Best of friends

808 22 9

We got out of the water and noticed the outside noticeably colder than before. I was shivering and ran to my towel. I wrapped myself up and noticed lapis giggling softly. Soon I joined her and we exploded into a hearty laughter.
I swear her joy is contagious
She wrapped herself in her towel and we went into the locker room. I quickly went into a stall and took off my wet bathing suit. I put on my nice warm clothes and stepped out.
"That was fun but I'm glad I'm dry again" lapis laughed and I noticed she hadn't changed.
"Did you even bring a change of clothes?"
"I may or may not have forgotten" I rolled my eyes.
"So what are you gonna do now" she went into a stall and came out wearing the same dress and sweater as before and swim suit in hand. I blushed and she looked noticeably uncomfortable too.
"It's not like I had much option either this or wet clothes" I nodded and grabbed the bag. It was late afternoon and the walk back was mostly silent. When we got to the dorm lapis grabbed some clothes and hopped in the shower. I went to my desk to work on my newest robot design. By the time lapis came out I was still stumped. I guess lapis noticed my frustration and came over to me.
"You okay over there" she bent over and met my eye.
"I can't figure out the design for my robot, I don't even know what it should do." I clutched my head and lapis grabbed my hand.
"Don't stress too much. Tell you what we'll go out to dinner my treat. It'll help you take your mind off things." She put her face close to mine.
"But first hop into the shower you reek of chlorine."
I blushed and stood up, grabbed my clothes and went straight to the shower.
The warm water did help me relax a bit but I couldn't stay long and enjoy it or I'd turn into more of a raisin. I shut off the water and changed into some dark blue jeans, a white shirt with an alien on it, and some green converse. I walked out and saw lapis ready to go.
"Cmon I know a good place" she led the way out the door and towards the bus stop. We hopped on and looked around. There was only one vacant seat.
"You sit"
"Nah you sit"
"You're having more of a stressful day than me you should sit"
"Well since you're paying the least I could do is let you sit down"
Lapis sat down and before I knew it she had pulled me down to her lap.
"See now we can both sit"
I'm glad my back was turned to her or she would've seen me turn as red as a tomato. Her arms wrapped around my waist and she leaned her head on my back.
Please let us get off soon I don't think I can take much more of this

"Hey lapis what's our stop I wanna make sure we don't pass it"
"First street"
"Okay thanks"
I paid close attention to the stops and figured we were still 20 minutes away.
Just great
Lapis was still wrapped around me but she felt Amit heavier. I turned slightly to see her head leaning on my shoulder and a sleeping lapis snoring softly in my ear. I thought about waking her but figured she could use some rest after the long day of swimming. Although considerably weird I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so peaceful when she slept. My blush had started to die down slightly and I got used to having lapis around me. I'm usually not comfortable with having people touch me but for some reason lapis is an exception. Her hug is warm and her breathing on my neck is more soothing than annoying. I thought more about how I felt around lapis. I didn't mind her touch and her presence makes things better. I feel like I can trust her despite only really knowing her for about 2 days. I blush at her little antics and find myself staring at her every so often. Then it hit me....she's the perfect friend! I was excited now that I had made such a special friend. In only two days I felt like I could trust her and she makes me want to be around her every second. I'm lucky to be living with her we will probably become the best of friends.
The sudden stop of the bus snapped me out of my thoughts. This was our stop. I gently shook lapis and she let me go slowly, I stood up and offered my hand. She took it and got up still visibly sleepy. I held lapis's hand to ensure she didn't crash into anyone and we safely got off of the bus.
"Where to?"
"Oh it's right here"
She pointed to a small Italian restaurant that emitted a wonderful scent.
"Smells great" she nodded and we walked towards the restaurant.
When we reached the door I realized I never let go of lapis's hand and our finger had somehow intertwined. I quickly let go and ran to open the door for her.
"After you"
"Why thank you"
She laughed and I joined in as we walked to the front of house.
"Table for two please"
"Lapis, lapis lazuli"
"Alright have a seat"
We sat down and looked around the restaurant. It was small with simple decor. It was quite full and the waiters were spread throughout the dining area. I looked around some more until I heard the lady calling lapis's name.
"Lapis table for 2, lapis table for 2"
We walked up and followed a shorter woman to out table. She put menus down and pulled out a notepad.
"What would you like to drink?"
"Water please"
"One for me too please"
She walked off and I read through the menu until I found a ravioli dish that seemed appetizing.
"You been here before?" Lapis looked up from her menu.
"Yeah it's my favorite Italian place, they have good lasagna"
The waitress came back with our water and took our orders. Once we said what we wanted she took our menus and went into what I presume is the kitchen.
"Have you thought about any ideas for your robot"
I had forgotten all about that darn thing.
"No none yet, you got any I'm open to any suggestions"
"Well you've already done a kids toy so how about something for like the elderly"
"That could work but I doubt the elderly know I how to work a robot"
"It doesn't have to be a robot for entertainment, it could be like a little helper that cleans up for them and calls the ambulance if they get hurt."
"That's not a bad idea and maybe they could also set different appointments and such"
"See that wasn't so hard"
"Well not so hard when you're the one giving ideas"
She blushed slightly and we sat in silence until the waiter brought our food. We joked around a little as we ate and finished around 7 pm.
"We should get home it's late"
Lapis nodded and paid the check. We walked to the bus station and took a seat. There was room for both of us to have our seats this time. Lapis rested her head on my shoulder and fell into a quick sleep. I put my head on hers and fell asleep by accident. When I woke up I was worried we'd missed our stop and quickly checked the surrounding area. By some sheer stroke of luck we just reached our stop. I woke lapis and helped her off the bus and up the stairs. When we got there I went straight to my desk and worked on my robot. To no surprise lapis went straight to bed. I stayed up working on my design and fell asleep on my desk.

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