time. I'll just keep an eye on her phone for now.
"Here jasper you can pick since you've been less assholey today"
"Uh okay? How about a horror"
"Okay so horror"
"This one time I went to go see a horror movie but it wasn't a jump scare loud things stabby stabby movie. It was one of those wait and see type of movies where you didn't know if something was gonna happen so you were just scared the whole time"
"Sounds like a fun movie maybe I'll take you to the theater to watch the new one coming out"
I find horror movies particularly boring, they are all about either ghosts demons or psychopaths. Demons and ghosts aren't real and the ones about the killers are more interesting than scary. The way they think and kill off the characters is just so satisfying.
We all settle down and jasper picks a movie it's one of the ones about possessed dolls or something. We had limited selection since lapis has apparently viewed every film locally available. The movie was most likely going to be dull so I focused rather on the ordeal in front of me.
"You scared"
"No no no I'm superrrr good with horror movies and stuff"
"Dolls are creepy though"
"Jasper are you scared?!?"
"No it's just weird"
"It's okay I'm not scared so you shouldn't be scared"
"Alright don't blame me if I cling to you though"
It wasn't the smoothest approach but lapis was too drunk to see through it. She's considerable clueless even without the alcohol, very trusting if you put on a good first impression. Peridot on the other hand is a pain to deal with. Too overprotective for my taste.
As if on cue lapis' phone lights up. I turned off the notification sound in case this happened and I don't think lapis noticed.
Hey everything okay?
Such a nuisance
Yeah we are watching a movie
What movie ?
It's one about dolls, have you heard of it?
    How the hell did she figure that out so soon? Was it something I said. I'll just have to play it off and hope she doesn't call.
What about her?
Aqua is that you ?
No it's lapis, what's up with you today?
Lapis usually puts a space before the question mark
    Oh you have got to be kidding me. Not only does lapis do something so silly but this pest memorized her text style. She's backed me into a corner I can only respond as lapis again and try to say I forgot or come clean and risk her worrying. damnit
I'm typing with one hand
Oh okay
Wow I'm lucky she's an idiot
Well enjoy your movie call me before you go to bed
Okay I will
    Thats gonna be annoying but I'll focus on that later. I turn to jasper and lapis and spot jaspers arm around her. I grab the remote and sign out of the movie.
"What happened? Where'd the movie go?"
"This happens often the WiFi has a hard time reaching this tv. I have one in the guest room we can watch up there"
I head up the stairs while jasper helps lapis up, when we get to the room I turn the movie on.
"Yayyy the movie came back"
Looks like my work here is done
"Hey lapis Im going to excuse my self for a moment I have to use the rest room"
"Okay well hurry cause the movie just came back and if you leave for too long it'll be mad and go away again"
"Yes I'll hurry"

Jasper POV
I made sure to sit pretty close to lapis, the bed was small so it wasn't obvious. I missed her so much, I haven't been able to be with her like this in so long. She basically hates me right now I just want her again.
She's focused on the movie right now her face looks gorgeous in the dim light of the tv. I just need my chance.
"Hey don't you think the doll looks funny"
She turns to me to speak and I look into her eyes. She stays towards me not saying anything just looking at me with her dozed off stare.
Well it's now or never, I lean closer and catch her lips before she could process anything. She doesn't move away put she doesn't make any attempts to move this forward. Her kiss is just melting me I can't help but want more. I lean in and feel lapis flop back, I don't want to let go so I chase her lips down. I end up on top of her on the bed. When I finally break the kiss I sit up and look at her. I want her so bad, I go back for a kiss when I'm hit by the smell of alcohol
"What the fuck am I doing"
She doesn't hate me right now but she'll definitely kill me if she wakes up next to me. She probably won't remember the kiss but she'll remember anything else. If I'm going to get her to like me I'm doing it properly this shit is pathetic. Why did I ever stoop so low.
I get off of her and grab my things, when im on my way out I see aqua.
"How did it go?"
"Why do you care? Why did you plan this?"
"I just wanted to give you a chance"
"You never change you know that even in school you would always spread every lie like poison just to see them fight it out in front of you"
"It's just entertainment sweetie sorry your little crush didn't go well"
"Never call me not again, and make sure lapis sleeps safely she's drunk so take care of her"
"So even after all that your still going to pretend to be the good guy?"
"Nah Im an asshole I know that, she'll never forgive me so I'll do the next best thing and give her the only thing she wants"
"I'm not approaching her again, I suggest you do the same before she catches on"
"You could've had your fun before you left don't try to keep me from mine"
Such a twisted bitch, I can't even warn lapis about her. Anything I say will sound like a lie I'll just hope she gets what's coming to her. There's a special place in hell for those people

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