Puzzle Pieces

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Aqua marine's POV
    I need to get a story straight before she asks too many questions. I also have to see to it that the brat doesn't hear about it.
"Does peridot know? About what happened between you two"
"She knows about our past relationship but not about me seeing her at your place"
"It's probably for the best knowing her she might start a witch hunt"
"I'm going to tell her everything though"
    Does all common sense disappear as soon as it hits her head or what. She was so on board for keeping all that a secret what changed.
"Is that smart? Won't it make it worse?"
"It will come out eventually and honestly it's something she needs to know about. I don't want to have her worry about me but I also don't want her to be hurt about me hiding it"
    Damnit damnit there isn't even a sound of doubt in her voice. I won't be able to convince her otherwise I'll have to think of dealing with the collateral for now.
"Oh I think I see peridot"
Seeing her trot to her little play thing everyday is amusing. Reminds me of a dog and an owner though they are constantly switching between who's the mutt.
    Shes beginning to be a pain but this is definitely more fun than I could have ever thought.
"Don't you think this is getting too messy? Why risk it with her"
"Don't be stupid don't you realize how rewarding this is. She's so broken yet held together it's remarkable. When I first heard about her I just knew she was the one to turn jasper into a mess but now shes even more interesting"
"Why do we do this though"
"My my you're certainly chatty today. We do this because we can. Did you expect some sob story or motive, I'm bored and there's nothing more entertaining than someone like her. She's just a catalyst for all these blossoming events, tv is so predictable but real people never cease to surprise me."

Lapis POV
    I made up my mind on telling peri, as much as I don't want another argument she needs to know. There's something weird here and she's the only one I trust to be my life line. I'm not going to be defensive this time though it's my fault in part for sure I've already gotten that drilled in.
"You alright you look down"
"I'm fine I just missed you"
"It's only been like a little while"
"Too long if you ask me.
    Cheesy lines are usually her specialty but I definitely need to get her in the best mood before telling her I was openly drunk around my toxic ex. Fuck that sounds even worse when I think about it like that. It's not like we did anything though, right? Oh yeah I also have to tell her there's an undisclosed amount of time just missing from my memory. Great plan.
"We got some time but it's not enough to do much since the campus is too big to walk around in a timely manner"
"We could always be late to our next lecture"
"We could always not"
    We end up waiting around until it starts but with peridot there I can't interrogate aqua too much about the blanks in my brain. We end up wrapping the day without reviving that topic at all. I didn't have another good chance so I'll just have to bring it up tomorrow. Now there was just the lingering threat of the other thing I needed to get done.
    I was going to tell her on the car ride home but slowly and surely anxiety but it's barbed wire around my throat. Every word that I stuttered out felt suffocated.
"Are you okay? You've been weirdly nervous all day"
"Actually I need to talk to you when we get home"
"Did I do something?"
"No you didn't do anything it's just something that happened at aqua and I haven't really found a way to bring it up"
    She didn't say anything but she took a hand off the steering wheel to take mine. Can't avoid the topic anymore since we are already home so I'll just have to figure something out. I squeeze her hand and swallow hard hoping the lump in my throat would magically be taken down to the butterflies in my stomach. I don't know exactly why I'm scared but I'm sure I'll find out
    When we got inside peridot locked the door and put her keys in a drawer. At least she won't be leaving. She took a seat on the bed and opened her arms and motioned for me to lay in them. I don't know if being hugged by her was comforting or if it was making the guilt worse.
    I don't think she'll be that mad at me but I'm still too worried to say a word.
"So what did you wanna talk about"
"Promise you won't be mad?"
She leans over and kisses me on the forehead
"I promise I'll try to stay as calm as possible"
"Okay well let me say everything first"
"I won't interrupt then"
    Right here's to hoping I don't word this too horribly.
"So when I went to aquas we were hanging out and we got a little bored so we started to drink to loosen up a bit, it was a few beers at first. Then we played some games and I ended up losing a lot so it escalated to shots. She won often so she was pretty sober. I don't think there were many times that night that I wasn't at least tipsy but it got to a point where I took maybe like 7 shots in like under an hour so I reached a limit I didn't know I even had and I don't remember much after there"
"I don't think you've even even drank around me"
"I don't like it and I have high tolerance"
    She doesn't seem too mad at that but then again she has a straight face so she doesn't seem too anything right now.
"Was that all"
"No there's another thing"
"Well so she ordered pizza and well someone I knew worked as the delivery person. Aqua had actually knew them from when she was younger and invited them in and I was too drunk to really know what was going on"
"Who was it?"
"It was jasper"
   There was visible anger on her face now and I could feel her grip tighten around me.
"Why was she there" the sharpness in her voice was stabbing into my chest and making me go heavy.
"Look I just know that they went to the same school and I guess aqua was tipsy and I was drunk and she just ended up inside watching a movie with us"
"Did she do anything?"
"No we watched a movie and then something happened in the movie but that's when everything goes blurry. Aqua said that jasper left early and she put me to bed"
    She stayed quiet for a while, thinking about her words. Occasionally she would open her mouth but regret her choice and close it again.
"Next time I'm going with you"
"Also there's something that doesn't line up, aqua wasn't friends with jasper right? They just knew of each other why invite them in"
She stayed silent again piecing everything together in her head using clues I didn't know were there.
"I don't think aqua told you exactly what happened rather I don't think she knows or wants to tell you. So we're gonna find out"

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