Hidden motives

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Peridot POV
    By the time class ended we got to know a little more about aqua and topaz. Aqua was a little similar to lapis. They both liked the color blue, were brutally honest, and they seemed to get along fine. Their personalities were pretty different though. Aqua marine was certainly more outgoing, lapis seemed a little shy compared to her. Topaz on the other hand wasn't shy they just didn't talk much. They seemed to follow aqua around like a dog on a leash and did any meager tasks that were asked of them.
"So where do you usually go out to eat?"
"Well there's a lot of small restaurants and such in the area so peri will usually drive around until we find something we want."
"So the little one drives, I would've expected lapis to be the one behind the wheel."
"Aren't we around the same height?"
"Yes but I don't drive silly. Topaz will take me where ever I need to go"
Another good look at topaz and I realized they were less an obedient puppy and more a butler/bodyguard.
"Why don't we go for pizza? Peri can drive us"
"Sounds great"
Topaz's voice always sticks out to me considering they barely speak.
Time skip *yay*
We got to a pizza place called fish stew pizza and sat down to order.
"Hey my name is Jenny what can I get y'all today?"
"Just a large pepperoni please"
The waitress walked away leaving us with nothing but an awkward silence.
"So how long have you two been a thing?"
"Not long actually just under a month"
"You're kidding? Just a month and you're both already looking like bruised peaches"
I blushed and turned to lapis who was also turning a deep scarlet.

Lapis POV
"Uh well one thing led to another and yeahhhh"
Peridot is always adorable when she's flustered. All though I am starting to regret leaving all those marks on her she seems like she got a hard time for it.
"How many times have you done it"
"That's private"
Peridot looked up at me gratefully knowing she probably would've stuttered out all our most intimate moments.
"Well that's no fun"
"How about you? Have a lover yet?"
"No unfortunately I haven't found anyone deserving of me yet"
She sure thinks highly of herself.
"How about you two any past lovers?"
I could feel my body tense up as memories of my past relationship bubbled their way to the surface.
"No we are each others firsts"
I turned to peridot who had snuck her hand under the table cloth to grab mine. She kept her cool well but I could tell she was worried about me.
"That's interesting"
What was that supposed to mean
"Sorry for the wait everybody, here's your pizza enjoy"
I was glad to have changed out of that previous topic and the rest of lunch went smoothly. Soon it was time to go to our next lecture and we headed back to campus.
"You two go on a head I need to make a quick call"

Aqua marine POV
I waited until the two love birds were out of sight and quickly pulled out my phone.
"You won't believe who I just found"
"So it is her"
"Yup though she doesn't seem to remember you too fondly"
"What do you mean"
"Oh don't worry I'll give you all the details later, I do have to get going soon"
"Alright I'll go over there meet me when your classes are done"
"Can't wait"
Oh this is so much fun. I was getting so bored with all the measly gossip floating around but this is just plain exciting. Good old Lapis lazuli who knew you were such an interesting person.

Lapis POV
My next class was also with peridot but it being math immediately ruined any joy I felt with having her in the class with me. She somehow understood everything the professor said and moved through the work easily. I can barely add 7 and 5 without take a minute to write it all out.
Nonetheless class ended as usual and we had one left. This time though I wouldn't have peridot with me.
I walked in to painting 1 and took a seat far from any other students. I actually liked this class it was easier than the other ones.
"Okay today we are gonna focus on cool tones and warm tones in your paintings, picture a sky but at different times of day"
After a short lecture from the professor I got to work on my painting. It was supposed to be a warm toned sunset over a body of water, simple enough. I started off with the sky slowly moving into the water and decided to have some sort of shore instead of just vast ocean. Little by little I added more details and the piece started to seem oddly familiar. I had added a small burnt out camp fire and a few chairs to go along with it. I was pretty happy with how it turned out but couldn't remember where I'd seen this before. I put a hand to my neck and silently stared at my painting.
Where is this from?
I took my hand off my neck and slowly reached for my paint brush. I noticed some sort of paint smudged on my hand.
Ohhhhhh Im stupid
Somehow I seemed to have forgotten our little vacation to the lake but still recreated it perfectly. I laughed silently to myself. I took my brush and added a black silhouette of two figures on the chairs. There now it was perfect

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