The Breakfast Diner

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Peridot POV
I have been checking my phone regularly for when jasper is gonna text. Every notification I get makes my heart jump.
"Hey you good over there"
Great she's starting to notice
"Yeah sorry just a little under the weather I guess"
"You've been like that since yesterday though"
She was starting to seem a little worried.
"Everything's fine dummy you worry too much"
She pulled me down into the bed and pulled the blanket over me.
"Yeah yeah, Just relax a little you're making me nervous"
I put my head against the base of lapis's neck and closed my eyes.
How am I supposed to relax
I still haven't figured out a way to tell lapis about jasper but I knew I would have to soon enough.
I let out a long sigh
"Alright spill it"
"What's bothering you and don't even try to say it's nothing"
"I already told you lapis just woke up weird I guess"
"You've been like this since last night, did something happen when you went outside?"
I put on my best reassuring smile and put a hand on lapis's cheek
"It's nothing to worry about, I'm fine though I appreciate the concern"
I gave her a short loving kiss
"If you say so"
I felt bad lying to lapis but I really didn't want her to worry right now
"I have an idea why don't we go out to eat or something"
"We ate not too long ago"
"Okay then we can grab a light snack or something, let's just get some air"
Lapis shrugged and got up.
Lapis POV
I can tell something's up with peri but she doesn't seem to want to talk about it now. If she's still like this I'll try again tomorrow but for now I'll just drop it.
"Where are we going anyway?"
"You'll see"
It was already dark out but it wasn't too late. Peridot seemed to know where she wanted to go so I just leaned back into my seat and turned the radio up.
"Smelled like it was going to rain"
"We should've brought an umbrella or something"
"Nah the place we are going to is indoors so we should be fine"
I closed my eyes and drifted off to the soft sound of the radio mixed with the occasional static.
"Lapis we're here"
I rubbed my eyes and let my vision come back into focus. A large sign with bright lights stood on a small building.
"A breakfast diner?"
"Ever been to a breakfast diner at night?"
"Can't say I have"
"It's nice just come inside"
    I open the door and hear the little bell ring softly. The smell of coffee, pancakes, and bacon slowly fills the air around me. The diner it's self is pretty empty with only a few stray truckers sitting alone at a booth.
"This way please"
We followed the lady towards a booth near the window.
"I'll be back in a sec, take a moment to look through the menu"
I sat across from peridot.
"The waiters are usually really friendly at this hour. They're not having to deal with the stress of the breakfast hours so they're generally pretty happy."
"Alright can I get you guys something to drink?"
"I'll take a strawberry milkshake"
"I'll have a lemonade"
She wrote down our order and left to get the drinks.
"Foods pretty good here what are you thinking of getting?"
"I'm not too hungry so maybe just some fries or something"
"I might get some chicken tenders or something"
"Wanna just share some"
"Alright here are your drinks what can I get started for y'all?"
"We'll have the chicken tenders and a side of fries"
"You sharing the fries?"
"I'll ask em to put some extra for y'all"
"Really? Thank you"
She smiled and set some straws down for us before walking away.
"See told you the waiters are nicer at night"
"Guess you were right, in the mornings the waiters just take your orders and leave, they'll check on you if your drink needs refilling or if they have the check but that's pretty much it"
   I lightly tapped my straw against the table until one end poked through the other side. I scooped a little of the whipped cream from my shake into my mouth.
"You got some on the side of your lip"
    I blushed a little and wiped my mouth. Peridot tore one end of her straw wrapper and started to pull her straw out. Something caught my attention out the window it seemed like small raindrops were falling.
"Looks like it's gonna rain after al-"
I was met with a straw wrapper to the face.
"Pfftttt hahaha, sorry didn't think that would actually work"
I grabbed the extra straw that was on the table and attempted to school the paper at peridot. There must have been a tear somewhere since it wasn't shooting out.
"Sorry sorry, oh wait why don't we do the cheesy drink from the same shake thing. Since we have the extra straw"
I rolled my eyes slightly but agreed. Peri put the straw in and leaned in to drink from the shake. I lifted my straw until it was in the whipped cream and blew. Bits of whipped cream went right into peridots face.
Peridot attempted to wipe the whipped cream off her face but missed a bit on her jaw.
I turned to make sure no one was looking and leaned in. I slowly licked the whipped cream off her jawline and sat back down.
"We even?"
She blushed a bright red and we finished our meal with light conversation.

My sister and I were at a Denny's at 8 pm so most of this chapter stems from that. She did shoot me with the straw wrapper and I got her back with the whipped cream but it was a fun night I thought would translate well into a chapter.

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