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Aqua's POV
Lapis was apparently more worried about keeping her secrets or her dignity than getting drunk. By the end of our little game she was red in the face and a bit wobbly. She wasn't completely messed up which surprised me. 4 shots in such a short time could have someone barely standing, she's much better with her liquor than I thought.
"How about I order a pizza you should eat after all that drinking or you won't last the night"
"You know peridot and me eat pizza too and honestly it's because we are too lazy to cook half the time and it tastes good so I like it and I like her"
So she's even more stuck to her lover when she's intoxicated. I love hearing the juicy stories they share but the everyday lovey dovey is simply growing ever more annoying. They cling to each other so much I was shocked the other one even let her stay the night. I never understood this type of commitment.
"We should get pepperoni and the little bread sticks that come with the pizza if you ask nicely. I never know how to get them but peridot gets them for me."
"I'll ask"
"I miss peridot I should call her do you think she misses me?"
"You should not call her like that, she'll have my head before things get interesting"
If she calls her drunk and rambling the worry wort will come for her before the fun starts. On the flip side if she doesn't call at all she'll come regardless, how troublesome. I suppose drinking this early may have rushed things.
"She'll be worried if I don't call and I don't like making her worried she paces back and forth and her foot steps annoy me while I'm trying to sleep"
"Fine just act like you are completely normal"
Why couldn't she be one of the quiet drunks, but no she just had to be the talkative one. I'll just have to watch over her and make sure she doesn't say anything dumb.
"Okay I'm gonna call her"
Hey lapis whats up?
"Periiiiiii I missed youuu~"
Damnit how can she mess this up so fast she's only said 4 words and things are already going bad.
Are you okay?
"Yep aqua and me played a game and I think I lost but I'm not sure how you can lose truth or dare but I feel like I just lost at life"
Did you drink?
"Yeah during the game if I didn't wanna answer I had to drink so I drank a bit but I'm fine cause I handle my alcohol well. Aqua didn't drink though, I couldn't think of anything good I should've called you maybe you had an idea"
Oh my stars she said every single thing I told her not to say. UGHHH now what am I going to do. My fault for trusting her not to say everything she's basically been talking about peridot nonstop of course she wouldn't lie to her.
"Alright that was impressive it's your turn now"
What do you mean? Hey aqua tell me what's going on?
"We are playing truth or dare I told lapis to act drunk over the phone to the person of her choosing. Her acting was a little over the top but I think it worked"
So she's not drunk?
"No she's fine I wouldn't get her drunk have some faith in me"
"But I am- OW"
I elbowed her side to keep her from saying anything else luckily peridot didn't hear anything.
Okay well have fun in your game keep me out of your dares. I really thought she was drunk I almost ran to the car.
"Alright take care"
"Bye peri I love you Mwah"
Love you too lapis
Every second of that interaction was painful. That almost ruined the night. The main event hasn't even begun. I'm going to have to be more careful, peridot will expect a genuine call later on so I'll have to sober lapis up after the plan and before the call time. What a mess.
"Why did you lie?"
"So she wouldn't worry"
"But lying is bad"
"Sometimes it's good, you can lie to protect people and to keep people from doing things that are dangerous"
"But none of that was dangerous"
"Grab the remote and pick a movie"
"I can pickkk?"
She asks too many questions, who knew she'd be such a handful. She's not even entirely messed up yet and she's already causing trouble. Maybe it's the last bit of sobriety that is keeping her mindful. It would be too risky to have her any more loopy though.
"I got the movie picked the cover had a triangle and it reminded me of peridot so I picked it. I don't know what it's about but I hope there's more triangles"
"That's okay the pizza will be here soon so I'll get pizza and drinks ready"
I grab my paper plates and take a stack onto the counter. There's only one way to eat pizza the paper plates and canned sodas are a must. I'll have to get lapis a water though her drunk state is getting stressful.
"You know peridot was probably really worried about you coming here"
"Yeah I think she's jealous of you or something but I feel really bad about leaving her home like that. She stresses easily and is probably just pacing back and forth waiting for any news or calls.
"We shouldn't worry her more today it could be bad for her"
"You're right I don't want her to get arthritis"
"I don't think that's how that.... umm yeah we don't want her getting arthritis or worse"
"Sure, so let's not say anything to her that might stress her out"
"Okay yeah cancer is expensive and it seems like it hurts"
Okay there's that done now where is our guest? She should be here.
Knock knock
There we go I was starting to wonder if they bailed.
"Lapis can you get the door?"
Lapis POV
It must be pizza I hope they have the bread. How do I unlock the door? Oh there we go....

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