First date

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We got off of each other and quickly wiped any emerging tears. We are dating now but I'm not sure what to do. Do we just keep being like we were before but more touchy? Maybe lapis will know she seems more like the person to make any first moves anyway.
"Hey lapis, I've never really had something like this before. I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing"
I looked at ground and felt lapis staring.
"I'm not exactly sure either. But I think we can figure it out."
I looked up and she gave a soft smile. I turned to the clock to check the time. It was 5 pm still pretty early maybe we could go somewhere. We both already ate so maybe we should do something fun.
"Hey lapis do you wanna go and just kinda walk around the town?"
"Are you asking me out on a date~?"
"Maybe, is that a yes?"
"Hurry up then"
She laughed and got up to change. I did the same. I walked over to my drawers and grabbed a black T shirt a hoodie and some black ripped jeans. I started towards the bathroom but lapis put a hand out blocking the entrance.
"Um lapis?"
"You don't have to do that anymore, we are dating now so it's fine if you look at me as I'm changing. Besides it makes things easier while we change."
I blushed slightly and put my clothes on the bed. I looked at lapis who was smirking and staring.
"Shouldn't you change too?"
She smiled and grabbed some clothes.
"Here since your not used to it yet I'll turn around. You're free to look though"
I blushed and turned around.
She's much more forward now, it's driving me crazy
I took off my clothes and changed quickly I turned back to see lapis was wearing a shirt. But as I looked down I noticed she was not wearing anything but underwear.
"Lapis put on pants"
"I know hold up I gotta grab new ones the ones I was gonna wear ripped"
She turned around to face me. And I struggled to keep eye contact.
Lapis giggled and snorted soon after. She covered her mouth and turned red.
"Oh shut up"
We laughed and lapis grabbed some jeans from the closet.
"Oh peridot look"
Lapis stepped into the closet and promptly walked out.
"I'm out of the closet"
We laughed and lapis finally put on pants. We stepped out and went towards the bus stop. We stood waiting for the bus when lapis leaned over.
"It's usually full around this time so make sure you stay close to me"
After the latest events I has almost forgotten about the bus incident. We haven't used the bus at this hour since then either.
The bus arrived and we stepped on. As to be expected the bus was packed. We stood near the back and lapis held me close. Not long before our stop I noticed a man get on who had been eyeing me and lapis since he arrived. He slowly crept towards us and I could feel lapis tighten her grip on me. I was sure she saw him too. He moved behind me and lapis scooted over away from him. We followed right behind and reached his hand over reaching for my rear end. I tried to scoot away but lapis held me close. Lapis put a hand on my ass and squeezed. I jumped slightly and the man looked just as surprised as me. He looked up at lapis who was staring him down. He quickly moved away and got off at the closest stop. Lapis let go and moved her hand back up to my waist.
"Sorry about that"
"It's okay thank you"
"I feel like you just attract men like him"
"What's that supposed to mean"
Lapis leaned over to my ear and whispered softly
"That you've got a big ass"
I blushed and she giggled.
We got off at our stop and started to walk around the shops and such. As we were walking lapis inched her hand towards mine and she placed her hand in mine. I interlocked our fingers and adjusted my walking speed to hers. We got a couple of stares but I didn't mind. We stopped by a small clothing shop and lapis went in.
"I wanna buy a dress, will you help me pick?"
"Sure what type?"
"Like a spring dress you know?"
"Yeah I got you"
We looked around some and I found a blue dress with a top part that ties around the neck and the bottom that was more loose and flowy. I looked around and saw lapis.
"Hey lapis"
She popped her head out over the clothing racks.
"What do you think of this one"
I lifted the dress so she could see it
"It's perfect"
Lapis grabbed the dress and pulled me into the fitting room. We went into a large fitting rooms and locked the door.
"Why'd you bring me in with you?"
"To get your approval"
I sighed and lapis smiled
"You can look I don't mind~"
Lapis started to undress and I blushed a bright shade of red. She took off her shirt and threw it at me.
"Hey what was tha-......"
"Speechless already?"
I couldn't help but stare. My mind went blank. She was beautiful in every way. Her body was stunning, her stomach was flat and her skin was smooth. Her chest was slightly plump hey legs were on full display. Her thighs were slightly thick and her ass was nice and round. Her back was very impressive. The muscles flexed and relaxed as she moved around you could clearly tell she exercised. I stood with my eyes wide open. Taking in every bit of what was in front of me. Lapis covered herself and I noticed her face was red.
"Um your drooling"
I wiped my mouth and blushed.
Lapis slipped on the dress and I helped tie the top around her neck.
"You look beautiful"
She blushed a lot and I noticed that compliments are her weakness. I decided to have a little fun. As I was untying the top I went on my toes and leaned forward to her ear.
"I'm really lucky, my girlfriend is absolutely stunning. I'm sure plenty of people are jealous every time you hold me close"
Lapis blushed a deep shade of red and backed away. She finished untying her top and changed into her normal clothes. She paid for the dress and we walked back to the stop. The ride back was crowded but mostly trouble free. When we got home it was already 8. We took turns showering and getting ready for bed.
"Want to sleep together today?"
We smiled and laid down next to each other. We snuggled and went straight into a deep sleep.

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