Judgemental peers

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The alarm woke us bright and early. I reached over and turned it off while lapis shifted around under the blanket. She mumbled something I couldn't hear and turned over ignoring the alarm.
"Lapis we have to get up"
"nooooooooo"she covered her head with the blanket.
"Lapis we are gonna be late"
"I don't wanna go" she was being even more lazy than usual.
"Lapis get up"
"It's warm though"
I took the blanket off of her and she looked up at me both tired and angry. I leaned over and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. We both blushed and I sat up. I went to get off the bed but lapis wrapped her arms around me and dragged me back down with her.
"Stay for just a little longer"
"Lapis we will be late"
She looked like a sad puppy. Just a glance to her eyes made me give in. I grabbed my phone and set a timer for 5 minutes.
"We have 5 minutes if we get up right after and hurry we won't be late"
Lapis smiled and pulled the blanket up to cover us. I settled in her arms and put my head on her chest. I closed my eyes and one second later the alarm rang.
"What the?"
I looked at the time and sure enough 5 minutes passed.
"Alright lapis this time we really have to get up"
Although she clearly protested the idea eventually lapis sat up.
I have her a supportive smile and grabbed my hoodie and jeans.
"You really like hoodies huh?"
"They're comfy"
Lapis gave a devilish smile and got up.
"Let's go shopping after school"
"Because I want to give you a makeover"
"Can it wait until tomorrow?"
"Sure why?"
"I have something to do today"
"Where are we going?"
"Actually it's something I have to do completely alone"
Lapis shot me a look. I could tell she was suspicious.
"It's a surprise"
"Can you at least tell me where your going?"
"Are you taking the bus?"
She looked worried and I realized that she was a little scared of me going on the bus alone.
"No, pearl is gonna pick me up"
She looked a little annoyed
"Yes pearl now don't worry about anything"
We were short on time so lapis didn't ask many more questions. We changed and quickly grabbed a coffee and donut from the cafe before heading to school.The bus was mostly empty in the mornings but lapis still didn't relax whenever we got on. I didn't mind her holding me close but I didn't like her worrying every time we were going somewhere.
I decided I was going to get my license. I had been practicing with pearl and studied for the written test for hours on end. After school I was going to take both the written and actual driving tests. I didn't wanna tell lapis because I wanted it to be a surprise if I did pass.
We got to school and I was a little nervous. It was our first day as a couple coming to class and I wasn't sure how our peers would react to our relationship. At first I thought about keeping it a secret for a little but that plan was thrown out the window the second lapis held my hand. She interlocked our fingers and walked to class with confidence that I didn't know existed. We got a few stares but no one said anything due to intimidation presented by lapis.

Lapis POV
Don't look at them don't look at them. Just keep walking. If you don't see them, they don't see you. Damnit why are they all looking at us I don't even know them. Let's just walk faster

Back to Peridot
   Lapis is being all calm and collected and I'm over here freaking out. Maybe I should start being more like her. We walked to her class and I started off towards mine. I still got some stares from people who had seen us together but the day when by fast. I would still see lapis in between classes so we got to hear a few whispers.
"Are they together together ?"
"They're roommates I think"
"I see them get here at the same time they leave together too"
"What if they're just close friends"
"I don't think so I see them get all cuddly on the bus"
I looked up at lapis who seemed thoroughly annoyed. She looked at me and then at the people whispering. She gave a small smirk and wrapped her arms around my waist. She pulled me close and looked me in the eyes.
"Lapis what are you doing" I tried to whisper loud enough for lapis to hear me but I think some of the other may have heard as well.
"Just confirming their suspicions"
    Before I could object lapis pulled me even closer and leaned in. I tilted my head and closed my eyes. Lapis's lips soon found their way to mine and we held them there until we needed to breath. The kiss was short but loving. Lapis was trying to prove a point but she still made sure the kiss had its meaning. It was our first time kissing and my first kiss in general. I don't regret how it turned out at all.
    When we separated it took me a while to realize what was going on. It felt as though I had just woken up from the best dream I'd ever had. As I slowly regained my senses the whispers started to flood in.
"Oh my stars"
"Guess you were right"
"Don't they have any shame"
"They're so cuteee"
"I ship it"
"Wait isn't that jaspers ex?"
"She's gonna kill that pip-squeak once she finds out"
      I'm sure it was the mention of jasper but I chose to act oblivious. Lapis walked away from the people and went into a bathroom. It was empty but people could walk in any second.
"You okay lapis?"
I could tell she was lying but I didn't wanna jump the gun. I hugged her tightly and looked up at her.
"You don't have to talk about it now"
She looked surprised but was starting to relax a little.
"Cmon one class left then we can go home."
"Yeah okay lets go"
We walked out of the bathroom and went to class.

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