Ackward mornings, warm goodnights

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Back to peridot POV

I woke up and noticed I was hugging something. I sleep with a body pillow so I figured it was that. I tried to pull away from the pillow when I realized it was grabbing me too. I woke up completely and realized that lapis had somehow crawled into my bed and wrapped around me. I didn't wanna wake her since there's still 20 minutes before the alarm. I didn't really know what to do so I did my next best option. Snuggle her until I go back to sleep. I relaxed and my arms found they're place around her waist. I blushed but did my best not to move. I leaned my head against her chest and almost immediately when back to sleep. After what felt like a second the alarm was blaring loudly. I woke up and so did lapis. She seemed dazed and didn't seem to realize what we were doing. She opened her eyes and stared right at me for a few seconds. I think she finally woke up because she immediately let go and I went to turn off the alarm.
"Um good morning" she seemed a mix of confused tired and nervous.
"Good morning how'd you sleep?" She blushed and slowly got up.
"Good" I matched lapis's blush.
"Did you crawl into my bed last night?" Lapis looked at me like I just said something crazy. She then pointed at where I was and I realized that I was in fact not in my bed but in lapis's. I'm amost certain I blushed to a level that was previously thought impossible. They could have named a new shade of red after me at this point. Lapis clearly saw my blush and turned red too.
"You fell asleep watching CPH and I tired to put you on my bed and sleep in yours but you grabbed me so I just kinda went to sleep with you" she looked guilty and sad. Suddenly I felt like crap.
"Well I don't mind it" admitting that was probably the hardest thing I've done in years.  She looked up at me and blushed deeper.
"It was actually nice and I slept a lot better than I have in a while, I'd actually like to do that more often." I closed my eyes not ready to see if lapis was weirded out or if she was disgusted.
"I'd like that" I opened my eyes and saw lapis covering her face.
"I said I would like sleeping next to you sometime" she was matching my shade of red now.
I grabbed her hands and slowly pulled them from her face. She looked up at me and I gave my best smile.
"We're gonna be late dummy" she smiled back and got up. Grabbing a few clothes and changing in the bathroom. I did the same and we were both done at similar times. She was wearing blue jeans and a white t shirt. I wore darker blue jeans and black shirt.
"Wanna get breakfast on the way their we are gonna be late" I nodded and we went off to campus.
We stopped by a cafe and got some donuts and coffee.
"You know we shouldn't drink this much coffee" we laughed and continued on our way to school. When we got there we each when you class and the day carried on as normal. Classes were decently enjoyable and I got my first piece of homework in calculus. It was just review and seemed really easy. School ended and lapis began talking about her day.
"Classes were boring and I have two assignments to complete"
"What's the other one"
"I have to make a painting of someone for my painting 1 class"
"Who are you gonna paint?" She looked me dead in the eye.
"Wanna model for me" I blushed and she smirked. We got to the dorm and I got started on dinner I was gonna make some pan seared chicken with a side of roasted vegetables and some Spanish rice. I got all my ingredients out and lapis walked in to the kitchen.
"Need some help" I nodded and she cut the vegetables while I did the rest.
We finished up and sat down to eat.
"So peridot, you never answered my question"
"What question?"
"Would you like to model for me?" I blushed and stared at her. She was completely serious.
"Um Sure"
She smiled and finished her food before rushing into our room to grab a canvas and some paints.
"Wait lapis what am I supposed to do?"
"Oh um well here put this on real quick" she handed me some of her clothes and I pushed me into the bathroom. It was a white shirt and some shorts. I put it on and it fit me pretty big.
"Perfect" I looked down at myself.
"This is perfect? It fits me huge" that's what I wanted. The shirt that would've fit lapis well slipped off of my shoulder and the shorts were slightly baggy so she tied them with a type of cloth belt.
"Put on your low top vans and come on" I rushed to grab my shoes and she waited at the door holding a long tube like bag, her canvas, and a bag with her paints and brushes.
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see"
We went to the bus and travelled to our mystery location. Lapis wouldn't let me see where we were going and would cover my eyes at any attempt at peaking. Though the strong salt water scent was a dead give away. We got to the beach and lapis took something out of the long tube bag thing. It was a chair that folded up. She extended it and places it facing her. She set up her canvas and turned her attention to me.
"Sit here and lean your head back slightly with your hands in your pockets and legs crossed"
I followed her instructions carefully and got into my position. The sun was starting to set and lapis got to work. My head relaxed on the back of the chair and I wasn't uncomfortable so staying in the same potion for that long wasn't difficult. Lapis finished her painting and told me I could move.
"Can I see?"
"What whyyy!?"
"It's a surprise you can see it when we get home"
She covered the canvas with a thin sheet and started walking towards the bus.
"Hey lapis wait up" I ran to catch up to her.
"Can't just make me stay still for an hour and not let me see the painting." I whined and looked her in the eye.
"That look should be illegal" I smiled and she grabbed the edge of the sheet.
"Nope" she let go of the sheet and go on the bus.
"Whattt don't tease me like that lapis" she smiled and put her head on my shoulder.
"I'm tired, wanna watch CPH once we finish calculus?" I put my head on hers.
"Sure" the bus ride back felt short and we quickly went to the dorm.
I wanted to see lapis's painting but she refused to show me until we got inside.
"Alright we are inside now show me"
"Okay close your eyes and no peeking"
I closed my eyes and heard the sheet ruffle as lapis pulled it off.
"Okay don't judge me, open your eyes"
The painting was beautiful the sunset was an amazing background and the clothes fit the piece perfectly and I looked great. The way I was positioned looked so cool and the colors and details just made me look like an actual model.
"Wow lapis this is amazing I actually look good"
Lapis smiled clearly flustered.
"You always look good"
I blushed and she set the canvas down, we finished calculus and sat down to watch CPH. We burned through a couple episodes before deciding to sleep. We didn't have class tomorrow but didn't wanna stay up late regardless. I got changed and ready for bed, as I was climbing the ladder to my bed I felt lapis stop me.
"Hey do you Um" she paused and looked nervous.
"Do you wanna sleep together again?" I was shocked at the sudden request but simply nodded and climbed into bed with lapis. She turned off the lights and wrapped herself in the blanket. We faced eachother for a bit before lapis turned around. I thought about putting my arm around her but decided it would be weird and make her uncomfortable. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. It was much easier to sleep with lapis next to me. She was warm and I could feel her there. It made me feel safe.

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