The First Fight

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Peridot POV
    She should be home soon she texted me not too long ago. I pace back and forth peeking out the window occasionally to see if lapis has shown up. The time on the gps said 25 minutes and it's been 25 did something happen? I sit go back to the window and stare out hoping to see a car pull up. Eventually I see aquas car pull into the parking lot.
    I feel my body loosen with relief and I rush to the door. I didn't realize how excited I'd be to see lapis after losing her for a night. How the hell does she get me like this, I'm losing all my edge. I decide to take a breath and not open the door and rush out to her. I'm going to play it cool and wait until she knocks.
    I sat down on the bed waiting for lapis to knock on the door, she was sure taking her sweet time with it though. I just saw that damn car how long does it take to walk over here. I cross my arms and feel my leg bounce up and down without my control. Maybe she saw something? Nope that's it
    I rush to the window to see what's taking so long and see the car leaving. I don't see lapis anywhere so I start to panic. I glance around the parking lot before locking eyes with lapis who was at the door staring back at me though the pane of glass. I immediately jump back and fall on my back.
    I hear lapis unlock the door and come in laughing slightly.
"You okay there?"
"Were you waiting for me from the window the whole time?"
"No I was checking the weather"
She offers me her hand and I use it to lift myself from the ground. When I finally stand she pulls me towards me and into a tight hug.
    I hug back moving my arms to her shoulders and tilting my head for a kiss. She accepts and we kiss like it's the first time.
"So you missed me too?"
"Just a little"
She sets her bag down and lays down on the bed with a thud. She motions for me to lay next to her which I happily obliged. She wrapped her arms around me and groaned loudly.
"Something up?"
"The pain pills arent working"
I backed up slightly and processed her last few words. Pain pills? Why would she have taken pain pills. I look down at lapis, she didn't seem to think anything of it.
"Why'd you take pain pills"
I watch her face as she quickly realizes she may have let something slip.
"Oh I had a headache at aquas, probably slept wrong without you around you know?"
Not buying that but the flattery was a nice touch.
"So did something happen that you can't tell me about or do you just like lying to me for fun"
I'll admit that I'm pretty upset right now. My girlfriend leaves to sleep over at another girls house, doesn't call me basically at all, had something happen that she won't tell me about and then lies about it. I have a pretty good reason to be ticked off.
"Well? What happened that's so important to be kept a secret?"
"Why are you being like this? Nothing happened there's no reason to be upset"
"You go to another girls house for an entire night, don't call me at all, have something happen over there, lie to me about it, and ask why am being like this?"
"So Your just mad I went to aquas"
"No I'm mad you didn't ever call me at aquas and that you won't tell me what happened"
At this point we had completely let go of each other. We didn't raise our voices but all our words had a sharpness to them that I didn't know we could have.
"Nothing happened and if it did I don't have to tell you, do you not trust me or something?"
"Of course I trust you I just don't trust aqua"
"Why do you always have something against aqua? You basically never trusted her for no reason, your just jealous"
That struck a chord deep down, I'm worried about her but instead of her being appreciative I'm getting scolded.
"I'm not jealous of aqua marine, I'm worried about you"
"Why would you be worried about me, I can handle myself"
"Because you can't always deal with everything!"
I grab my keys and storm out the door making sure to slam it on my way out. I go inside my car and hit my head against the wheel.
I feel tears start streaming down my cheeks as our argument played through my head. Each word I said echoed back and forth while lapis's words pierced my chest.
"Im such a fucking idiot"
I lay back against the seat as I figure out my next move. I can't go back inside and I have no clue where I'm going. Just an amazing plan. I turn the car on and pull into the street.
Guess a light drive will clear my head
I take random streets generally driving in a straight line while I consider my options. I can't go to Stevens they'll ask too many questions, can't go home because lapis is mad at me, I have no friends. I sigh heavily and reach for my phone to see who I can call.
"Oh for fucks sake"
My phone is at the dorm with lapis who is angry. I spot a park to my right and pull into the empty parking lot. The park is empty besides a few birds and an old married couple. The perfect place to cry about the chance of losing my relationship thanks to my paranoid ass.
I sit on the swing and sway back and forth watching the old woman feed the birds. Her husband holds a book open so she can read it while giving the pigeons bread. She doesn't even have to say anything before he turns the page so she can keep reading. I feel my eyes swell with tears and my head bang from crying.
I miss lapis, I miss her so goddamn much

This was supposed to be a happy chapter before I realized lapis be doing kinda bad these last few chapters so someone's gotta call her out. Tune in next week for "lapis learns communication"

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