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Lapis POV
"And then we went on the Ferris wheel and the view was just amazing, everyone seemed so small and you could see everything. That was the last thing we did though since we were both really tired."
"So you enjoyed yourself?"
"Yeah and then when we got home I gave her the gifts and she loved them!"
"I think you managed to make up for your little mishap, at least from this angle the date seemed like a complete success"
"Yeah I'm really glad it worked out though, I owe you big time aqua"
"Naturally I can't turn down a good deed, that being said you might regret owing me"
"How come?"
"I'll hold you to it"
"That's the point of owing you, kinda pointless if I never live up to it"
"All righty then it seems I already have something in mind"

Peridot POV
Saturday was so exhausting that we spent all of Sunday laying in bed as still as possible while watching t.v. I had weak legs from all the roller coasters and with what lapis did you me I was basically jello for hours. Not complaining though.
    With how the weekend went coming to school was a big disappointment. I went from possibly one of the best days I've ever had and a day of relaxing with my favorite person to this. People everywhere, assignments, projects, and no lapis. It's kind of selfish of me to want her around 24/7 but I can't really help it. When she's around I feel a lot more confident, like I have a safety net to catch me if I fail. It's not my fault it gets addicting.
    Still though I find it difficult to believe I'm having this hard of a time being apart for an hour and a half. Well whatever I'll see her soon it's not like I need her around me all the time I'll be fine. I'm just gonna work on what's in front of me.

One time skip later
Working is not really helping anything but at least it's eating up the time okay. It's probably already been about an hour. Checks time
Stupid lapis having different classes, stupid school making me busy, I just wanna see my girlfriend is that too much to ask for. Well I guess I could technically text her. She has her phone on her, but what am I supposed to say. "Hey I miss you and am having a difficult time being apart for more than 5 minutes so can you please love me?" That sounds like a new type of clingy. I'll just wait it out.

A very painful time skip later
FINALLY stupid class lasting forever. At least it's finally over. I try not to seem like I'm in too much of a hurry but I can't help but speed walk. What the hell kind of charm did she set on me I feel like a dog when it's owner comes home. Even my thoughts are betraying me.
"Hey peri how was class"
"Long and painful, hug please"
"That bad huh?"
I'm not tall enough to wrap my arms around her neck very comfortably so when ever we hug I'll usually have my arms at the bottom. This means that lapis basically wraps around me and it's great. I can rest my head at her neck and have her whole body envelop me. I could fall asleep if I wasn't standing.
"So what happened to stress you like this"
"Uhhhhh you know projects and stuff the usual"
The fact that you weren't there
"Guess even a workaholic like you has a limit"
She lifts her arms off of me to symbolize the end of the hug. I really don't want to let go but I suppose hugging in the halls for 5 minutes is a strange concept. I back away from the hug leaving an empty sensation in my chest.
"Oh by the way aqua asked me to hang out with her this Weekend"
"What are we gonna do?"
"Welllllllll about that"
"Is there something wrong?"
"She says that she's a little tired of being a third wheel so she wants to hang out with just us"
I get where she's coming from. Being the third wheel is kind of annoying but at the same time weekends are my time with lapis so I choose to be upset and disagree.
"But weekends are our time"
"I know I know, but I kind of owe her"
"She helped plan our date so the least I can do is spend a few days with her"
"A few days?"
"She sorta wants me to you know sleep over?"
"Awwww lapisssssss"
"Yeah I know but cmon it'll just be a night and then I'll be right on home"
Hanging out I can understand and I can deal with. But sleeping over, no. First of all what if there's other people there and they mess with lapis. Second of all that's my cuddle time. Third of all this seems fishy.
"Are you sure?"
"Wait a minute"
"Are you jealous of me spending the night at aqua's?"
"No, absolutely not, I simply think that nights are exclusively for cuddle time"
"Yeah right"
"I mean it"
"Well we can cuddle any day, nothing's gonna happen if we are away for a night or two"
"Or two!?"
"Calm down I'm not staying two nights"
She seems to have made up her mind. It's not like I can really say anything about this so she's free to do as she pleases. I am still a little worried about her spending the night though, last time aqua invited us over lapis got messed up. Well I guess this isn't a party and aqua is a good friend. UGHHHHH
"Alright fineeee"
"I promise I'll be fine and I'll be sure to call you"
"Yeah you better"

So quick announcement
    I noticed that my story hit 10K reads which is just so much more than I ever thought would happen. I honestly thought no one would read this and it would end in 10 chapters but the support is just amazing. I am really thankful that people enjoy my work and for all the comments and likes people leave. It's hard to do a project like this especially during times when I'm not even sure I want to continue doing this so all the little comments really drive this forward.

Anyway this is longer than expected so I'm gonna end it with a thank you so much for all the support hope you enjoy the future updates

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