Learning about lapis

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I woke up to a stiff pain in my back and neck

Who would've thought sleeping on a desk was so painful.
I sat up and felt a thin blanket over my shoulders. It was lapis's she must have left it for me sometime last night. I looked around and noticed the distinct lack of a certain tall girl. It was 9 pm on a Sunday yet lapis was not in bed. I got up and stretched. I flinched at the pain in my neck when I turned my head. I tried to ignore it and continue my stretch but gave up not long after. I went into the kitchen and saw a few pancakes already set down on the table. They were warm and there was a little sticky note attached to a cup of black coffee.
"Made you some breakfast since you were up working all night"
-love lapis
I blushed after reading the note and set it to the side. I ate my breakfast washed the dishes. As I looked over the dishes the stiff pain in my neck worsened. I rubbed it softly in a desperate effort to relieve the pain. Suddenly two cold hands grabbed my shoulders and began to apply some pressure. I jumped and turned around. Lapis stood over me and giggled.
"Did I scare you?"
"Yes" I shout back still caressing my neck.
"Does your neck hurt?"
I nod and take my hand off of my neck.
"Come here"
She leaves the dining area and walks into the room. She grabs something from her bag and pats the bed. I sit down and she shakes her head.
"Lay down and take off your shirt"
I blush and hesitate. Lapis gives me a reassuring smile and I remove my shirt. I lay down flat on my stomach and she poured something on my upper back.
"Don't be such a baby".
She starts to massage my shoulder neck and lower back. I try my best to hold back any weird sounds but a small moan escapes.
I can hear lapis giggle slightly but mostly ignore my embarrassment. I relaxed bit by bit and fell asleep. She is amazing at this I don't know how I even managed to stay awake for as long as I did.

I woke up still flat on my stomach and sat up. My neck and back felt amazing, probably better than it's ever been. I saw lapis sitting on a chair in the dining room so I stood and went to thank her.
"That was amazing, I feel so much better now. Thank you."
"You're welcome just try to sleep on the bed"
"Where'd you even learn to do that"
"Oh well a friend used to work as a masseuse and  she tau-" she looked up from her phone and cut off mid sentence.
"Um you okay over there"
She blushed and looked at myself in the mirror to see what was wrong.
Oh my stars

