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Lapis POV
    Peridot takes the chance to cover her mark as I get a hold on myself. I didn't think she'd be that bold but goddamn it did she decide to pull a stunt like that at the worst possible time. We weren't loud so nobody should have heard unless they were outside the room. I just hope no body walked by, pearl would be very upset we did this in her room. Amethyst would scream it out and have the time of her life. I can't imagine explaining this to Steven and I'm not ready for any of garnets silent judging.
    I stood up and wobbled a bit as the my low iron hit me like a truck.
"Too tired to walk?"
"Oh shut up it's just the blood rushing to my head"
"If that's what you want to call it"
I walk over and flick her in the back of the head.
"You started it"
She mumbled something to herself and put the makeup down.
"Let's get going before people get suspicious"
    We said a silent prayer and started towards the door. I opened it slightly and peered through the crack. I didn't see anyone down the hall, it doesn't seem like anyone was around to hear that. I turn back to to peridot and let out a sigh of relief. She relaxes a little and we open the door to walk out.
"Guess no one was around"
"Lucky for us"
"I would call it luck"
    We quickly turn around at the sound of the familiar voice and see garnet standing behind us.
"Garnettttt, how you been"
I face palm and choose not to say anything. Peridot however stumbles through excuses and scenarios.
"And that's what we were doing"
"Peridot, I know what happened"
"please don't tell pearl"
    Garnet laughs slightly and quickly goes serious.
"I'm not going to tell anyone, I had a feeling this would happen so I had everyone go prep some food in the yard"
Well at least no one else heard. Now that I think about it this is probably the second best scenario. Actually make that third, I still think being thrown out the window was better.
"Just don't do that again, it'll scar Steven"
    I avoid her gaze and tug at peridots shirt lightly. I don't like regretting my decisions but I really should've controlled myself better. Garnet really knows how to guilt trip too, what a pain.
"Sorry about that Garnet we should've had a little more restraint" I guess peridot got my message.
Garnet let out a soft sigh and patted me on the head.
"You should head out Steven is probably wondering where you are now"
    She followed us out and we saw Steven in the yard helping amethyst make burgers. Pearl was cutting tomatoes so she didn't notice us at first.
"Oh there you are what took you so long"
"I was talking to them for a while I guess we got caught up in conversation"
    Garnet covering for us somehow made me feel worse about what happened but I'm more thankful that I don't have to try to explain anything.
"Well we are almost done here just have a seat and the burgers will be out soon, that is IF AMETHYST DOESNT EAT THEM ALL FIRST"
    We left them to argue and went to sit at the table they had set up outside.
"Hey lapis? You alright you seem down"
"Guess I feel a little bad for all that happened"
"Yeah I'm sorry I shouldn't have gone that far"
"No it's fine I started it with the hickey thing I shouldn't have done that"
"Feel better now?"
"Yeah thanks peri, I love you"
Although it's not the first time I say that it's still strange to me. I'm not super expressive with things like that but it seems like peridot just takes it as something special.
"I love you too lapis"
I give a soft smile and move my hand to hers. I lock our fingers and just sit enjoying each others company for a while.
"You know I'm really happy I met you"
"Awww that's the gayest thing you've ever said"
"Shut it"
I don't go for sappy stuff so I appreciate peridot trying to make the situation a little more light hearted. I really love her though it's a painful type of love. Never imagined I'd fall for this dork though.
"Did you ever think we'd end up like this?"
"I didn't even think you liked me when we met"
"Well I didn't but like I do now"
"Wait you didn't like me"
"You studied and woke up early that's like the opposite of me"
I was still in a rut when I met peri so I was more annoyed at having to share the room with someone. Especially someone who wakes up early on the weekend for fun. I don't know how she does it.
"I wanted to be your friend when we met"
"Because you were pretty, you seemed cool, and we'd be living together so we should get along"
"Yes lapis believe it or not your beautiful. You always looked so tired but there was those times that you had that genuine smile or sarcastic sense of humor. Those little moments where it felt like you were so relaxed made you seem like the most amazing girl in the world"
"Damn you reminded me of a nerdy dorito"
Peridot seemed more confused then offended and we both burst out laughing soon after.
"I'm sorry what?"
"No it's cause you style your hair and it makes you look like a Dorito"
"Your first thought was that I reminded you of a Dorito and you went out with me?"
"To be fair you make a very cute Dorito"
We both laughed again and struggled to breathe between our amusement.
"Hey foods ready! Umm what's so funny?"
"No it's nothing"

Writing soft chapters at midnight hits different

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