The Off-Colors

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Peridot POV
    I recognized some of them from my earth science class, I thought that it was easier to approach someone you've met than try to meet someone new. Of course that doesn't mean this isn't still nerve racking and a waste of my time.
"Hey uhh... can we join you?"
Great, that was excellent speaking peridot. 10 out of 10 social skills.
"Oh sure, hey wait don't we have a class together?"
"Yeah earth science"
"Right, um well my name is rhodonite, this is padparadscha, and those two there are the rutile twins"
The twins seem to speak weirdly in sync with one another, honestly it's sorta cool.
"I'm peridot and this is my girlfriend lapis"
I've always wanted to say that.
     Lapis gave a friendly smile and waved. We both sat down and took in our first impressions.
"Hi it's nice to meet you" the shorter one, padparadscha kinda startled me with her greeting.
"Sorry about that, she kinda has a sorta delayed reaction to things"
"Ah it's fine"
    Okay well these people are all a little strange. Rhodonite seemed a little jumpy, she's been playing with a cup since we got here and doesn't seem to like strong eye contact. The twins seem normal individually but when they're together it's like they're connected. Then there's padparadscha who has a delayed reaction? I've never really heard of something like that before.
"You said that you two were dating right?"
"How long have you been together?"
And the twins can finish each others sentences, great
"Couple months now"
"We started dating right around the beginning of the school year"
"You two don't seem to know anyone here but yourselves"
"What brings you to this party?"
They don't exactly seem like the party types either. Wonder who invited them. They were always quiet in class and didn't seem to talk to anyone there. They all look like a package deal too.
"We're friends with aqua marine and topaz"
"Oh, I didn't think you knew the grand hostess"
"What about you guys"
"We got an invite from a friend"
"Guess word of this party gets around fast"
"Yeah well aqua marine is pretty infamous"
Wonder what that means. Lapis had gone out to get more drinks so I decided to get some dirt on aqua while there was no objections.
"What do you mean?"
"She's really popular"
"The whole school knows her one way or another"
"Honestly I think she's terrifying. I feel like she knows everything I do or say, I didn't even wanna come here but the twins insisted"
So rhodonite is afraid of aqua and the twins call her infamous. There's something up with her, why is she always hanging out with us if she supposedly has a million people she can go to.
I notice lapis coming back but she doesn't have any drinks in her hand. She's also kinda sluggish she bumped into the edge of the table but didn't seem to notice. I think this party is kinda draining her.
"What happened to the drinks?"
"I couldn't find them but I found aqua and she said she'd bring them to us"
"Oh alright"
"So I see you've all gotten aquatinted"
"I mean I guess"
"I told peri to try to approach someone at the party but she was too scared or something. I'm glad she was able to connect with you guys though"
Why is she telling them that. That was very completely uncalled for.
"Awww I never thought someone would ever really want to approach us, don't worry peridot from now on your welcome to hang out with us whenever"
"Oh Right thank you"
"So how did you all become friends"
I'm actually curious about that too. They all seem very different. One of them is an anxious mess half the time, two of them can count as one, and the last one is just unusual. Before anyone could start an explanation topaz came to us and handed us our drinks. She didn't even say anything just placed the cups gently in our hands.
"Well we all went to high school together"
"We met during gym class"
"Most of the class didn't really like us so we were cast out of most groups or activities"
"Eventually we all wound up together by default and became our own little group"
"Then it was a little less difficult to be in that class"
"Slowly we ended up hanging out in other classes and outside of school. Now we are all just really close"
    My take away from that story is that people are assholes and the ones on the receiving end of their misery end up making their little group of misfits to feel a little better about being cast out. The only thing they really shared in common was how other people treated them. I guess that works though.
"I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore honestly"
"Yeah us too, I don't miss any of the kids there"
"Actually we went to the same high school as aqua marine and topaz"
"Wait really what were they like?"
"Our school was pretty large but even it seemed as though every single person knew them. Either they wanted to be her friend, knew her in some way, or were on the receiving end of some sort of misery"
"She likes to mess with people, nothing too severe but still it's scary"
"Yeeaahhhhh but she's nice to us, I think that I think she changes"
What the hell was that word vomit. Is lapis okay?
"Hey lapis are you feeling alright"
"Mhm Im having a great time, I'm so happy you made some friends they're great, this drink is great, the air is great"
"The air?"
"Yeah I feel like I can breathe"
Okay she's definitely lost it. She seems drunk, I pick up her cup and take a sip from it. It's different than mine, but I can't tell if it's spiked or not.
"Hey lapis lets go home okay?"
"Hey guys I'm gonna go something's up with lapis"
"Sure need help getting her to your car?"
"Nah I got her"
"Okay well see you in class"

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