Comeback Soon

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Lapis POV
     Why did garnet ask that stupid question. I got amethyst pressuring me and I can tell peridot is curious too.
"Cmonnn lapissss spill"
"I can't imagine you doing something like that, they're has to be some juicy story"
     Beyond the blush I kept a straight face and amethyst eventually gave in so the game could continue. The rest of the game was pretty boring though, with pearl restricting anymore rated R questions for the sake of Steven's innocence.
"Alright I'm bored now who wants snacks?"
    With that amethyst got up along with pearl who wanted to make sure she didn't mess up the kitchen.
Not even 5 minutes later their shouts could be heard all throughout the house.
     Steven quickly got up and ran over but that didn't seem to dial it down much.
"Excuse me"
Garnet stood up and calmly walked to the kitchen. I don't think I heard her say anything but it grew quiet.
"What do you think she did?"
"Beats me"
    Peridot seemed a little intimidated but she was never really calm around garnet so it's hard to tell.
"Enjoying the visit?"
"It's certainly been interesting"
"That game was something"
"They just wanted to embarrass us"
"They had you bright red the entire time"
    I could tell peridot was trying to ask about that one question but I'm not falling for it.
"What do you think amethyst was trying to make?"
"Something a normal person probably wouldn't put in their mouth"
"who wants nachosss"
      Steven dropped a few nachos in his hurry and pearl mumbled something under her breath as she picked them up and threw them away. She quickly joined us and offered a suggestion.
"Why don't we watch a movie, it would pair well with the snacks"
"Good idea pearl"
Steven lit up as he ran to fetch the remote.
"Which movie?"
"A horror movie"
"Amethyst you know Stevens no good with such films"
"Cmonnnn Pearl he's a tough cookie he can handle it"
"Yeah I can handle it"
    Eventually pearl gave up and everyone settled together to watch the movie. Garnet, pearl, and Steven all sat on the couch leaving the rest of us on the floor. We were all sharing some blankets with Steven and garnet sharing, me and peridot sharing, and pearl had her own while amethyst opted out of a blanket since she's a messy eater.
"Alright everyone settle down the movie is starting"
     To me at least the movie was pretty tame. It was a classic serial killer chases a group of teenagers around killing them off slowly but I never found that too frightening. Steven however was constantly closing his eyes and hanging on to garnet like his life depended on it. Pearl would flinch at the sight of blood and rush to cover Stevens eyes. Amethyst laughed most of the stuff off but would occasionally scream when something popped out. The most interesting to me was peridot who had scooted so close to me she was practically on my lap. I leaned over to whisper in her ear
"Don't tell me your scared~"
"I am not"
     She huffed like an angry toddler and turned her attention back to the movie. She picked the worst time to turn around since the killer was about to pop out and stab the main character. It was painfully obvious to me seeing how cliche this movie was turning out and my vast knowledge of horror movies. So I sat quietly and waited, not too long after the main character was alone and catching their breathe presumably safe. I couldn't help but smile as I saw everyone relax a little. Right then and there as if on cue our masked killer popped out and stabbed our protagonist.
"Pearllll I cant see anything!"
     Everyone (minus garnet) was royally losing their shit and I was loving every minute of it. Peridot jumped and clung onto me as she screamed some slurred gibberish. I held onto her as she calmed down a bit and turned to look at me.
"Not scared huh?"
"Oh shut up"
She blushed a light red but didn't end up letting go of me for the rest of the movie.
"Well that was cool what should we watch next"
"Anything but a horror movie"
"Cmonnn P don't act like you didn't have fun"
"That movie was not fit for Steven"
"He seems fine, pretty sure peridot was freaking out more than him"
    We ended up ordering a pizza and watching a few more movies. Eventually we all got bored of that and amethyst busted out monopoly to keep us entertained. I had never played monopoly so I just watched the others get riled up over it. The game ended up pearl accusing amethyst of stealing her money and garnet owning most of the squares. Peridot somehow ended up in jail on her 5th turn and never got out.
"Alright we should get going it's late"
"Awwwww can't you guys stay any longer?"
"Sorry Steven but peridots got a point it's already dark out"
He pouted considerably and actually ended up clinging to my leg at one point.
"Promise you'll visit again soon?"
"I promise"
We said our goodbyes to the others before heading towards the car.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah I missed hanging out with them"
"We should comeback soon"
"We are going to have to, we promised Steven after all"

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