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Lapis POV
The deal with aqua was to have a girls night at her place. I'd come over Friday sleep there and leave late Saturday afternoon. She said she was tired of hearing me talk about peridot or hang around peridot so she wanted time for just us to be friends and not her being my relationship coach. I can see where she's coming from so I decided to agree to it. I honestly didn't think peridot would be so against it but I forget she's a big softie.
I'm supposed to be at aqua's place in about an hour and peridots just been staring at me longingly while I pack some stuff for the night. She hasn't even said anything just glancing over when she thinks I'm not looking. She isn't the fondest of aqua I'm not entirely sure why. I'm pretty sure she's just jealous or something.

Peridot POV
Last time we went to her house lapis got all messed up. Maybe the house is bad luck, I should slip some holy water into her bag. But then again what if aquas bad luck, I'll put the water in a spray bottle. I also bought a lucky charm the other day that I strapped onto her bag. I might also sneak in a pocket knife just in case something happens and I'm not there to protect her.
Me and lapis haven't really been apart from each other since we met and if something happens the one time I'm gone I'll never forgive myself. I thought about sneaking in by hiding in her bag but I wouldn't fit with all her clothes in there. Seriously it's one night why is she packing so many outfits. Unless she's planning on moving in with her and leaving me. No she wouldn't, but then again she could.

"Lapis I'm having second thoughts about this"
"It's one night peri nothing is going to happen"
"Why are you packing so much for one night?"
"In case we decide to go somewhere"
"You'd tell me if you go anywhere right?"
"Yes peri I'd tell you"
"You better text me every 5 minutes if you don't I'll assume you have been kidnapped and go there right away"
"I'm not doing that peri"
"Well then I'm putting a tracker on your phone for safety reasons"
"Will that stop you from freaking out?"
"A little"
"Then go on ahead"

Lapis POV
If her tracking me makes her feel better than I'll just let it happen. It seems like it's just an app that sends each other our locations but it's not like we don't already know where the other is. Small price to pay to keep her from sneaking into my bag or something. She can be so paranoid, is she really that jealous?
"Hey peridot"
"Level with me are you jealous of aqua or something"
"No I am not jealous of aqua marine I am simply fearing for your life"
"My life?"
"Last time you were there I turn around for one second and your falling over everywhere, this time I'm not even going to be there"
"Well yes but that was a party and it wasn't just me a lot of people got spiked drinks, nothing like that is going to happen"
"Yes peridot I promise"
    Between getting all my stuff ready and convincing peridot I wouldn't get murdered the second I was out of her sight time flew quite fast. Topaz was set to pick me up any minute now so it's just a matter of when that happens.
"I could've driven you know"
"Well yes but she offered it felt rude to turn her down"
Peridot has been pouting all crossed armed for a while now. Nothing I say really reassures her but I'm out of ideas.
"They're here"
"Who would've guessed"
"Oh cmonnnnnn perrrriiii"
"Don't keep them waiting"
Well now she's being all angry how am I supposed to leave her like that. I don't wanna keep topaz waiting so I guess I'll make this quick. I quickly plop my bag onto the ground and climb onto peridots lap. I face her and drape my arms around her neck.
"Aren't you gonna be late"
Petty much?
"So I don't get a goodbye kiss?"
She looks away and continues to sulk. I'd usually coax her into it but she is right I will be late. I put a hand to her face and turn her towards me quickly rushing into a kiss before she can turn away. For as angry and she may be she's a sucker for physical affection so she won't back down. She finally uncrosses her arms and puts them around my waist leaning into the kiss. I don't want to get too carried away so I back up before it gets too heated.
"I'll see you tomorrow but I promise to call"
I give her a peck on the nose and head out the door before she can protest.
I do feel bad leaving like that but there was no other way I'd make it out.
"What took you so long?"
"Peridot didn't want me to leave"
"Don't tell me the love birds can't be apart for a night"
"Nah it's just the first time since we've met that we have been"
"I see, well we'd best get going"
I hop into the back seat and place my bag at the ground. I haven't slept over at a friends house since I was a kid so this'll be fun. I'm not even entirely sure what people at sleep overs do though.
"What are the plans for today?"
"Oh you know the usual sleep over shenanigans"
I really don't that's why I asked but okay
Regardless though it seems like it'll be fun, I'll be sure to tell peridot all about it.

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