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Lapis POV

"What is it?"
"Peridot woke me up hella early to celebrate our 6 months and I forgot about it so now I feel like a piece of crap and I'm sleepy"
"So you forgot your 6 month anniversary?"
"It felt like a normal day and then stuff happened and it slipped my mind"
"Yes yes the stuff is written on your neck"
"There are more important things to worry about"
"Like you forgetting a seeming very important day for peridot"
"That she's obviously planned for a while and deeply cared about"
     I told peridot that I'd take her in the best date ever this weekend but I don't know where to start. I'm going to need a lot of help to make up for forgetting. Aqua seems like a good candidate for that but she's too busy shaming me to notice my distress calls.
"Look I told her I'd make it up to her my taking her on the best date ever this weekend"
"She must really like you if she's willing to trust that you'll fulfill on that"
"Heyyyy this is why I need your help"
"And what am I supposed to do?"
"Brain storm some ideas what am I supposed to do for this"
    My base plan is to take her out for breakfast, then something fun, lunch, and a chill place to wrap up the day. I also want to get her a gift or something but she's hard to read. I don't know what to get her at all.
"Look I want to get her something for breakfast then go out somewhere, take her out for lunch and then go relax to wrap it up. A gift wouldn't be bad either"
"A solid plan but I'm guessing you don't have any of the messy details planned out"
"Well no, that's where you come in"
"Right well here's a thought why not skip the going out for breakfast and just make her some breakfast in bed"
"Good idea it'll save some money too and it's romantic"
I'm not sure what to make but a quick google search might help a little. I pull out my phone and look up some breakfast dishes. I know peridot has more of a sweet tooth so I keep that in mind as I search. I decide on some French toast with a side of eggs. It's simple and it looks pretty good too.
Next on the list is somewhere to go. It has to be something that'll last us a while so I don't have to think of a million places to keep us entertained.
"Where should I take her?"
"What does she like to do?"
"I have no clue"
"Don't you go out often?"
"Yeah but most of the time she picks where to go. On top of that it seems like she picks places she think I'll like"
Peridot's main focus when it comes to dates is always whether I have fun or not. Which I appreciate but I never know where she enjoys going or what she likes to do.
"Is there any one that knows peridot who we can ask"
"ShhhhhHhH we are still in class you dimwit"
If anyone knows peridot better than me it's going to be Steven. He took her in after some trouble with her home life so he should know her pretty well. I just hope he knows of a place or else I'm out of options.

Lapis: hey Steven I need to ask a quick question

Steven: aren't you supposed to be in school?

Lapis: don't worry about that

Steven: alrighty then, what did you need?

Lapis: is there anywhere that peridot likes to go, like for fun

Steven: well she did enjoy fun land when we went

Fun land is a sort of amusement park there's rides, carnival games, funnel cakes and all sorts of goodies. I didn't take peridot as a person to like places like that but if she likes it then that's where we will go. I'll see what's around fun land so we can get a bite to eat and then maybe we can hang around and take a walk to wrap up the day. All that's left is the gift.
"What should I get her"
"Shouldn't you know this, she is your girlfriend you'd think you would have a better grasp on what she likes than this"
"She's a big nerd that likes building and selling robots. She likes camp pining hearts and video games"
"Then get her something related to that"
I don't know what games she'd like but camp pining hearts is a shared love so that might be easier to get. Maybe a poster or some clothes, she does like hoodies way too much for her own good.
"I'm going to need to go to a mall or something I don't know where they sell cph stuff"
"We can do some research and I'll drive you"
"Perfect thanks"
Ideas are good and all but getting everything planned out and put together in under a week is difficult. I'm going to have to keep this all a secret too. Knowing Peri she'll be trying to find out at every turn. Still I'm going to have to make up for forgetting so this is going to be the best date she'll ever go on.

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