I hadn't put on a shirt yet. I grabbed the blanket off of the desk and covered myself.
"Sorry I forgot"
"No uh it's-... it's fine." I grabbed my shirt and slipped it on. I noticed lapis was clearly flustered and she covered her face with both hands, failing to hide her blush.
"So uh you ready for school tomorrow"
I put on my best smile in an effort to break the awkward silence.
"Um yeah I guess"
.....well that topic ended fast.
"We will probably be very busy once school starts do you wanna visit Steven one last time before school starts?" She finally relaxes and nods.
"Alright we can go right now and eat something over there" lapis agreed and went to grab her things. I got my phone and sent a text to Steven.
Peridot: hey you home?
Steven: yeah why ?
Peridot: me and lapis wanna come visit.
Steven: ohhhhhh okay👍
I grab the door and open it for lapis. I locked and closed the dorm, checking twice just for safety. I met lapis at the bottom of the stairs and we walked to the bus stop. It wasn't too far just 40 minutes on the bus. Once we got there Steven was already eagerly waiting for our arrival.
"Hiii guysss!" Steven ran and hugged lapis. He turned and hugged me tightly picking me up in the process.
"Hello Steven"
"Heya Steven"
"Cmon the others will be happy to see you two"
We walked into the small beach side house and saw 3 other people waiting inside. There was a slender woman slightly taller than lapis with an unusually pointy nose. That was pearl the definition of a motherly figure and a real stickler for rules and manners. Amethyst was the complete opposite and acted more like a carefree teenager half the time. She  has long hair, wears a mix of comfortable and party ready clothing, and can be seen mostly eating. That just leaves garnet. Garnet is off to me, she's hard to figure out. She's very wise not a doubt about it but she's so carefree and seems to be calm at any given situation.
Besides I swear she can see my thoughts or something
Garnet was very tall, strong, and serious. She stuck out like a sore thumb with her particularly large square shaped hair.
They all stood up and pearl walked up to us.
"Welcome, have a seat make yourselves at home."
We nodded and looked around. There was an armchair empty but it didn't seem like it could fit two people. Lapis sat down and tapped her lap. I didn't really know what she wanted so I got closer. Before I could speak she grabbed my waist and sat me down on her lap. The others looked up at us and exchanged glances.
I'm sure my blushing doesn't help clear up any misunderstandings
"Hey p-dot, lapis"
"Hello you two"
They both got a good look at us and smiled slightly.
"Hey everyone it's been a while" I put my hand on lapis's and turned to garnet.
"It's been about a week" her voice gave no indication to her thoughts.
"Oh garnet I forgot to thank you for helping me find a dorm, it was kinda last minute so I really appreciate it."
So it was garnet's idea I should've figured as much.
Garnet shot me a look and smirked slightly.
"It was no problem at all"
I blushed a deep shade of red.
Steven sat down at the edge of the couch and pearl stayed standing.
"You too seem like you're getting along nicely" Steven smiled and looked almost proud.
"I guess we enjoy each others company" I blushed at lapis's statement.
She enjoys my company?
"I'm glad", Stevens smile grew larger.
"Oh that remind me I thought you might want these." Steven ran to his room and grabbed a box. Inside there were smaller black boxes.
"It's the complete vhs collection of CPH" my face lit up and I bounced up and down as Steven handed me the box.
"Lapis look we have to watch all of these"
"What's CPH?" I gasped
"Only the best show of all time camp pining hearts is a master piece pull of drama and romance". Lapis smiled at my excitement and pulled me closer. She put her head on my shoulder and whispered into my ear.
"I don't mean to burst your bubble but we don't have a tv remember". I left my excitement drain away. I could buy a new TV but I don't know how it'll be before I finish my newest robot considering I'll have school to worry about. My shoulders sank and I leaned back into lapis. She sighed.
"Steven don't you have the spare tv in the storage room I used to stay at." I snapped out of my despair and looked up at Steven.
"Oh yeah do you guys want it?"
"YES OF COURSE WE WANT IT" I covered my mouth and head lapis giggle.
Steven ran out of the room to grab the TV, leaving us with pearl, amethyst, and garnet.
"Sooooo, you two like a thing now or what. Cause if so you sure worked your charm quick peri"
Amethyst simply laughed as pearl scolded her. I looked back and saw lapis looking pretty sad. She didn't have her usual smile or that twinkle in her eye and her grip around me looses as she pulled her self farther back into the chair.
"So are you guys or not"
"We aren't" lapis's voice was firm and sharp.
"Oh sorry lapis I forgot about um what happened with yeah" amethyst looked visibly guilt stricken but I was left wondering what had happened to make lapis go back to the same cold person I saw at my dorm room entrance. Garnet broke us all from the silence guilt.
"Would you like a ride back the tv might be difficult to bring back on the bus" we nodded and garnet went to grab the car. We planned to stay longer but lapis seemed visibly uncomfortable. Steven came back with the tv and set it down carefully into the trunk. He ran to lapis and hugged her tightly. I watched as her smile crawled it's way back to her lips.
"Come visit us some time kay?"
"Sure I'll stop by the dorm whenever I'm free"
Lapis went into the back seat and I went to say bye to Steven.
"Hey Steven mind telling me a little about lapis?"
"You mean why she got upset"
I nod and he sighed
"Do you remember jasper?"
The name sent an eery chill down my spine. Years of teasing and belittling come flooding back into mind as well as the actions I took part in because of jasper. I simple nod holding back any fear in my eyes.
"Jasper was in a relationship with lapis a few months ago and well it wasn't good. They were toxic and abusive lapis only did it so that she could stop jasper from bullying other kids. It left her with a sour taste in her mouth when it comes to dating."
I felt grief and shame come to surface. Jasper wasn't deserving of lapis and to hurt her in such a way is unacceptable.
"Try to get her out of her shell. She seems comfortable with you which is shocking seeing as she's only ever been comfortable with me and no one else" I nod and hug him. I say my goodbyes to Steven and amethyst and climb into the car with lapis, pearl, and garnet. Lapis seemed even more uncomfortable than before. I put on my seat belt and we started towards the dorms. It was very silent, everyone seemed on edge. I noticed lapis had her hand on the seat extended out slightly. I looked at her hand and prepared for what could possibly be the dumbest thing I've ever done.
If this works she might trust me more if this doesn't she might think I'm over stepping and hate me.
I take a breathe and inch my hand closer to hers. My finger bumps into hers and she glances down at my hand. I'm almost certain my heart stopped when she looked at me. She pushed her hand towards mine and interlocked our fingers finally relaxing a little since we got into the car. I inhaled for the first time in what felt like years and leaned on the car door. I closed my eyes and slept through the rest of the drive.
I woke up to garnet gently shaking my shoulder.
"I'll give your this in your dorm for now can you wake lapis peal is scared she'll bite my head off if anyone else does it".
I nod and hand garnet my key. I turn back to lapis focusing my attention on our hands. They're still locked together and her usually cold hands are now warming by my touch. I blush and pull myself together.
Right waking lapis can't be too hand right
I let go of her hand and scoot over to lapis. I shake her gently and she stays as motionless as before. I tap her shoulder and call her name, still no answer.
I shake with a little more force and she stifles a groan. Hey eyes meet mine and I can immediately see she is not too amused at being woken up. I smile and she blinks as though finally recognizing me.
"We are here, cmon you can sleep on the bed"
"nooooo" Her so each is still slurred as she refuses to move.
"Lapis we have to go"
She reached out and pull me to her, cuddling me like a glorified teddy bear.
"Uh lapis?"
She looks down at what she's doing and quickly let's go.
"It's okay"
She the back of her head and gets out of the car. I say bye to garnet and pearl on her behave and head inside.
"You hungry it's kinda late and we never did get lunch at Stevens"
"Sure do you wanna order something?"
"Nah we've eaten out a lot I'll just whip something up real quick."
I head to the kitchen and make a simple shrimp stir fry. We didn't have many ingredients and would have to go grocery shopping but I had enough for now. I served it with some Spanish rice and set the table.
"Lapis foods ready"
Lapis came down and took her seat. I got us some apple juice and we began to dig in. Lapis was probably super hungry considering she ate quicker than she usually did.
"You really are an amazing cook"
I blush slightly and swallow my food before speaking.
"Thank you, you're not too bad yourself"
She smiles and finished her food. She washed the dishes and went to grab clothes to shower.
"We have school tomorrow so I'll take a quick shower and head to bed"
"Sounds good I'll do the same once your done"
By the time I finish eating lapis is already out of the shower. I grab my clothes and think about the upcoming school year. I have lapis for most of my classes so I think I should be fine.
I finish my shower and work on my robots while my hair dries. Once I'm satisfied with my progress I climb the small set of stairs and go straight into a deep sleep.

Much longer chapter than normal hope you enjoyed.

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