Horrible Plan

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Lapis POV
We were all huddled around while the movie played. I was hoping for horror again so I could mess with peridot but they chose the cheesy Netflix romance movies. I made sure to sit next to the snacks so I would have something to look forward to and noticed peri and amethyst doing the same.
While the movie went on I noticed amethyst scooting closer to peridot, I didn't think much of it until she started to get too close for comfort. She would lean her head on her shoulder, talk to her for no reason, and touch her at random times. I didn't know why but I really didn't like it.
    Eventually peridot noticed and said something to her about it. In response amethyst decides to just wrap her arms around her and get EVEN closer. I don't know what she's doing but she better keep peridot out of it. Just then she leans in to whisper something in peridots ear, when she pulls away she meets my eye and winks at me.
    I decide to take this as a challenge and it takes every fiber in my being to keep a straight face. When I turn back to the movie I notice a kissing scene. Maybe this will be a good excuse. I scoot my hand closer to peridots and let our pinkies touch. She notices and I take the chance to intertwine the rest of our fingers. She does the same and I turn to look at amethyst to see if she noticed. She was staring at the tv clearly ignoring me.
    Surprisingly holding peridots hand made me feel a lot better. It's not like amethyst could ever really get in the way of anything peridot clearly likes me best. Of course if amethyst doesn't stop trying I'll definitely get ticked off.
    As if on cue amethyst starts to scoot over to my girlfriend again. She's not even trying to hide it. At this point I'm more offended at her lack of transparency and decide to take action. I let go of peridots hand and wrap it around her waist pulling her as close as I can. I feel her jump a little as the surprise settles but doesn't seem as confused as I thought she would. Amethyst on the other hand look almost excited.

Peridot POV
This is a horrible plan amethyst you half eaten corn chip, UGHHHHH. I never expected lapis to be the jealous type but then again I didn't expect to be dating lapis. Knowing amethyst she can keep this up the entire night, I have to tell lapis what's going on before she gets even more upset.
"Hey lapis"
"Meet me in the kitchen"
    With that I get up and head into the kitchen. Shortly after lapis follows suit and looks at me fairly pissed off.
"So why did we come into the kitchen"
"Oh so your not as oblivious as it seemed"
"Heyyyy look I have no part in this, I think amethyst is trying to get you jealous"
"Why would she do that"
"When has she ever had a reason for anything"
"Alright so what do we do"
    Seeing as how easily she got a ruse out of lapis we are going to have to be careful or risk something getting out of hand.
"We'll try to avoid me sitting next to her and stuff. Just ignore anything she does too remember she wants a reaction don't give it to her"
"Yeah I know it's just annoying"
"Don't worry I love you more than anything else in this world I would've dream of ever giving my attention to anyone else"
    Lapis relaxes a little a gives a soft smile. We both lean in and give a soft kiss before heading back. This time though lapis sat in between me and amethyst. When I looked to see what amethyst thought of this I was met with the most evil smile I have ever seen. We definitely just made this game a million times more interesting for her.
    The movie ended but I didn't really pay attention to it. That just meant we were done with the first of many things we will have to deal with today.
"Movies done what now Steven?"
"OH OH let's play a game"
"You know what I have the perfect idea for a game~"
I will die before letting her choose another game.
"Great idea peridot! I'll grab the cards"
    There is literally nothing she can do with uno the worst that can happen is her adding cards to me.
"Oh I forgot to mention our uno deck is a little different since we got bored of the usual game. We have some blank cards in the deck, if you pull one the person with the most cards can ask you a question. You can choose to answer or draw 2 cards."
Because why the fuck not. There is no possible way the world likes me. I can already see this backfiring terribly.
"Alright let's start a round!"
We all sit in a circle with 7 cards each. And after a few rounds pearl has the most cards and garnet has the least.
    Steven is the first to draw the dreaded white card and is forced to answer the question of garnets choosing.
"Alright let me have it"
"Have you kissed Connie yet?"
"Garnettttt thats private information"
"You can draw but I'm pretty sure that's an answer in its own right"
"Alright fine! Yes we've kissed"
Stevens face was a bright shade of red as everyone teased him about his dating life. We forget that he's not a little kid anymore so hearing him say he's kissed someone is wrong.
The rounds progress more and more and as it stands pearl still somehow has the most cards and amethyst has the least. It's my draw, I slowly pick up the card and close my eyes before turning it. As if my luck wasn't bad enough the card is blank.

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