So close

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We only slept for about half an hour before I woke up. I don't think lapis slept much I felt her grip tighten around me multiple times.
She was still mad
I turned my head to face lapis and she looked down at me. At first she had a stern cold expression but it seemed to soften a little as I met her eye.
"Wanna go to a fair? I heard one is nearby"
I saw her face go cold again and she held me tighter
"We can walk there it's close"
She loosened up and took a second to think about it.
She let go of me and I left to fix my hair. I came back to lapis still laying on the bed thinking about stuff.
I sat next to her and she laid her head on my lap. I panicked and blushed a little bit I don't think she noticed. I put my hand on her head and ruffles her hair slightly. She seemed to relax a little so I continued to play with her hair. After a while she turned to look up at me and I blushed. She blushed slightly too and turned to look at the desk. She got up and fixed her own hair before walking to the door.
I hurried after her and we started towards the fair.
"Do you like fairs ?"
"I've never been"
I looked up at her surprised
"You've never been to a fair!?"
"Nope" she replied with a still cold voice.
"You're gonna love it promise"
I walked a little faster and lapis kept close behind. The fair was a little farther than I'd like but I didn't wanna take the bus knowing lapis would be uncomfortable.

We finally reached our destination and I walked into the many booths and stands. There were carnival games, food stands, a mini petting zoo, even some people performing some sort of dance. I didn't really know what the fair was for but it looked exciting none the less. I turned to lapis who was staring at everything in confusion. I held her hand and saw her blush slightly before interlocking our fingers. I matched her expression and quickly brought her to a food stand where they sold deep fried Oreo donuts.
"I'll take one"
The man nodded and handed me a fresh donut. I gave him some money and turned back to lapis.
I took a bite and was blown away.
"Holy smokes, lapis you've got to try this!"
I handed her the deep fried snack and made sure to flip it around so she wouldn't bite where I had. She took a bite and gave a soft smile. She then started to giggle.
"What's so funny?"
"This is really good but I can feel my cholesterol rising"
She handed me the donut and I shrugged finishing the health abomination. We walked around the fair some more before stopping at a carnival game. It looked simple all you had to do was throw a baseball at some pins and knock all of them down to get a prize. I paid the man and he gave me 3 balls. I turned to lapis.
"That one" I pointed to an stuffed green alien. "I'm gonna win that one" she smiled and I got ready to throw the ball
I threw my first one and missed. Lapis chuckled softly. I threw my second one and missed almost hitting the man. I could hear lapis laughing behind me. I turned my attention to her and heard her snort mid laugh.
My stars that's adorable
I smiled and she blushed. She took the ball from my hands and stood one leg in front of the other. She threw the ball and knocked all the pins down in one throw. She grabbed the alien and turned to look at me.
"I played baseball with Steven"
She handed me the alien and patted me on the head twice.
We walked around the fair some more trying some new food and generally losing at carnival games. I did find one I was good at. I was amazing at darts and hit three bullseyes in a row. I got lapis a blue teddy bear and left everyone around me impressed. Lapis smiled and cuddled her bear.
"Who knew darts was your thing?"
"I know right!? I thought I'd suck"
Lapis laughed and we walked towards the center of the fair. There was a large Ferris wheel standing dead center. I'm not typically good with heights, I like space and stuff but can't climb a ladder easily.  Lapis on the other hand looked like she was gonna burst from excitement. I reluctantly got on and closed my eyes. I didn't need to see to know lapis was looking straight at the ground. We got about half way around when the wheel suddenly stopped. I opened my eyes and noticed we were at the very top of the damn thing and it wasn't even moving. I tensed up and shut my eyes. I head some faint whispering from other carts and finally an announcer speaking with a mega phone.
Just great
I tried my best to seem calm but I'm sure lapis saw through my act.
"You okay?"
"Um yeah"
"You're shaking and your eyes are closed"
"I just don't like heights all the much"
I heard a sigh then felt lapis shuffle around. The cart rocked back and forth
"Lapis whatever you're doing I beg of you please stop"
I felt the cart stop shaking and felt something graze my hand. I reached over and felt something next to me. I opened my eyes and realized I was caressing lapis's thigh. I jumped back and noticed her extremely red face.
Lapis laughed
"What is it?"
"Well look your not scared anymore"
I looked down and quickly backed up. Lapis wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear.
"It's okay nothings going to hurt you I'm right here, we aren't going to fall."
I opened my eyes and glanced up at the city lights, it was pretty terrifying but it looked nice nonetheless. I turned to lapis who was looking out at the beach.
She seemed peaceful and relaxed, I finally started to relax a little and settled into lapis's arms. We looked at each other and lapis closed her eyes. She started to lean in slightly.
Is she going to kiss me!?
A million thoughts raced my mind until it went blank. Lapis was close to my face now. I closed my eyes and prepared for what was coming. I could feel her breathing as the air brushed across my cheek and lips. Suddenly the cart started to shake breaking the moment. Lapis blushed and I blushed worse.
Damnit nooooo not yet
Lapis stared at the ground and I wallowed in the awkward silence the entire way down. We walked home and slept in our own beds that night.
Damnit damnit damnit DAMNIT, everything was perfect
I couldn't sleep much knowing I almost kissed lapis. And she was the one who initiated it. I laid face first into my pillow hoping I'd somehow suffocate
Am I in love with lapis ?
Love. The word bounced in my head and rippled off my tongue. I'd never been in love before. I didn't know what it was like or if this was it. I stayed up all night contemplating my feelings. I didn't know if I was into girls or if it was just lapis who I liked. I didn't know anything. 

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