Day out with friends

418 19 3

Time skip 2 days (it's the weekend)
Peridot POV
Damn sun
I curse slightly as I try to lift the blanket over my head and shield myself from the light harassing my eyes.  
"Good morning"
I turn over and see lapis rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"What time is it?"
She reaches over to grab her phone still sluggish from the early morning.
I smile as she turns it on and struggles to read the screen.
"The time"
"Oh right sorry it's 9:36, I got a little distracted"
"Oh? By what?"
"Aqua sent a message she wants to know if we are free today"
"I forgot you gave her your number"
"Me too honestly"
"Well? I think we are free today what does she want to do"
"Ummmm it says she wants to hang out at the mall downtown"
"Why not I've got quite a bit of money saved up from my robots might as well buy some new hoodies or something"
Lapis nodded and typed out a message.
"Alright there I told her. Now we should get up before she texts back"
She slowly starts to get up and I lunge forward pulling her down into a hug. She falls back and lands back on the bed with a thud.
"What was that for?"
"I want to cuddle"
I feel her relax a little and spot a small smile crawl onto her lips.
"You dork"
She moves back into the blanket as I rest my head at the base of her neck. I like cuddling more than anything else we've done and I can tell she likes it too. I feel her relax in my arms and start to dose off. I start to drift in and out of sleep when I feel a familiar vibration at my arm. I grab lapis's phone and spot a message from aqua.
"Perfect I'll pick you up around 10:30"
"Hey lapis we gotta get up"
I poke her cheek and watch her scrunch up her face and turn over.
"Aquas coming at 10:30, it's 9:45 ish"
She groans and sits up.
"This is your fault I was perfectly fine with getting up a moment ago"
I give her a kiss on the cheek and finally get out of bed.
"What should I wear?"
"Just wear whatever"
"Cmon lapis throw me a bone here I can't remember the last time I've hung out with friends"
"Just wear something casual, how about your flannel you like that a lot"
I threw on my green flannel and black ripped jeans. Lapis was wearing a white T-shirt with light blue shorts and a sweater tied at her waist.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"Just some quick eggs we don't have much time"
She moves into the kitchen and I can hear her moving eggs around and fumbling with the pan.
Time skip till after breakfast
"What time is it?"
"It's already 10:30 seems like aqua is a little late"
Then almost as if on cue, there's a rhythmic vibration combining from lapis's phone.
"Sounds like she's here"
I gather my things and head towards the door.
We both laugh and head out the door.
"Over here"
We walk over to aqua who is sitting in the passenger seat of a black Mercedes.
"Hello you two hope you're well"
"Hey aqua"
We hop into the car topaz starts the GPS to get to the mall.
"Did you just wake up?"
"About an hour ago"
"How sweet do you sleep together?"
"Yeah lapis likes to cuddle"
She playfully pushed me sporting a light blush.
The rest of the car ride was some light conversation just some get to know you type stuff. Although I didn't really learn much about aqua it was more like a casual interrogation mostly aimed towards lapis.
"Alright we're here, where should we hit first?"
"You've been here before right? What are the best places to shop?"
"Well that depends on what your looking for though knowing you too I have a few stores in mind"
She leads us to a small store close to the entrance that seemed to be perfectly my style. Mostly dark colors with lots of hoodies. I looked around and grabbed a few pairs of hoodies, a red flannel, some high top converse and a beanie.
"You must have really liked this store"
"Yeah we should come back here sometime"
I pay for my things and we move on to the next store. Aqua seemed to personally like this store since I recognize the style she'd wear to school. Though personally the suits I wear don't look like a primary school's uniform.
Aqua grabbed a few things paid and we left to the next store. Before we got there lapis seemed to wander off into some sort of art supply shop.
"Do you want anything?"
"It's fine I brought my own money you know"
She bought some paints, brushes, and canvas then caught up with aqua at a clothing store. This store was more on the trendy Instagram models side but lapis seemed to find somethings she liked. She set them down to pay and I quickly swiped my debit card.
"Heyyy! I was gonna pay for that"
"Consider it an early birthday gift"
She pouted a bit but gave up with trying to repay me.
"Alright this is our last stop for today I have somewhere to be later and it's getting a little late"
She put her arm out and stopped me dead in my tracks
"You'll have to stay here for this, topaz keep an eye on her would you dear?"
Topaz placed her hand on my shoulder and I watched as aqua dragged lapis to some mystery store.
It always feels like time moves slower without lapis, the 20 minutes they were in the store felt like hours.
By the time they came back lapis was visibly flustered but refused to tell me what the store was or what she bought.
I begged the whole ride back but she surprisingly kept her ground.
"Alright we are here"
Lapis and I thanked topaz for the ride and stepped out.
"Say which one of this is your dorm anyway"
"That one on the end there"
Lapis pointed out our little room.
"Interesting, well see you both tomorrow bye~"
I was a little bothered by the "interesting" comment but brushed it off and went inside.
Probably nothing
Wow this took forever, my apologies for the late update school and work caught up with me so this chapter took longer than expected.  Gonna try to get back on schedule for this week, sorry again for the late update hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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