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Peridot POV

I take the drive back to our shared apartment with a plan brewing in my head. I'm gonna be honest payback isn't my strongest suit but I can play dirty when I need to. It's going to take a little bit of work, some begging, and a lot of back up. Starting of course with the one person in my corner. 

Lapis springs up the moment I step through the door. She must've been waiting. 

"Before you chew yourself up any further I was able to talk to Jasper and everything turned out fine. Though some weird shit is going on here."

I quickly recap everything from the pizza job to the game to Jaspers hesitance. Every single details about how Jasper recalled the story, the bits of anger at my interruptions and the clear shame as she told it. I don't know what reaction I expected but Lapis just seems a little dejected. 

"Yeah guess I should have seen that coming," she sighs. 

"Lapis I get what you mean but how in the high hell were you supposed to see THAT coming." I'm all for like seeing the absolute worst in people like truly but how can you expect someone to befriend you for months and then text you're ex to have them get a job just to cause some shit. "No offense but I didn't even see that coming and I have been distrusting Aqua for a bit now."

"No I just mean.. like UGHH" She lets out a loud groan and tosses back into the bed. "I should've figured Aqua was up to something, anything. I don't even drink but I got over confident. Then there's the stupid questions and I just should've fucking known they were rigged." I lay down beside her. Cradling her gently onto my chest. "And you knew something was up, how did I not realize." She buries her head into the crook of my neck, breathing a little more calm. 

"Cause you like Aqua, she's very good at pretending to be a good friend. Was it so bad to say that you wanted to see the best in her?" 

"Considering she's actively out to get me. Yes, I feel like that is just as bad as it sounds Peri," she pans. Well she's definitely got a point but I'm not gonna rub in my great gut instincts right now. 

"Would it make you feel better to know that I have a plan to get her back?"

"Very," she responds enthusiastically. 

"Good because I have a really good plan." She shoots up with a just sadistic smile painted on her face. It's probably the most beautiful I've ever seen her. 

"Have I ever told you how much I love you," god I love being smart, it get's me so lucky. 

Lapis POV 

Peri recounts the details of the plan with some.... slight interruptions. A lot of the specifics are up in the air but I know what my part is. It starts with some help from a recent connection. 

A key figure in our little revenge plot is the only eye witness to Aqua's misdeeds, Topaz. Getting Topaz to cooperate falls on me for some goddamn reason. I don't know what about my absolutely charming personality gave Peri the idea that I was the right person for the job but I'll give it my best shot I guess. 

I called Topaz to a small fairly private cafe to discuss our plans. The only response I got was 'k' which is doing wonder for my chances at a real genuine conversation with this brick wall. Whatever I'm already here so I might as well go for it. 

Hey I'm here 

booth in the back 

Straight forward, not like I expected much else. I wander to the back of this cafe in search of Topaz but it doesn't take me long to spot them. They're drinking something out of a tea cup, makes a strange sight considering they might rival Jasper in size. 

"Hey hope you weren't waiting long."
"I wasn't" 

Right now to convince Aqua's guard dog to bite it's owner, no biggie. None at all. 

"So how do you know Aqua?"
"Just clicked and became friends?"
"So how did this happen?" I gesture vaguely to the air, trying to get my point across.
"She asked to be friends."
"and you just said yes?"

I'd love to call them crazy for just accepting that but similar thing happened with Steven so can't judge. 

"Similar thing happened with me I guess."
"Nah this kid named Steven." She hums in agreement, I take it as a sign to continue. "I was just on the beach one day, stuck in that same old rut you know. I was younger, not sure what I wanted in my life. I kept sitting at the beach front just drawing in the sand. This little kid comes up to me and just starts talking. Way too much really." I can't help the smile that slowly crawls onto my face. Stupid Steven, I can't believe he never learned not to talk to strangers. "He keeps going on, asking me random questions and despite the one word answers he doesn't leave. I learn about him, his family, his little hopes and dreams... Then I realize something. This is like the first time someone talked to me so casually in like forever. There was nothing behind his eyes really, just pure enthusiasm at having someone to talk to. I started responding little by little. Picking whatever random answer I thought would satisfy him the most. If his shirt was pink well that was my favorite color for the day. Just to watch him light up as he realized he just so happened to be wearing my favorite color. My favorite foods were anything he has previously mentioned, he liked that we had so much in common. Then one day he asked about what I liked to do and I didn't know how to answer him. I was trying to figure out the best thing to say but I didn't even have to this time, he took one glance at the sand and just proudly declared that I must like to draw. I just agreed and we started to make little figures in the sand. He kept coming back after that, sometimes with random paints or books or snacks. I starting waiting for him at that beach, little drawings of him in the sand just to watch his reaction. He made me like drawing, I don't know if I did originally but I do now. It gave me something to do when he wasn't around, something to show him when he was. A little bit of light in the absolute hell that I was living in. He never even really asked me for my opinion on his presence he just kept coming back and you know it kind of set me free." 

I glance up at Topaz, trying to gauge a reaction after having just dumped my life story. For once their face wasn't blank. If I really focused, I think that there was just a bit of remorse on their face. Somewhere in the crinkle of their brow, the slight softening of their eyes. More emotion then I'd ever seen. 

"Was that what Aqua was for you?"
"No, Aqua was just a way to not be alone." Ah there it is. This person never found their Steven. They found an Aqua instead which is honestly worse than having nothing 
"I should introduce you to Steven, trust me he's a little sweet heart."
"Yeah.. that would be nice." Won't you look at that maybe I was the best person for the job after all. 

I fill Topaz in on the basis of what Jasper had said, they remain pretty stoic the entire time. 
"I knew, Aqua told me." Well they did give Peri the heads up but it would've been nice to have a warning instead. 
"Does Aqua always tell you her little escapades?" I ask, trying not to show the interest on my face. 
"She does, let's her keep track of everyone." Jack pot. Okay, okay, don't get too excited it's time for the hard part. 
"Topaz I'm gonna be blunt I want some pay back. I need pay back actually. Aqua has long over stepped my patience. I need your help to do that. Can I count on you?" 

There's no response, just the same black expressionless face. The panic rises in my throat like bile. If this fucking fails, if Topaz says no and goes to Aqua we fall completely apart. Damnit c'mon you expressionless fucker give me something. Some sign that I didn't just reveal all my stupid cards too early. 
"Yes." It's simple, easy, no anger, no enthusiasm. Like I had just asked whether they ate today. 
"Why?" Great Lapis we got the green light let's just sabotage it for curiosity sake. I just need to know though. Why would Topaz betray Aqua like this. 

 "Do you like talking with me?" They ask. I can't tell if they want me to say yes or no here. God why can't everyone be as easy to read as Steven. Fuck it. 
"No, it's a little boring. You listen well though." Sorry Peri maybe don't have the bluntest person you know speak to another stone wall. 
"Aqua always says yes, it's how I know she never actually pays attention to me. I'm horrible in conversations." Now I get what they were thinking. 
"Yeah I really have to introduce you to Steven he can help with that."

The plan is a go. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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