Its okay

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Lapis POV
I woke up with peridot in my arms. She was still asleep and had her head leaning on my chest. I didn't wanna wake her so I sat their blushing and collecting my thoughts.
She's really cute when she's asleep, she looks peaceful and relaxed
I stared at her fondly and put my head on hers. Usually I hate when people touch me, after what happened with jasper I didn't think I'd ever accept someone else like this. Peridot was different though, she was so small and naive. She was the complete opposite of jasper.
Maybe that's why I like her so much
I blushed more now. After a few days of barley knowing this girl I admitted to liking her  and am currently cuddling with her while she sleeps. I look down at the sleeping girl.
Would I be ready for a relationship?
I was getting ahead of myself. I didn't know if peridot was into girls and if she even liked me. 2 unlikely things stacked against me. I sunk back into her embrace and felt her shift in my arms.

Back to Peridots POV
I woke up and it took me awhile to figure out where I was. I was warm and partly asleep. I finally opened my eyes and stared directly down at lapis's cleavage. If I was warm before my blush certainly helped make that worse. Lapis backed up off of me and looked at my blushing face.
"Sleep well?" I nodded and noticed she was probably awake before me based on her amount of awareness. She took her arms off of me and I released her waist. She slowly got up and grabbed her clothes before going towards the bathroom to change. She turned the knob and stood silently for a few minutes continuously fidgeting with the door. She turned back to me.
"Um the door won't open"
"Let me see"
I got up and went to the door. I turned the knob and sure enough it was jammed.
"I can fix it I just need to grab some tools from my desk."
Lapis nodded and stepped away so I could go to my desk. I reached in and grabbed a small tool that could help me with the lock. I put it in and moved it to try and release the lock. I was almost there when the tool snapped.
"Well that's just great, I'm gonna have to buy a new one come on."
I started towards the door when lapis grabbed my arm.
"You going out like that?" I looked in a mirror and noticed I was still in my night clothes. I wore some gym shorts and baggy T shirt. Lapis was wearing similar clothes but she wore shorter tighter shorts and a tank top.
"Since the bathroom is locked we can just turn around as the other changes"
I nodded in agreement and turned my back. I heard lapis shuffle around and start to change. I blushed and after a while I noticed the lack of noise.
"Hey you done?" I turned slowly and noticed a shirtless lapis that was very not done changing. I turned quickly praying she didn't notice that I peeked and blushed madly. It was only for a few seconds but I could see every detail of her body clearly. She had a flat toned stomach and detailed collar bones. Her chest was a visible B cup and she had a slightly muscular back and overall figure. I stayed with the picture of lapis trapped in my mind before being snapped out of my unholy thoughts.
Lapis tapped me on my shoulder and I jumped
"NOTHING" I turned around and she looked surprised at my outburst. I blushed and she smiled.
"Um Im done you can change now"
"Oh um right thank you"
Thank you why did you say thank you. Ugh I'm such an idiot. Luckily it doesn't seem like she noticed.
Lapis turned around and I grabbed my clothes. I started to undress and change into my jeans. I glanced at lapis and she jolted her head to the wall.
Wait was she peeking
I blushed and finished changing.
"Hey Im done let's go so we can fix the bathroom door."
Lapis stood up clearly flustered and walked out the door. She walked fast and moved to the bus stop. I struggled to keep up.
"Hey lapis wait up"
She stopped and looked back to see me a little far away. She face palmed and sighed.
"Sorry I didn't mean to walk so fast."
"It's fine cmon"
She was careful to match my pace the rest of the way to the stop. We waited for the bus and got on. It was full so we had to stand. I stood next to lapis and the bus got even more full at every stop. Before we knew it the bus was packed.
"Must be all the people going to work and school" I  nodded and stood close to lapis. The bus hit a road bump and I tumbled over. I closed my eyes and noticed the lack of pain that usually come it falling. I opened my eyes and noticed lapis had caught me and pulled me close to her.
"Be careful"
I mumbled an okay and stayed in lapis's arms until we got off. We went to the hardware store and I got the dumb tool.
"I got it let's go"
We paid and left the store. I walked close to lapis and heard her stomach make an noise. I looked up at her and she blushed.
She nodded and covered her face. I grabbed her hand and led her towards a small diner. We stepped inside and I put my name down.
"You know we should really get a car"
"I've been studying for my drivers test so I should be able to get my license soon"
Lapis looked at me surprised
"Well then looks like we won't have to take the bus soon enough"
I smiled and the man at front desk called my name. I got up and we went to our table. I got some blueberry pancakes and lapis got an English breakfast. We finished our food and went towards the bus stop to head home. It was again packed full of people. We stood near the back and lapis kept me close so I wouldn't fall again. After a while I left something touch my back. I ignored it thinking it was someone purse or something but it started to move lower to my ass. I turned around to see a man with his hands wandering where they shouldn't. Before I could say anything lapis grabbed his hand and strengthened her grip. The man winced in pain and he tried to put away from lapis. She let go and stared him down before putting a hand on my waist and pulling me into a tight embrace. The man got off at the next stop and lapis didn't stop glaring at him until he was far out of view.
"You okay?"
I stared up at lapis who still had yet to loosen her embrace.
"Yeah thank you"
We got off at our stop and I fixed the door to the bathroom. Lapis was very quiet and seemed angry and lost in thought. She must still be mad about what happens. I sat down next to her and she ignored me.
No answer she seemed distant once again. I tapped her shoulder and didn't break her gaze.
Ahhh screw it
I got up and sat down on lapis's lap staring directly at her. I cupped her face with my hands and raised her face to mine. 
"Lapis" I kept my voice firm and she finally snapped out of it.
"It's okay I'm fine, I can tell your worried and I know your upset but it's okay now. He's gone you made sure he's not trying anything like that again." I lapis leaned on my hand and put her hand up to mine.
"Sorry" she looked sad now.
"Don't apologize dummy, you helped me out and make me feel safe" I put my forehead against hers and stayed there for a while. Lapis pulled back slightly and hugged me. She laid back down on the bed pulling me with her. She cuddled me into a short nap.

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