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Lapis POV
I've noticed peri has been a little stressed still. While getting ready for school she kept checking her phone over and over again. I've completely given up trying to ask her about it since that wasn't working out but I'm going to have to figure out what's wrong with her a little more indirectly.
"I'm gonna use the bathroom before we go"
"Alright don't be too long"
I quickly grab her phone to see what's going on.
"Great what would her password be"
I try her birthday, nope
I try our anniversary, nothing
A bunch of zeros, no
1,2,3,4,5,6. I kinda knew that wouldn't work
I'm out of ideas
What would she possibly use as her password. At this point I'm scared of locking her phone so I leave it alone.
Not too long after peridot comes out of the bathroom
"Ready to go?"
I watched her grab her phone to check it. The face ID is locked since I was using it so I try to sneak a peek of her password.
She quickly puts in the code but I'm able to spot it
The day we met
So she's a romantic after all.
The car ride is mostly silent since we are both way too tired to make conversation. We slept pretty late yesterday so it's to be expected.
"Hey we should take a different route to class"
"Feel like we haven't gotten to see much of the school is all"
"Besides we can see the gym you've been wanting to go to"
That was weird
I decide to not question further and just go along with her.
We end up taking the long way to class and are almost late.
"You're cutting it close again today"
"Peri wanted to take the scenic route for some reason"
"That's strange"
"Oh jeez someone's been stressing"
"Sorry she's just been super weird and she won't tell me what's bothering her"
"Oh? And weird how if I may ask"
"She's always checking her phone, she's all jumpy, and she's super tired all the time"
"I'll be honest with you dear that just sounds like her usual self"
"Well yeah but she's worse now"
"You both need a day of relaxation, I suggest a spa day or just something to quell those nerves of hers"
"No offense but I don't think peri is comfortable going to a spa"
"Why not?"
"She doesn't seem like shed be very comfortable with people touching her"
"Well she doesn't seem to mind it being you"
I blush a little but got an idea.
"Hey can you take me to a store after class"
"Sure what store?"
"Anywhere that sells video games"
"Ahhhhh I see, you sure know your little nerd well"
Time skip
"Hey peri"
"Ima head to the store with aqua a little later"
She hesitates a little
"Am I not invited?"
"It'll he quick"
"I'm not sure lapis"
Wait is she jealous
"Do you not like aqua?"
"No no it's not that I think she's great it's just that, i don't know I just wanna spend all the time with you"
"I'll be quick okay?"
When we get home I my wallet and text aqua, without a doubt she's outside in 5 minutes
I hop in the car
"Why don't you shout louder I don't think the whole dorm heard you"
"Oh shush"
Time skip (again)
Once we are at the store I walk up to the man at the register.
"I'm looking for a wii and super smash bros"
"Alright give me a sec"
He types some stuff in his computer before turning back to me
"Okay your in luck we have a used wii mini and brawl"
"Can I get another controller too?"
"Yeah sure"
"How much?"
"That'll be 110"
I quickly pay the guy and go back into the car
"Done already?"
"Almost can you stop by this gas station?"
Topaz pulls into the gas station and I walk in to stock up on snacks. I grab some drinks, candy, and some Doritos.
"There now we are done"
"What it's her favorite"
"That is very ironic"
We both laugh and head back to the dorms
When I get there peri is in the shower and I'm left with the perfect opportunity to set everything up.
I connect the console to the tv and put in the game.
I thought about looking through her phone but she has it in the shower playing music.
I hear her turn off the water so I sit patiently. She's taking forever to come out of the bathroom but eventually shows up thoroughly confused.
"Welcome back, what's that?"
"you seemed a little stressed. Besides didn't you wanna spend every moment with me"
She smiled softly and leaned over for a kiss
"Pizzas on the way, your welcome to the snacks"
"They remind me of you"
She flicked my forehead softly and we laughed
"Oh by the way I got some practice in while you were in the shower so prepare to lose"
I lost every game
My schools closed for an entire month so more updates -yay-

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