Perfect date pt 2

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Peridot POV
We finished eating the funnel cakes and immediately went to the arcade. There were a lot of games so picking a first was difficult. We walked around for a bit and decided on a racing game called "road killer". The objective was to crash into as many things as possible. I ended up getting a pretty good score but I missed a bunch too. Lapis on the other hand....
"Shows how good you are at driving"
"Heyyyy I am an excellent driver I'm just great at being an awful driver too"
"Hey I got us a bunch of tickets"
"Why don't we try that game next"
It's a two player side scrolling game called "chrono panic 4" you have guns and there's enemies, don't die. Pretty simple. That being said we got too much into it.
—————————— YOU LOSE ——————————
After a lot of turned heads and some ugly stares we decided to move on to the next game.
After two intense games sometimes a classic like skee ball is all you need, just roll the balls into the hole. We take turns rolling the ball both missing horribly each time. I don't think we've made a single point.
"Hey peri have an idea"
"I don't like that smile"
She grabs a ball and walks to the side of the skee ball machine. She reaches over and tosses the ball into the center hole.
I whisper loudly so not to alert any employees. We've already made a scene with the last game we don't need another reason to get kicked out.
"Cmonnnnn you want tickets don't you??"
She has this dumb smile plastered on her face that you can't say no to, when she gets you going you feel like nothing even matters anymore. It's an energy surrounding her that infects anyone that gets too close. These are all excuses to cover up to fact that I participated in the cheating and farmed this machine for tickets. Entirely lapis's idea though.
We play a few more games and gather up a massive amount of tickets that we bring over to the prize booth. All the prizes are the Chinese finger traps, candy, plastic frogs and all that good stuff. We don't have enough tickets for any of the big prizes (surprisingly) so we both pick out one thing and spend the rest on candy. I get a decently sized plastic T-Rex that I have proudly named tony. When I turn to see what lapis got I am promptly hit with the answer. A sticky hand that she has stuck to my forehead.
We leave the arcade with our little bag of probably stale candy and move on the booths. I have gotten pretty good at some of the technical booths like the ring toss and the balloon dart games from my time coming here with Steven so I finally have a way to show off. We walk over to ring toss first and I spot a brown bear with a blank expression and a bow tie. It reminds me of lapis.
"That bear kind of looks like you"
"No it doesn't"
"Yeah you make the same face all the time"
"Literally right now lapis"
"I'm going to win you it"
Winning that bear is going to be pretty difficult but it's too good to pass up. All I need is 8 out of 10 rings in, sounds doable. I throw my first one aaaaannnnnndddddd miss horribly didn't even touch the bottle. Lapis lets out a laugh and I immediately throw my next ring. This one makes it perfectly, restoring my bruised ego. My next 3 shots make it in but my 6th ring bounces off. No pressure just don't make anymore mistakes, 4 in a row is nothing. 2 more make it in cleanly but my 9th ring barley hangs on.
"Let me see that last ring real quick"
"Just give it to me"
She grabs to ring and blows on it
"There now it's lucky"
"It can't miss"
I grab the "lucky" ring and take my aim. I toss it but let go too early,Shit it's not going to make it, it lands flat on the bottles before bouncing up again. It rolls around the rims and dancing against the edge. Eventually it falls grabbing onto two bottles.
"Does that count?"
"It should mean double so I guess you got lucky, I've never seen that before"
I turn to lapis and see her smug smile.
"See told you, lucky"
"Do your gonna take the credit for that"
We get the bear and run off to play a few more games. Lapis is pretty good at knocking over blocks and the basket ball games, to my own surprise. We both end up with a few stuffed animals and other prizes.
"Ah shoot I wanted to get more done but it seems like it's getting pretty late already"
"It's fine, we should go on the ferris wheel before we go"
"That was in the plan"
"I doubt you have everything scripted"
"Just most things, like a romantic ferris wheel ride with my amazing girlfriend"
The line is pretty short and the man running the wheel said they'd hold our stuff. Lapis held on to the bear though. She hasn't really let go of it since she got it. I don't think it'll be much of a problem on the wheel unless she drops it or something.
"How come you held on to the bear"
"So he could see the view"
Sure yeah that makes perfect sense
I don't think I realized how tired I was until we sat down. The slow moving ride also made me extra sleepy. It was a long day and I enjoyed every minute of it. Lapis certainly made up for forgetting.
"You tired"
"Yeah we did a lot today"
"I had more planned, I even have a gift waiting for you at home"
"You really went all out huh?"
The best part of having a tall girlfriend is being able to lay my head on her shoulder easily. It's the perfect spot to relax for a bit especially during long days like this. Everything is just perfect the view, the ride, the mood, it's like time stopped just for a little while. Like the whole world stood by and waited for us to catch our breath.
"Hey peri"
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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