Perfect date pt 1

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Peridot POV
Lapis said that she'd take me on the "best date I've ever been on" tomorrow and all week long she's been leaving for places and bringing things home and talking to people. A part of me wants to wait so all her effort isn't ruined but the bigger part is dying of curiosity. Whenever I try to peak at anything she brings home I can never find it. It's not even like we have many places to hide things either they just magically disappear.
She also won't tell me anything, not a single hint as to tomorrow's plans. Whenever I ask it's always the same "just wait and see" "I don't want to ruin the surprise" "be patient". With all the suspense I can't even sleep I'm too excited. I just keep tossing and turning in an attempt to tire myself out.
"Can't sleep?"
"Figured as much you've been moving a lot"
"Can you sleep"
"Can I join?"
"Would it matter if I said no?"
"Not really Im already heading over there"
Lapis and I don't sleep together too often due to the size of the beds and how warm the rooms can get. It's pretty annoying but at least we can still cuddle most of the time. Overall it just makes it that much more special when we do. Being in her arms is just so soothing.
   When I wake up I expect that familiar warmth of being in bed with my girlfriend but she's missing. So I guess the surprises start early. Usually I wake much earlier than lapis so to have her get up sooner is weird and disappointing. As I slowly wake up I realize the room smells great.
   It's probably coming from the kitchen but the entire dorm is now filled with the smell of breakfast.
"Finally up?"
"That's rich coming from you"
She brings a plate of French toast, some eggs, and breakfast sausage on one of those breakfast in bed tables.
"So I get the royal treatment?"
"There's more to do so eat quickly your highness"
    Breakfast was delicious, Lapis is an excellent cook but way too lazy to do it often. I wish I could savor every bite but I'm eager to go see what else we have planned. There was no specific dress code so I put on whatever I grab first and start to get ready.
"Ready to go?"
"Mhm where to next"
Lapis POV
    I don't want to have peridot drive me to all our destinations so I had aqua catch me a ride. I wanted everything to be a surprise to the last minute so having topaz drive was the best option. They got here right on time so there wasn't much stalling needed.
"Your chariot awaits"
"I'm not driving?"
"That would ruin the surprise"
"Your commitment to keeping everything secret is impressive"
   We walk over to the car with topaz in the drivers seat and to my surprise no aqua. I open the door for peridot and then get in myself.
"So where are we going?"
"You never get tired of asking do you"
"Not really"
The car ride was fairly short so I had to keep my eye out once we started getting close.
"Close your eyes"
"Awww cmonnnn"
"Close them"
   She closes he eyes and topaz finds a spot to drop us off. I thank them and help peridot get out of the car. She almost hits her head on the way out but her height saved her.
"So can I open my eyes now?"
I walk her closer to the entrance
"I can hear people screaming"
"Alright open your eyes"
She opened her eyes and I swear stars grew in them.
"How did you know I liked this place"
"Lucky guess"
Some stalking
She quickly takes the lead walking towards the attractions like a toddler. I can tell that she's trying to hide her excitement but it radiates from her for miles.
"Which one first?"
"Some of the ride first so that we won't have to carry any prizes from the booths around"
"Looks like someone has a system down already"
Instead of the usual remark I simply receive an eye roll and a smile. She's too distracted by the rides to attempt a come back.
We go on the tea cups first something light to start. Then immediately to the roller coaster. I'm surprised peridot even let us get started on the tea cups, she was looking at the coaster the whole time.
"My guess is you like roller coasters"
"Yeah they go super fast and high up its like flying in an open air space ship"
She can barely stand still while we wait in line. Her joy is even starting to infect me to. This little part of her is adorable I'm going to have to bring her here more often.
It's wasn't long before we get our turn and got strapped in to the ride. It started off pretty slowly but I guess I got too comfortable because when it reached the peak instead of screaming I was just cursing repeatedly.
"We should go again while the line is short"
"Fine but just once more right now or I'll throw up"
We went on once more and then went ahead to some of the other rides like the carousel and bumper cars. It wasn't long before we were back on the roller coaster though. I swear peridot must have a stomach of steel.
We went on the roller coaster a few more times and cycles though almost every ride at the park before getting a break.
"How about we get a funnel cake or something I need a break from all this"
We end up getting some funnel cakes and struggling with not getting powdered sugar everywhere.
"Want to try some of the other stuff here while the food goes down"
"Good idea we still have a bunch more to do"

Sorry for the slight delay in updates I tried forcing this all in one chapter and ended up having to redo it all. Stick around for part two in a couple days.
Sincerely, a struggling idiot

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