I Promise

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Time skip, 1 week
I've been avoiding lapis a little since our last meeting. She also seems to be avoiding me so that works out just fine. I don't know why that kiss thing keeps bothering me it's already been a couple days. Should I talk to lapis about it?
As much as I don't want to I miss my friend and we had already started to get close but we are back at square one. I wanna fix this somehow but I'm still not sure how to go about it. We didn't have school today and lapis was taking a nap so I decided to wait and talk to her about it when she woke up. I worked on my newest robot and anxiously waited the inevitable conversation that was inbound.

Lapis POV
I opened my eyes and saw peridot working at her desk. She's being doing that a lot. I think she's avoiding me but I need space too so I didn't mind. I don't know what I felt or why I did that. On the Ferris wheel everything just seemed so perfect my heart melted just from looking at her and she looked so cute clinging on to me in fear. And then she grabbed my-
I stopped my thoughts and covered my face. Peridot must have noticed that I was awake now. She turned to me and seemed nervous and almost sad.
"Hey lazuli, can we talk ?"
Lazuli, I don't like it. She says it so formally I liked it better when she called me lapis, she looked so happy when I first told her to call me that. I miss that.
"So um about what happened a few days ago" I sank back down into my pillow knowing exactly what she was talking about.
"I- well it's just that, I just-" she stuttered on every third word it was impressive.
"Hm ?"
"Well it's just that I don't know" I tilted my head to show my confusion.
"It made me blank and sad when it didn't happen. I don't know what that means though"
"Do you.... like girls?"
She blushed
"Um I don't know I've never really cared. I don't like people generally so I could just not know"
My heart lit up a little
"So what does that mean?"
"Well I've never been with anyone nor kissed anyone but..."
Peridot POV
My voice trailed off. I was choking on my words I felt like I was gonna cry. I looked up at lapis who sat up and looked back. She walked up to me and hugged me tightly.
I missed this so much
"Do you want to try it?"
She pulled away from the hug
"Being in a relationship"
My eyes widened and I thought about being in a relationship with lapis. She's amazing already so having her be mine officially would be perfect. Suddenly a thought hit me.
"Would you?"
She looked at the ground probably thinking about jasper and her last relationship.
"Um if it's with you I think so, it may take some time to adjust."
"That's okay take all the time you need"
"So is that a yes?"
I hugged her again and we kept it there for a while longer.
"Stevens gonna flip out when he finds out"
I laughed
"I know"
We let go and lapis sat down on the bed. She patted the spot next to her on the bed. I walked to the bed and took a seat as close to her as I could without being on her lap. She wrapped her arm around me and took a deep breath.
"Um I want to tell you about..."
I put my head on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring glance.
"When I dated jasper I thought it would keep her from bullying and fighting other kids. I was right but now everything was put on me. She'd emotionally bombard me as we both struggled to be the dominant member of the relationship. I broke up with her once but she had grown attached to how that toxic relationship felt and traced me down begging to try again" lapis looked like she was going to cry.
"It's okay you don't have to push yourself"
"It's just, I liked being in a relationship with her. Well not liked but I missed it once it was gone. It was so unhealthy but it felt like I was a piece that finally fit into a puzzle. We were whole and she wasn't hurting anyone anymore. I just felt useful"
I wrapped my arms around the now crying girl and waited patiently for her to collect herself.
"You shouldn't have had to go through that. I promise things will be different now."
She gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and laid down. She had me in a hug so I could feel the cold tears trickle down her face. I didn't like the sight of seeing someone I liked so much so hurt by someone who I once called friend. I suppose we were both blinded by jasper in someway. Jasper made me feel strong and protected even if she was the thing I needed protection from. I felt like I could understand lapis now more than ever. I swear I'll be better than jasper. I'll make lapis happy and I'll make her feel appreciated in every way I can.
"I promise I'll make you happy"
She laughed slightly before holding me tighter.

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