Ever so Forgetful

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Still peridot POV
I never realized how much I'd miss home until I left for so long. I opened the door and lapis immediately plopped onto the bed.
"It wasn't that long a ride"
"Yeah but I need a nap and my bed is much more comfortable than the car"
The car ride was pretty draining so a nap was very appealing.
"Mind if I join?"
Lapis smiled and lifted the blanket silently inviting me in.
Time skip till next day cause writing is difficult
"Lapisss the alarm"
"You get it"
I groaned and slowly reached for the annoying sound. Once it was gone I laid back down in my lovers arms.
"We have to get up soon don't get too comfortable"
"Don't remind me"
Lapis and I had stayed up pretty late watching movies. So needless to say we were both exhausted.
I started to settle back into a deep sleep when I felt lapis get up.
"Cmon peri aren't you usually the early bird?"
Lapis POV
I forgot she could be this adorable.
"But I'm tired and your warmmm"
She flipped over and looked up at me. I swear the resemblance to a puppy was uncanny.
"You have to get up we will be late"
"And don't forget to cover your hickeys"
"Yeah yeah"
I went to grab my clothes when I felt something pulling me back. I turned and saw peridot tugging on my shirt.
"Peri, no"
"I just want a kiss"
Something doesn't feel right
"Just a kiss?"
I walk back to her and carefully lean down to give her a kiss. Right before our lips touch I see her grow a mischievous smile. Suddenly she grabs me and pulls me back down onto the bed.
I knew she was up to something
"Wait part of we'll be late did you not get"
"5 more minutes"
At this point I got used to the warmth from peridots body and gave in.
"Okay okay just a few more minutes"
Hey it's another time skip
I opened my eyes and felt the annoying glare of the sun hitting me directly in the face.
How long was I asleep?
It felt like 3 seconds ago I had barely closed my eyes.
"Peri wake up"
She groaned and reluctantly got up.
"Can you check the time for me?"
She reached over and tapped her phone lightly.
"What is it?"
She quickly got up off the bed and scrambled to get her things together. I turned on the phone and felt my blood start to rush.
15 minutes to not only get ready but get to class
I joined peridot in her dismay and we both tossed clothes around attempting to find something to wear. I didn't really care if it wasn't the best outfit choice as long as it was at least clean. I threw on a plain white T shirt some blue jeans a yellow hoodie and my vans.
"Peri you ready?"
"Yeah I'll go warm up the car"
She quickly rushed out and I went to the kitchen to find something we could eat on the way to class. I grabbed two apples and hurried towards the door.
Feel like I'm forgetting something
I tried to ignore the feeling and focus on getting to class on time. Thanks to peridot's semi reckless driving we got to school a little faster than usual.
"We got 3 minutes to get to class"
We both ran to our classes and I got to mine as soon as it was about to start. I sat next to the same short girl as usual and tried to catch my breath.
"Did you run all the way here?"
Oh she talked to me
"Yeah I woke up a little late"
"Your a strange one, isn't she topaz?"
Okay so block head over there is topaz, good to know
"Mind if I ask about the sudden interest?"
"Well you are very interesting, you burst in the second before class starts and sit down without batting an eye, usually you don't even do anything in this class except nap or draw. Then there's that little bit of bruising on your neck that needs no other explanation"
"What do you mean bruising?"
"I mean your hickey dear"
"Oh right forgot about that"
Shit shit shit is it really that obvious?!
"Don't worry aquamarine has just the solution to all your troubles."
She pulled out a bag with what sounds like makeup.
"Can you move your collar for me I wouldn't want to stain your sweater."
I pulled my hoodie down a bit as she put the makeup on.
"There good as new"
She showed me the front facing camera on her phone. The purple spot was now almost completely gone with only a faint circle showing where it once was.
"See told you I had the solution"
Why is she helping me
"Thank you"
I decided not to question good things that happen, besides I need a friend to help me with class work.
"Now who is the lucky man stuck on you like a mosquito"
"Nosy much?"
"Sweetie I live for this type of gossip, nosy doesn't begin to describe me"
What's the harm in telling her. She did help me right?
"There is no guy"
"So you just did this to yourself?"
"Well now I'm intrigued"
"Just had a rough night with my girlfriend"
Her face lit up
"Well well well you just get more interesting by the second don't you?"
I told her about the lake and the marshmallows but decided to stop the story once it covered my hickey. Can't have her know too much who knows what might happen.

Just wanted to say we are #3 in lapidot as of 2/6/20 thank you for all your support didn't think anyone would ever read this. Also just an update to my schedule I put up 2 new chapter every week unless something gets in the way of that. Thank you again for everything hope your enjoying the story

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