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Peridot POV
The moment the alarm rang I felt a slight panic start to build up. I wish the world would stop spinning for just long enough for us to prepare but even then I don't think we will ever be ready.
"You gonna get the alarm?"
Lapis looked awful, she has been tossing and turning all night so she hadn't slept a wink. I could tell she was up thinking, but I wasn't any different.
"Hey are you alright?"
"I'm fine why?"
"Don't mean to sound rude but you don't look fine"
"Didn't sleep very well"
Thank you captain obvious
I decided to drop it and get ready for class. I dressed in some dark blue ripped jeans and black tank top with a flannel. I turned to lapis who wore a black hoodie and some jeans, her hair was messy as though she barely cared to brush it out. It was painfully obvious that she was not okay. I went to the bathroom and wet my hands under the sink.
"Hey lapis come here for a sec"
"What is it?"
"Bend down a bit"
I used the water to at least try to get her hair a little more cohesive.
"And why are we doing this?"
"Unless you want to explain everything to aqua you have to at least try to hide your feelings a little."
"I could've just said I was tired"
"You're always tired she wouldn't believe that"
After fixing lapis up a bit we grabbed some breakfast and went towards campus. Once we got there we actually had some time before we had to part ways so we decided to find aqua. She was usually near lapis's first class, marine science.
"Well look who's actually here early for once"
"Hey aqua"
Somehow by almost sheer intuition it seemed like aqua knew something was up with lapis.
"Are you okay? You always look a bit down but never this much"
"Yeah I slept weird"
She wasn't easily convinced but dropped the topic not too long after that.
"Peridot don't you have to be running to class by now?"
"Oh right, see ya"
I kissed lapis on the cheek and waved to aqua marine and topaz.
Lapis POV
"Thats rare, we don't usually get to see too much pda from you two"
"We'd rather keep that to ourselves besides we usually have to split before I get here so makes sense that you haven't seen much"
"Well we should head in"
"Nice necklace by the way"
I brought my hand to my neck and felt around until I reached the thin chain. The pendant was under my shirt and the hood covered most of the area showing the chain, even I forgot I was wearing it. Aqua is kinda scary with her observational skills.
Time skip
School was slow and the day it's self was even worse. I wanted it to be 6 already just so I could get all this over with. I still had the better part of an hour left though.
"Not gonna eat?"
"I'm not really hungry"
I heard peridot pout slightly, she's probably stressed too now that I think about it. She shouldn't be dragged into my problems she had enough issues with jasper.
I snapped out of my thoughts as peridot plopped next to me.
There was an unexpected sternness in her voice. Kind of hot. I decided to do as she asked but kept in mind her little order for a later date.
"Hey wanna head over now it's almost time?"
We finished our food and were now dangerously close to our meeting time
I was starting to panic with every passing minute, all that I wanna get this over with talk seemed like a distant memory. Instead of everything seeming slow it was now going too fast, the car ride was a million miles an hour and the park was a million miles closer. When we pulled in to park I felt my breath get
I spent so long trying to get away and now I'm going back, what am I doing here. I could easily pull back and run away yet I'm walking towards her.
Peridot POV
I can hear lapis's breathing speed up, I look over and see the color fade from her face. I reach for her hand but she flinches at the contact.
"Lapis it's me, it's fine. We are gonna get through this and never have to worry about it ever again"
I notice her relax slightly as I intertwine our fingers.
"Finally, didn't think you'd even show"
Shit not now
I feel her grip tighten around my hand, her face is unreadable and her voice is steady but I can feel her cold hand shake.
"What do you want"
A wide smile forms on jaspers face
"Come back, I cant keep going without you everyday you're not there I feel like I'm going insane. I jus-"
Her voice was strong, I felt as though the world shook.
"No? What do you mean no?"
Jasper stood up straight and let her face go expressionless.
"You ran from me without so much as a word, then hid and left to some far off school just to date this brat. Then when I finally find you, you think that I'm asking you to return?"
"You can't make me go back, if you could you would have done it already"
Jasper suddenly grew desperate
"And why not, is it this brat? Do you think having her around will make you any less broken than when your with me. We are made to be messed up together."
"I'm happy jasper, I'm not messed up and I don't need you. You're broken and you break everyone you're around. The second I start to piece myself back together you just had to return and fuck things over. Do you know how long it's been since I've had those nightmares and sleepless nights? Yet you come back and so do they, you're the problem jasper"
Jasper slowly walks closer until she's inches from lapis.
"The second you fall through with this brat you'll be back and I'm not going to let up until I have what's mine."
She pushes past us and moves towards what I can only assume is her car.
"Lapis are you okay?"
That was an insanely stupid question of course she's not okay you idiot
"No but I was imagining something much worse. She could've just grabbed me and that would've been it."
"As if I'd let that happen"
"Oh so you're gonna fight jasper off?"
"I'll knock her out on the first punch"
Lapis let out a light laugh and I soon joined in. I felt her relax and we both drew a long sigh. That was stressful but Im glad she's better now. At least she's got some peace of mind.

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