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Peridot POV 

This isn't good, well not a bad idea but not a good idea. Talking to Jasper directly is like poking the lions den. I know Lapis suggested it but would she even be okay with that?

"Hey, you know, just a thought but why don't I talk to her." I can tell the suggestion catches Lapis by surprise but I don't let the nerves show on my face. 

"Because that's a stupid idea and did not work well last time." She states pointedly. 

"we were acquainted once, mildly at least. Look call me pushy but she gives me a bad feeling, enough that I don't want her around you. I can just go to where she works, common ground, cameras, possibly security. Pizza closest to aqua right?" Talking fast is a bit of a cheat but I don't want to give her any time to oppose. 

"I guess it would be the closest." Got her, ew I hate being sneaky but you know greater good. 

"Okay I'll head over there then and then we can get some solid answers about the weird little gaps up here." I tap a finger to Lapis forehead, there's a slight attempt by her to seem stoic but the curl of her lips gives her away. 

"Don't do anything stupid." There's the stupid worried smile I love so much. I can't help rise to my toes to give her a small peck. 

"When have I ever." If all my stupid actions ended me here, with her. I think I could call myself a genius. 

I pull into the parking lot of whatever my phone said the closest pizza place was to aqua. Am I nervous? No that would be an unreasonable assumption. I am just going to demand answers from a person I routinely saw suplex random students in her youth. Me, a short, skinny, unathletic, easily throwable nerd. No big deal. 

I heave the door open and the small ding of the bell almost send me flying out of the building from fear. The only actual thing going my way today is that Jasper doesn't seem to be working the front desk. 

"Hi, I'm uh... looking for a friend?" God I'm just great in social situations aren't I. The tired teenage employee working the register doesn't seem as amused as I had hoped. 

"If said friend allegedly deals drugs we are not allowed to sell during work hours. Come back after closing with like ten times less suspicion." Well at least I uncovered a drug front which is also probably the coolest thing I've ever uncovered at all. 

"No I'm genuinely looking for my friend Jasper, I heard she works here." He stares at me blankly. "About 6 feet tall ish, large, muscular, scary, dyed white hair, you know man if that didn't give you a hint she definitely doesn't work here." He scrunches his brow like he's really trying to remember someone as obvious as Jasper. Seriously how many giant buff women work here. 

"Oh shit that was a girl?" Ah well see I can see where the confusion is coming from now. 

"Yes, is she here?" He shakes his head and all my plans crumble before my eyes. 

"Big bro showed up like a few days ago I think and then just left like a few days after. Kinda weird but he made really good garlic knots so I'm not even mad." Showed up and left suddenly eh? That's really fishy. Something is definitely not right. 

"Do you have any contact info?" I ask. 

"You don't have your friends number?" Oh nowwww he's attentive. 

"Is there anything in that employee hand book about taking bribes?"

 Hey Jasper this is Peridot

how did you even get this number?

You're worth 10 bucks to the guy at your old pizza place

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