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Peridot POV
    In all honesty I hate college parties. I've never been to one but the idea of it just doesn't stick with me. A bunch of teenagers and young adults get together to get so drunk that they're passed out as they make a fool of themselves just to regret it in the morning. I also don't like having to get ready for parties everyone always expects girls to wear something revealing or super showy. It's the exact opposite of anything I'm comfortable with. I just hope aqua was telling the truth with her "small get together".
"Excited for the party?"
"Can't blame you, you don't seem like the party type"
"Why are we going then"
"Technically I said I'd go, you can stay home"
      As much as I trusted lapis I didn't like the idea of her going to the party alone. She could get hit on on something by a pushy asshole, she could get drunk then not have a ride back, and then what I'd she's drugged or something. Not happening.
"I'm going"
"If I can't talk you out of that then just put on a pretty face, don't wanna make it too obvious you don't wanna be there"
"Yeah I know"
"Maybe you'll have fun, take a few drinks loosen up a little, make some new friends"
"I don't drink and I don't need friends"
"The last statement is up in the air"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I mean aqua and topaz are more my friends than yours, they approached me and I'm closer to them. I have a feeling your not really too fond of them either. Just kinda existing there for my own sake."
"There's nothing wrong with them I guess, they're just not really my style"
"Exactly why you need to find some friends"
"I have amethyst and garnet and them"
"Friends you see more often"
     I hate when she has a point. I don't make friends easily, it's a miracle that lapis and I clicked but that was partly due to being stuffed in the same room together. I don't need friends though, I have Steven and the gang even though we barely see each other anymore and Im still not even that close to them. But they're all I really need. I have lapis and we hang out all the time, though I guess I can't call her a friend since she's my girlfriend. Still I don't need friends they just leave anyway.
"We should start getting ready"
Oh right party is in about an hour or so.
"What are you gonna wear?"
"Not sure"
I didn't think much of what I'd wear considering I'd probably end up in my usual flannel or maybe a hoodie.
"Can I pick"
"Absolutely no-"
     I turn to look at her and immediately cut off. That stupid puppy dog face of hers is impossible to say no to and worst part is, she knows that. I try to turn my face but she moves closer and drapes her arms around my neck.
"UGhGhHhhHhHh foine"
"But it has to come from my closet"
"Damnit I knew there'd be a condition"
    My closet is full of typically boring clothes so I can't be forced into anything uncomfortable. She ends up picking out a white button up, dark green blazer, dark blue jeans, and my all black converse. Over all it's not what I would've gone with but it's comfortable I don't look ridiculous and I don't hate it.
"Figured you should wear something at least decently party-ish"
She ended up in a loose black dress that went down to her knee. I didn't like that she was wearing a dress but I'm not going to tell her what she can and can't wear.
"Alright let's get going"
Time skip
   Aquas house was much bigger than I had expected, her family seemed well off so the house was huge. There was also a difficulty finding parking, there was a lot of cars parked in the front which is suspicious of a "small" college party. We walked to the door and and saw a door bell with a small blue led around it and a camera.
"Can I? Pleeeaaaaseeee"
She's such a little kid and I love it
I stood back and let lapis ring the doorbell, not too long after aqua opened the door.
"Oh I'm so glad you could make it, come in, come in."
The house seemed bigger on the inside and there were lots of people everywhere
"What happened to small party?"
"Oh people just brought a lot of friends when word got out. No matter, have a seat I'll bring drinks"
We sat on on the couch and saw aqua rush to fill a few cups.
"Here you are, I'll be right back I have to greet the others"
    I scanned the large living room and saw quite a few people all talking in pairs or large groups. I was already regretting coming here. I carefully took a sip of my drink to make sure it wasn't alcohol. It was sweet and I recognized it immediately as fruit punch.
"Hey you should go say hi to people"
"Why would I do that"
"Come on, I'll go with you"
A deep sigh later and we were both walking towards a small group of people I recognized from school.
Lapis POV
    We walked over to a group of people consisting of a set of twins, a fairly tall woman, and a girl about the height of peridot. I was holding peridots drink and decided to taste it, it was different than mine but I could tell if it was a different drink inside or just my imagination.

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