Shut up

305 11 23

🔴Slight smut near the end you have been warned🔴

Peridot POV
    I can already predict having to draw two cards so I contemplate even hearing the question. But rules are rules so I show them my blank card and leave myself at the mercy of amethyst.
"You know what that means right peridot?~"
"Just hurry up"
"What question should I ask oh I know, besides lapis who in this room would you date?"
    I felt lapis's stare dig deep into my soul. The air around her became thick and amethyst was loving every minute of it. I don't feel like dying so I draw my two cards and pray I don't have to deal with this again. I turn to look at my cards and notice a +4, I was already planning how to use it when I see the second card.
    This game had to be rigged there's no way I could get a second white card already. I wasn't even done with the first one.
"Amethyst you didn't shuffle these"
"Yeah I didn't, garnet shuffled remember"
"How the hell did I get another white card then"
"Ohhhh so you got another white card, pearl why don't we remind everyone of what happens when a white card is drawn again"
    This surprise rule was never mentioned and based on amethysts initial expression it wasn't going to be good for me.
"Well the rules state that if you get a white card while drawing after a question you either answer the question or draw 10 cards"
TEN FLIPPING CARDS! This is a scam
"Who made these damn rules"
Can't argue with that
    I draw 10 damn cards and make sure that none of them are blank. They all have something on them so I guess my luck isn't the worst thing ever. I'm definitely not winning this game though.

Lapis POV
    I know that peridot said to ignore her but she's getting on every nerve I have. Who does she think she is, asking something like that in front of me. I'm her girlfriend, we are dating, she's mine. Why is that so difficult. I shouldn't have to make out with her in front of everyone to make that clear.
    As the game continued I can tell amethyst is eyeing peridot, scanning her up and down, winking at her, and just plain staring. Besides the winking I'm almost certainly peridot hasn't even noticed which is the most annoying part.
    The game finally ends and amethyst won, peridot on the other hand got the most cards. After winning amethyst decided she had the need to hug peridot, as she states it was "celebratory" which is fancy for bullshit.
"Hey lapis are you alright your shooting daggers from your eyes again"
Steven must have noticed my foul mood and come to cheer me up. He's a pure little bean so I guess he hasn't noticed why I'm mad.
I pat him on the head and give him the best smile I can make at the moment.
"Yes Steven I'm fine"
"You sure?"
"If you need some air we can use held getting sleeping bags out of storage, you can take peri too"
I know he needs me since I'm tall so peridot must just be to boost my morale. Even when I'm trying my best to fake it he can still see somethings bugging me.
I decide I need the break and tell peridot to come help with the bags. We go into a side room they use for storage and I spot the bags at the top of a shelf.
"They're up here I'll bring em down"
"Thanks I'll go get some blankets from the closet just bring them to the living room"
I grab the bags and pass them over to peridot who is very confused about why she's helping get things from the top shelf despite being the shortest.
"How come you didn't ask pearl? Or garnet? They would literally be a lot more help"
I didn't want to say it was because I want her to myself but her constant questions got annoying.
"Did you not want to help?"
"That's not it at all just logically speaking a tall person should be used for a tall person task it's common sense"
I contemplate kissing her to shut her up but Steven could walk through if we take too long and I don't want to be caught in a make out session.
" why me I get Steven being here since he knows the house but I'm quite possibly the shortest"
Yeah fuck it
I reach behind her and close the door to the small room. Before she can say anything else I press my body against hers and catch her lips. I expected her to be startled but she melted into it quickly almost as if she hoped I'd do this.
"You talk too much"
"Shut me up then~"

Warning slight smut
That little line and out of breath tone triggered something deep inside me. I made the kiss more aggressive and let my tongue into her mouth without needing invitation. I dropped anything I was holding and wrapped my arms around her waist slowly running my fingers on the exposed skin near her waist line. I didn't care anymore and let my hands ride up her shirt. I felt the lining of her bra on my hand and instinctively pulled it up letting my hand feel what was under.
I felt peridot shiver at the contact and her heart quickened it's pace. I let go of her lips to catch my breath and found my way to her neck. I missed this too much to be gentle and started with small bites before finding the perfect spot to mark. I didn't care if the others saw it I wanted them to know she was mine.

"Peri! Lapis! You alright where's the stuff"
I came to my senses in a cold shock and scrambled to grab everything while peridot fixed herself up again. Steven opened the door but we had already grabbed the bags and thought of an excuse.
"Why was the door closed?"
"We needed to get something behind it, it's just easier to close it"
"Woah peridot what happened to your neck?!"
Sure enough the spot had already started to turn a dark red and it was impossible to ignore.
"What about it? Did the spider leave a mark"
"You got bit by a spider! Yes it left a mark are you okay"
"It's fine it's fine I'll take medicine if it gets too bad"
After some more convincing Steven let us off the hook. He didn't suspect anything but the others would.
"Why the hell did you leave a mark?!"
"You didn't seem to want me to stop"
Peridot blushed a deep crimson and covered her neck, amethyst was sure to have a hell of a time hearing this.

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