Whats More Embarrassing? (Smut)

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Peridot POV
    When I was told to help lapis out I had hoped for some alone time but I didn't want to deal with a huge hickey straight on my neck. How the hell was I going to get away with this one.
    I put a hand to the spot that's already a dark red and feel the soft lingering pain under my fingers. She can be so possessive when she's jealous I guess. I look up to see her and instead of seeing so much as a trace of worry, she's beaming. It's almost as if she's excited for everyone to see me, like it's a game of show and tell.
"Can you at least try to hide your motives"
"What motive?"
"So your telling me that this mark on the most visible place I can possibly think of was an accident"
    Accident my ass she's just trying to get amethyst to back off by marking what's hers. Damnit this is such a pain. Why did amethyst gotta do this damn thing anyway.
    When we reached the living room the others were scattered around doing their own thing and prepping for our stay. Luckily it didn't seem like I'd have to deal with the crowd but it wasn't long before everyone realized.
"Pearlllll we got the bags"
"Oh I hope it wasn't any trouble, I didn't like the idea of having the guests help out but Steven took off before I could protest"
"Oh no it was fine I'm happy to help"
    Lapis's little act was just rubbing salt in the wound at this point. That damn smile, what I wouldn't give to wipe it off that pretty little face of hers.
"Are you alright peridot? Is there something on your neck"
"NOPE, I MEAN uh it's nothing I'm okay don't worry"
"Oh she says she got bit by a spider in the closet"
"YES Steven that is correct, there was a small spider and it bit me and left a mark"
    I think pearl bought the act considering she seemed more worried than anything else.
"Well that's not good, let me take a look at it we have some medicine in case it's swelled"
Lapis gave a wide smile,"Yeah peri you should let her see it, don't want it to be something serious you know
    I stare her down angrily and try to remove my hand as innocently as possible. Once my hand is off pearl takes a good look and gives me no indication as to whether she's found out yet.
"We should probably get something for this come with me you two"
   I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I saw that she bought that lie. It felt like my heart was bouncing out my chest during that whole altercation. At least it seems like the others might believe it too then since we have pearl to back me up. On the other hand lapis seemed a little disappointed that she didn't get the reaction she wanted.
    We followed pearl to her room and she reached into a small box. She grabbed a bottle of something and a brush.
"Cover it and do that on your own time"
With that she walked out of the room and left me frozen in place with a small bottle of foundation in my hand.
    I tried my best to collect my thoughts and heard lapis stifle a laugh behind me. Guess I'm the only one who has any shame for what just happened.
"Can you not"
"Not what?"
"Pearl literally found us out and your laughing, I get that your not the one with a bruise but at least try to show some sort of sympathy here"
"Hey the purpose of that little spot is to show your mine, I want people to see it. It's not my fault some people need a reminder"
Well at least she finally admits to it. I bet she wouldn't like it very much if she was the one walking around like this. Well there's the best idea I've had all day.

SMUT warning
    I look around and notice the door closed and a bed behind lapis. Pearl would expect this to take a bit and won't want anyone walking in to see my bruise so there's no chance of anyone walking in is there~
"Hey lapis~"
I push her slightly and she falls on the bed behind her. I climb on top and put my mouth to her ear
"Why don't we finish what we started~"
"Wait we can't go all out we are on pearls bed. The others will hear us for sure and there's no way we can finish quick enough to not cause suspicion"
"Then keep your voice down and let's go fast"
    I nibble lightly at her ear and listen to the subdued sounds of lapis's moans as she struggles to keep them in her throat. Our little incident in the closet definitely got her riled up so there's no need for any side tracking.
"Id love to stall but we are on a time limit so let's go straight to the main event, now remember everyone can hear you"
"Peri go slow I can't hold my voice back if you go too far"
"That's to bad huh"
I wonder what's more embarrassing a hickey or having everyone hear your moans. I'm definitely trying to find out though.
    I take my hand and trace the slightest touch of my finger up lapis's stomach all the way to her chest. I move all her clothes out of my way and let my hand touch her chest directly. I go to her neck and leave soft kisses all the way from her jaw to her collar bone making sure to skip her mouth as to not quiet any sounds. I settle my mouth at her chest and move my hand to her the hem of her pants.
    I unbutton her jeans and pull them down until I can reach where I was trying to go. I suck softly on her chest and trace her clit with my thumb. She stiffens and let's small sounds escape her closed mouth.
"What's wrong I thought you were staying silent"
"Shut up"
I move one of my fingers to her entrance and put it in as painfully slow as I can. I look at lapis and notice her biting her lip to keep in all the sounds.
"Careful bite to hard and you'll bleed"
    When she opens her mouth respond I put my finger in all the way and she lets a loud moan escape. She quickly cups her hand over her mouth and stares at me angrily.
"Cat got your tongue? Or you just don't feel like talking anymore?"
I keep moving in and out thrusting into her roughly. The small sounds echo in the room and the struggle to keep them is getting more apparent. I add another finger and go even harder. I go down and suck softly on her clit while I move. She puts puts both hands over her mouth to cover the sounds but they spill out through every defense.
"Cmon it's not like you can help it, I know your close just stop trying to hide it"
    I can feel her tighten around my fingers as she reaches her end. I speed up and become more aggressive as her sounds fill the room.
"Just go ahead"
She arches her back and completely reaches her limit. She lets out a loud moan that she tried her best to cover with a pillow. I let her ride it out and clean the mess the made as she gathers herself.
"Had fun?"
"I hate you so much"
"Cmon we should get to the others"
"Please throw me out the window"

So sorry for the late chapter Halloween turned out more of a distraction than I thought. Hoped you enjoyed.

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