An Average School Day

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'Time skip to Monday morning'

Lapis POV
We spent the weekend at home recovering from the draining monstrosity that is social interaction. Parties suck as is without me getting messed up, I got some moments of my memory back but it's still filled with holes. I can sorta remember peridot dragging me home and doing some stuff there but I can't remember who was around the drinks at the party.
"There you are late as ever"
"Cut us some slack Monday's are hard"
"Oh before I forget. Lapis, I've been meaning to speak with you"
"Is it about the party?"
"Well yeah I feel the need to apologize after all it happened in my home and I was unaware of it until my guests were nearly falling over"
"It's fine it's not like you could've known this would happen"
Although I'm aware of what happened I'm still not entirely sure how I got my drink spiked but not peridot considering we were drinking the same thing. I can't wrap my head around it and peridot seemed to notice too.
"Hey aqua"
"How come peridot was fine"
"What do you mean?"
"Well we were drinking the same thing so how come I got the spiked drinks but peridot didn't"
"Ah well when I would go get you drinks I'd hand the cups to the people serving the drinks and they would get them out of different bowls"
"I see"
"Only one of the bowls was spiked which happened to be the one you were served from"
Guess that makes sense. There's no time to really question it further though considering it's almost time to part ways.
"Hey Peri you should go or you'll be late"
"Yeah alright"
I give her a quick peck and wave to her as she disappears down the hall. I head into my class and take my usual seat next to aqua. I'm actually doing well in this class since aqua and topaz help me and it's an easy course. I can relax and take a good nap to make up for any missed sleep.
    Just as I'm getting comfy aqua slides me a note. 'You didn't do anything stupid after the drink right?'
I guess she doesn't want to talk over the professor but her curiosity got the best of her. I write a note back,'you concerned or just nosy?' She fake gasps and gives a playful smile 'just harmless curiosity what's wrong in telling me'
"Well I don't really remember anything"
"Didn't peridot tell your stories?"
"Well yeah"
"Don't well yeah me, get to it before the professor catches on to our whispering"
    I tell her everything that peridot told me briefly going through the more embarrassing bits. She paid close attention and seemed to thoroughly enjoy hearing about what happened. I guess she really does enjoy gossip.
"So you really thought peridot wasn't your girlfriend?"
"Well I don't know what was going through my head I could barely walk straight"
"And then you got into bed with her half naked"
"Again I was all sorts of jacked up obviously I wouldn't do that with anyone who isn't peridot"
"Well sounds like peridot did a great job baby sitting you"
"Yeah I don't know if I would have had the patience to deal with that"
     After peridot told me everything she teased me about the whole getting into bed with 'a friend'. She seemed to understand it and didn't take any offense but still didn't hold back with the guilt tripping. I had the mental capabilities of a toddler but still kind of feel bad for making peridot take care of me. I told her I'd make up for the trouble somehow but she insists that its just a good girlfriend thing to do.
"You've found a good one lapis don't let her go"
"Yeah I won't don't you worry about that"
      I have my next class with peridot but I don't really get to talk to her until the longer break we have after that class. She's too much of a good student to mess around or get too distracted. She'll tell me to pay attention but that's the extent of our conversation during the lesson.
"Pssstttt peridot"
"I love you"
"Pay attention"
"Can't you're too distracting"
"Well then shush I can't here the professor"
    She's too much of a goody too shoes at school. Makes class soooo boringggg. It is fun to mess with her though. She tries her best to push me aside but seeing her irritated only makes me want to push her further.
"What now lapis"
"I'm bored"
"That's cool, go be bored somewhere else"
"Awww but how could I ever leave you"
"Go bother aqua or something"
"But we talked all last class and now I want to talk to you"
"Is that all you do during school?"
"Sometimes I draw"
     She lets out an annoyed groan and starts to take notes. A clear attempt to have me back off but I've committed this much might as well see how far I can go. I tap her a few times but she ignored me. I grab a pen and try to draw on her hand but she flicks me away.
"Well that was rude"
"You were trying to draw on me"
"I was trying to dedicate you a message"
"On my hand?"
"What were you going to write?"
"Well now I'm not going to tell you"
     She pouts a little and hesitates before responding.
"What was it?" And with that I've peaked her curiosity. Fallen right into my trap, in all honesty I wasn't even going to write anything I was going to draw a dick but I can't let her know that.
"Not telling"
"Oh cmonnn"
"You were the one who didn't want me talking"
"Well yeah but this is different"
I end up going back and forth for the rest of class successfully taking up all her attention and wasting her time.

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