Mystery Cuprit

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Lapis POV
When I wake up I'm surprised to not find peridot in bed m. She usually wakes me up or does something that wakes me so just getting up naturally like this is rare. When I open my eyes I'm immediately assaulted by the sunlight I move to get up but a banging head ache keeps me down.
"Good morning lapis"
I cant really work out a response my entire body feels sluggish and my head is pounding. My mouth is dry and all my limbs are sore. I lay back into bed and groan loudly hoping peridot comes to my rescue.
"Feeling the after effects of what ever the hell you drank?"
"Yesterday we left the party a little early cause you were acting all stupid. You refused to go to bed, walked around naked for a bit, and insisted that I wasn't your girlfriend"
"I don't remember anything from last night"
"Yeah I figured, here take some painkillers drink some water and come eat something you dummy"
I'm kinda glad that I don't remember anything it sounds like I caused peridot a lot of trouble and did somethings I'd be too embarrassed to envision let alone do. Last thing I do remember is talking to those people peridot said she knew and from there it's all fuzzy. I just need to take meds and hope I remember somethings leading up to this.
Peridot was already in the kitchen getting breakfast or something so I finally got up and walked over. I passed a mirror and noticed I was completely naked under one of peridots hoodies. I figured what peridot said about me running around naked was an exaggeration but I don't think that was the case. I quickly put on some clothes and head into the kitchen.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit by a plane"
She handed me a glass of water and two pills.
I prefer pills over liquid medicine any day but that doesn't make them easier to swallow. I usually have trouble taking two at a time so I only take one so I don't choke and make a fool of myself. Once I did take them I didn't feel any better and came to sad realization that pills take a second to work.
"So what happened to me?"
"Your drink was spiked"
"By who?"
"Not sure, I got a text from rhodonite and she said that not too long after we left aqua came out pretty pissed asking for whoever spiked one of the bowls. Apparently no one came clean so they don't know who it was."
"Well that's just great"
"I also got a text from aqua apologizing for what happened. She asked why we left so soon and I told her about what happened to you."
      My head started to clear up a bit once I started eating so at least that's going for me. I wonder who spiked the drinks? But then again with it being a college party I'm sure any one of the popular assholes would kill for some entertainment like that.
I should still talk to aqua once I've recovered a bit tho.
"Did anyone else end up like me?"
"I think that quite a few people did"

??? POV
I knew that doing this would be tricky but who knew working with such idiots was so exhausting. It'd be easier to train a pigeon. No matter things will just have to be adjusted. Nothing gain and nothing lost.
"That was your one chance and what do you do. End up on the floor"
"Shut up you never told me which one was spiked"
"Why didn't you ask or I don't know not drink any?"
"Well what are we going to do now?"
While it's true that we lost our best bet that doesn't mean and we can't try again. Tracking them down isn't too much of an issue but it's hard to predict them. They're too simple minded.
"We aren't going to have many more opportunities but I might be able to work something out again"
"How come you care so much anyway?"
"Oh well that's quite simple, I'm bored. There is no better driving factor than self gain. Besides I have a bone to pick with all of them and if one sticks out then that's who I'll target"
"You're pretty messed up you know that"
"Oh quiet you! We are just lucky it was so easy to mess with the drinks. I wasn't even sure that she'd be there"
If they were more sociable it would be easier to gather information but they have no friends and no open social media presence. It's hard to pinpoint the type of people they are so I have to go off of first impressions and intuition. The idiot isn't exactly a good judge of character either so it's up to me to formulate all of our genius plans. However, this could've been done ages ago if they weren't so stupid. At least now I have a little more information so it wasn't a complete waste of time. We are just going to have to wait and see.

Peridot POV
I should've paid more attention to lapis at the party I can't believe something like that happened right underneath all our noses. Whoever did this must have been pretty hard to notice. Even aqua doesn't know who it was and no one saw anything. One thing is for sure though, I'm keeping a close eye on everyone from now on.

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