She was made for this

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I woke up before lapis again. I checked the clock it was 9 and I was meeting my buyer at 10. Better hurry and get dressed. I remembered the pool and decided to wear some jean shorts and white T shirt with some low top converse. I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Decided to make some French toast with a side of eggs and sausage. I made a plate for lapis as a symbol of my friendship. I finished the breakfast as lapis was slowly getting up.
"Good morning lapis"
"Good morning, something smells good"
"I made you some breakfast"
"Oh really ?"
"Yep take it was a token of my friendship"
Lapis smiled and got up. She grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to get ready. She came out in a summery blue dress, a thin white sweater and some sandals and came to the table for breakfast.
I grabbed the plate and inched it towards her.
"What do you want to drink"
"Um coffee, just plain with one cube of sugar"
I got her coffee ready and set it in front of her. She was still sleepy and rubbed her eyes every 5 seconds.
"Still tired ?"
"Aren't I always ?"
I smiled and blushed and her little remark.
I sat down and we both started to eat. Lapis took her first bite and stopped suddenly.
"Hey um lapis you okay there? Do you not like the food?"
I was suddenly worried
"Oh um sorry it's just much better than I had ever expected, you're a really good cook peridot"
I blushed madly while lapis rapidly shoveled food down her throat. I started to eat again before being interrupted by my phone.
Matt: I'm outside
Peri: alright give me a sec
I got up and went to grab the robot.
"Where you going" I turned back to lapis
"Im gonna sell this robot real quick, I'll be right back"
I walked out and saw Matt in the usual spot.
"Hey peri I got your money counted and ready"
"Thanks here's the robot be careful with it"
"Am I ever not careful"
I smiled and exchanged the robot before waving goodbye and heading inside.
"How'd it go" I turned back to lapis and waved my envelope of money.
"Better than usual I got 250 it's one of my best sellers"
"Impressive" I smiled and sat back down to eat

We finished our food and I decided to remind her about the pool and go over our plans for today.
"You still down to go to the pool?" Lapis nodded and went to wash her plate.
"You said 1 right"?
"Yeah do you wanna walk around campus a little before hand to kill some time, I could show you around I already got a feel for everything"
"Sure that'd be great"
"What are your classes"?
"Astrology, marine science, calculus, creative writing, and painting 1" I smiled, I'd have lapis for the grand majority of my classes.
"I've got all of those too minus marine science and painting"
"Looks like I'll have some company then" I blushed.
"Alright let's get going so I can give you the grand tour"
We grabbed a bag with towels snacks water and my swimsuit.
"Your not bringing a swim suit?" Lapis looked down at me and smiled. She took off her sweater revealing a swimsuit showing through her dress. I blushed and nodded before grabbing the bag and headed out the door. We walked around campus for a little while exploring all the areas to get some food, the auditorium, gym, theater and fields. We then went to visit all of the classrooms we'd be sharing as well as the ones lapis would be alone in. After being comfortable with where everything is we decided to look for the pool. It was an indoor pool in some sort of basement thing. It was very warm and the pool was fairly big. It was an area for competitive swimming as well as a hot tub and shallow more public area. There was a locker room and some bleachers that were decently sized and a special locker room that seemed to be for the swimming team. There wasn't anyone else in the pool besides me or lapis and there was also a lack of a life guard.
"I'm head to the locker room to change" lapis nodded and I went into the locker room. It was much hotter in here and the air was almost suffocating. I changed quickly and walked out to see lapis still in her dress.
"You're not gonna change ?"
She smiled and stood up. She took off the sweater and stared at me maintaining eye contact the entire time. She untied the ribbon at her neck and let the dress fall clean off. She revealed a blue two piece swim suit with the top tying around her neck. I blushed a deep shade of red while still keeping eye contact. Finally lapis turned her head and walked towards the shallow end of the pool.
Oh my stars what in the world was that
I collected myself and went towards the pool. Unlike lapis I was wearing a green one piece that covered my slightly flabby tummy. Lapis had a flat stomach slightly toned back and arms even her legs were slightly muscular. You could tell she swam often. I went to the shallow end where lapis was standing waiting for me. The water was warm it was nice. We walked slowly in getting our bodies used to the water. Once I was already at neck length lapis still had her shoulders sticking out.
She looked down at me and laughed a little before lunging forward into a majestic stroke. She moves so carefully and free in the water. It wrapped around her and moved through her natural curves. I was in complete awe. Out of water lapis seemed so worried and distant. Now she was in complete and unwavering peace. She finally broke out of the water and gave the most genuine smile I've seen from her yet.
"Don't know how to swim peri?" I blushed at the nickname and noticed her new found joy and carefree demeanor.
"Not nearly as well as you I'd bet" she smiled and swam towards me. She emerged from the water inches from my face and smirked.
"Well then how would you like some lessons?" I smiled and nodded slowly still blushing from having her inches from my face.
She's too close
She picked me up and laid me flat on my back
"Can you float?" I nodded and closed my eyes as she let go and I floated gently on the still water. Lapis laid down next to me and we floated around for a while. I couldn't tell how much time passed I honestly can't tell if I fell asleep or if I'm still awake at all. This feels better than anything I've ever experienced yet. Lapis bumped into me and we both started to sink slightly. We got up and smiled at each other.
"That was great" I smile at her as I still try to snap out of the peaceful daze I was just in.
"Yeah I know" she looked into my eyes and swam off doing a few laps before coming back. She smiled and giggled as she rose from the water.
"This is amazing I haven't gone swimming in a while, cmon peri don't just stand there" she was still smiling and and she splashed me slightly. I swam a little in a breath stroke before coming up for air.
"I don't have your kind of energy" lapis laughed it off and we swam for who knows how long.

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