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Time skip (Friday)
Lapis POV
    I'm used to sleeping through the alarm, it's an art I'm very proud to have mastered. It's inconvenient to say the least but my sleep doesn't get disturbed so it balances out. That being said peridot has rendered my hard work useless with her adorable trying to wake me up shenanigans.
      The first few times I'd genuinely be asleep and wake up to her new ridiculous attempt but I've started to naturally wake up to the alarms so I can pretend to sleep and watch her make a fool of her self. A few nights ago I saw her hyping her self up so she can work up the nerve to wake me.
"Alright you got this, wake her gently or she'll be grumpy this morning. Just lightly tap her shoulder, no no no too forward. I'm gonna kiss her forehead. Yeah that'll do. Right I got this"
       Took everything I had not to burst out laughing. I'll often catch her rushing or freaking out in the mornings when she thinks no ones awake to hear her and honestly I fall in love over and over again.
I woke up a little before the alarm so I wasn't too shocked by it ringing. I felt peridot jerk awake and groan as she stretched to turn off the alarm.
I stayed still and pretended to be asleep
"How you can sleep through that noise is beyond me"
She got up, leaving the spot where she was gradually colder.
"You get ready super fast which is honestly impressive but then take a super long time when we are going out. You're strange lapis lazuli and I fell for your weird self which makes me weird"
Her ramblings are adorable
"Sometimes I wonder if your secretly awake and listening to my nonsense but I can never tell since you sleep though the unholy screeching of our alarm like it's nothing"
Ahhh screw it this is too good to waste
"It's harder to sleep through someone having an internal monologue out loud"
     Seeing her jump and turn that beautiful bright red was worth making her doubt my little act from now on.
"How long have you been awake for?"
"A little before the alarm sounded"
I didn't think it was even possible but she turned an even better shade of crimson.
"Why didn't you say anything or get up or something"
"And miss out on your cute little conversations that are by all fairness dedicated to me regardless? I'd risk my sleep for that"
       She seemed annoyed at my teasing but honestly she just looks like an angry duckling. I got up and walked over making sure to stand straight as possible to make that height difference apparent since it bothers her slightly.
"What are you doing?"
      I lower my self a little and tilt my head so that my lips meet hers. It's not a long kiss but it's just enough to make her want more. I pull back and pat her on the head twice before leaving to get ready in the bathroom.
"You should start getting ready we'll be late"
       My favorite thing by far is leaving her flustered and confused. When I turn back to see her she's still in the same position as where we kissed all red and disoriented and it's the most entertaining thing ever.
Peridot POV
     I never have any idea about what goes through her head. I can't decide if I like that about her or not but it certainly makes things interesting.
Time skip till they're done getting ready
"Ready to go?"
"I'll wait for you in the car I gotta grab some stuff and lock the doors and stuff"
I unlock the car and rush to grab my books and supplies before locking the doors and heading out.
"Ready for the party later tonight?"
"Ughhhhhh I forgot that was today"
"We did promise we'd go and knowing aqua she'll remind us all of today too just so we can't say we forgot or something like that"
"Yeah yeah, we are probably gonna have to end up going but I'm not the most enthusiastic about hanging about with a bunch of drunk strangers"
"You'll have me around so you won't be completely alone with a bunch of drunk idiots"
"If you weren't going I would be going and aqua knows that too which is why she convinced you first and not me"
"She knows us well enough to know our weak points"
"It's terrifying when you put it that way"
"What do you mean?"
"You make her out to be manipulative or I just really good with working around people"
"The last part may be true but I don't think she's manipulative"
"I guess"
I don't really trust aqua marine but lapis' friends are lapis' friends and I'm not going to put a downer on that.
"We're here"
"Right on time too"
"We won't have time to talk much before everything starts though"
"We only ever did on rare occasions but I have aqua and topaz for my first class anyway so I never really cared"
"We talk in the car and mornings so I guess it's not something super detrimental"
"Alright you get going now or you'll be late"
"Don't want me to walk you to your class?"
"I don't want you to be late, there's a difference"
I agreed and gave lapis a parting kiss before heading off.

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