First day

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I woke up at 7:30 to an annoying siren Steven picked out to be our alarm. Lapis shut it off and angrily climbed out of bed. How she can be so tired in the mornings when she sleeps half the day is beyond me. I sat up and went down the stairs.
"Good morning lapis"
"Yeah" she grumbled.
I ignored her dismay and went to the bathroom to change. I thought about wearing something decent but I didn't wanna set any false expectations. I wore a black T shirt with an alien head on it and a jean jacket. I also wore some black ripped jeans with some checkered high top vans and a red flannel tied at my waist. Am I going to wear the flannel, no. Does it complete my outfit, yes. I was satisfied with my look and went out of the bathroom, making sure to grab my glasses.
Lapis was in the kitchen making breakfast. She was already dressed in some low rise light blue jeans and a long sleeve plain white crop top with some white adidas and a black beanie. She seemed to be making two omelettes.
"Hey peridot hope you like eggs"
She turned around and stared for a minute.
"Do I look bad or something?" She laughed.
"No no but" she took of her beanie and put it on my head. "Now you look even better"
She smiled and looked satisfied with her work before turning her attention back to our breakfast. I went to the room and looked in the mirror.
Guess it does fit the outfit
I decided to keep it and went to the dining room where lapis had already served the omelettes. They were good and it seemed like it was gonna be a good day. We wrapped up breakfast and grabbed our bags. My first class was robotics and lapis had marine science so we wouldn't see each other until the next class. We walked to school and noticed the sheer number of students. I can see why the school is so big now. We walked around to look at the welcoming signs and all the decor before making our way to lapis's class. It was a little far from mine but I didn't mind walked her. I left her at the door wished her luck and waved goodbye.

Peridot waved and walked away to her class. I wasn't sure I'd know anyone here and making friends was never my strong suit. I have peridot and Steven and that's pretty much it. I walk into class and sit alone far from anyone else. Class doesn't start for a bit so I just gaze around the room and let my brain take a break. As class was about to start a girl shorter than even peridot takes a seat next me along with a much taller almost blocky girl to her left. She's very small and has a short bobbed hairstyle to match. The taller girl seems very muscular and uninterested. As I took in all the details of the two girls our professor walks in.
"Hello everyone I am professor moonstone and I'll be teaching the marine biology class for this semester."
Professor moonstone had palish skin and wore a light blue dress, she was very calm and almost had a sort of soothing effect in her voice. She taught us about basic ocean ecosystems and the basic fish groups. She seemed very fond of the plant life found in the ocean and went on a rant about pollution at the lowest trench of the sea discovered by man.
"How trash even made its way down there is simply impossi-" she was cut off by the bell.
"Well then no homework for today just review the basic sea life groups and ecosystems, have a wonderful first day"
I got up and left the room. I remember peridot telling me to meet her in front of astrology which was our next class. We still had 20 minutes before our next class started so we planned on meeting up and finding a way to kill time. I got to astrology and saw peridot already waiting.
"Hey lapis how was class"
I try to sound uninterested but I can't hold back my laughter after seeing peridots serious expression. She's kinda cute not gonna lie. Besides I don't mind her company as much as I mind most people.
"Alright do you wanna go to the cafeteria and just lounge around until class starts?" I nod and she leads the way to the cafeteria. On the way down the stairs we are met by a large crowd of people all going up. I start to lose peridot so I rush over and hold her hand. We go down the stairs carefully and finally reach the bottom.
"Jeez that felt like a stampede" I giggled a bit and snorted by accident. I covered my face with one hand and blush slightly.
"Lapis that was the cutest thing I've ever heard"
Peridot had her eyes wide open and she was smiling like a kid that just won a prize. I smiled under my hand and just ignored her little comment. We walked hand in hand to the cafeteria and sat down. Peridot went to get me a black coffee with two sugars and one for herself. I looked around and noticed the sign pointing to an open gym. I like to swim but since I didn't have access to a pool 24/7 I took up exercising to stay fit. I should start going to the gym maybe peridot would be interested.
"Hey peridot look over there"
Peridot turned to the sign as she sat down with the coffee.
"Yeah Wanna start going with me"
"Ummmm Im not really gym material"
I laugh slightly as I notice her clear discomfort at the thought of going to the gym.
"Cmon it'll be fun we can go together"
She hesitates slightly but finally gives in.
"Alright we can check it out tomorrow."
I smile at my victory and drink me coffee before heading to class. I sit next to peridot and the professor seemed off. Professor tektite wore mostly black with stars printed all over her clothing. She was over enthusiastic which is very exhausting but peridot seemed to enjoy the class so I smiled and sat through it. Once class was over we went on the calculus taught by Ms.Jade. Over all math is boring so the class was boring. Professor carnelian taught creative writing which was by far my best class of the day. My last class was painting 1 which was also one of my classes without peridot. The professor, professor citrine, was a very patient person. He's very encouraging and let us just get used to our stations. It was very relaxing and seemed like a good way to end my school day. Peridot and I decided to have lunch after school which was around 4 pm. We met up and decided to go grocery shopping since we were low on ingredients. We went to the store and I grabbed my list of things that were missing and handed it to peridot.
"Get eggs, milk, ham, any other meats, and a loaf of bread"
"Yes ma'am"
Peridot did a clumsy salute and went off the get the things on the list. I smiled at her antics and went off to get any fruits, vegetables, spices, and baking supplies like flour. Once I was done I pushed the shopping cart to where peridot was and saw her struggling to reach the bread which was the top shelf. I giggled softly and snuck up behind her. I reached for the bread and handed it to her.
"Oh thank you"
I got close and whispered in her ear.
"No problem~"
She jumped and turned around
"What? Lapis don't do that it scared me"
I laughed and she joined in shortly after. Peridot paid for groceries and for the store to deliver them to our dorm.
We should get a car
We left shortly after and went home to wait for the groceries. Almost as if on cue the man showed up at the door and dropped everything off in the dining room. We unpacked everything and I decided to make some chicken parmigiana and had peridot help me with the sauce as I worked on the chicken. We finished fairly quickly and sat down to eat.
"Hey we still haven't watched that show that Steven brought you" peridot slapped her palm into her forehead.
"How could I forget, hurry and finish I'll put it on right now"
We finished our food and peridot eagerly turned on the TV. She started episode one of Camp Pining Hearts and snuggled up next to me as it started. I admittedly got really into the show because we started watching at 6 pm and it is currently 9.
"Peridot we should sleep"
No answer
I look over and she's dead asleep. We were sitting on my bed so I tried laying her down and figured I'd sleep on top but she clung onto me and pulled me down with her. I turned off the tv with the remote and turned off the lights. I couldn't move much and didn't wanna wake peri so I just covered us carefully in a blanket and did my best to sleep.

Fun fact- moon stones are associated with water, tektite with space, jade with intelligence, carnelian with creativity and citrine with focus and patience.

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