Dangerous Game

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Lapis POV
    When I get to Aqua Marine's house I seemed to have forgotten how big the place actually was. The house was two stories, it had a decent front yard and a large driveway leading into a garage. The house was taller than an average two story building and it seemed as though it could have an attic though I'm not really sure.
"You're house is huge, I didn't really get to appreciate it during the party"
"Oh well you know such a social butterfly as myself can't have a small home. Where else will I be hosting my get togethers"
    Sometimes you can hang out with aqua and kinda gloss over her over whelming self confidence. But other times it's easy to mistake it for narcissism.
"I'll give you the grand tour just to make sure you aren't getting too lost"
"Guess it would be nice to know where the bathrooms are"
    We walk around the house that is somehow even bigger on the inside. Aqua shows me the kitchen, dining area, living room, bathroom, and office all on the first floor.
"Upstairs we have more private areas such as the bedrooms and guest rooms, the lounge, two more bathrooms one of which is connected to the master bedroom and a room used mostly for storage."
"Do you really live alone in such a big house?"
"It is a graciously lonely life style but I enjoy keeping company so a large house is a must"
    We wrapped up the tour and I set my bags in the guest room I'd be staying in for the night. By the time I got back downstairs aqua seemed to be making something in the kitchen.
"Do you need help with anything?"
"No no you are the guest, simply sit back and relax whilst I prepare the snacks"
I went to sit down on the couch and was immediately surprised at how soft the damn thing was.
If it wasn't so huge I'd take this home
    Even though the seating was comfortable I was still pretty nervous. I'd never really had a sleep over so I wasn't sure what to expect.
"You seem tense, is there something the matter?"
"It's nothing I just haven't been to many sleep overs so I'm not sure what I'm doing"
"Oh I have just the thing to loosen you up"
She ran off into the kitchen and came back holding two cans of beer.
"Isn't it a little early to be drinking? It's barely 4 pm"
"A beverage like this shouldn't even be considered drinking, it doesn't have enough alcohol to get you drunk with one can it's just to liven things up a little"
I guess she has a point there. I take the can from aqua and take a few sips. It's not pleasant but then again I haven't tasted any alcohol that is.
"How about we start off the night with something classic"
"Like what?"
"Truth or dare"
"Uhhhhhhh I'm not good with games like that"
"Oh don't be silly it'll be fun"
Just like that I got roped into truth or dare with possibly the most dangerous person I could possibly play this with.
"Is topaz going to join?"
"Well topaz are you up for it?"
"I'll pass"
"Very well then"
Oh but I don't get a say in it
"You may start lapis"
I have a lot of questions to ask aqua since she surprisingly doesn't talk too much about herself. I can't think of any good dares so I'm hoping she doesn't put me on the spot.
"Truth or dare?"
"Let's start off easy I'll say truth"
"How many people have you dated?"
"None, commitment is so boring why limit myself to one person when I could be compatible with everyone."
Well damn that's not the answer I thought would come from that. Interesting though she's so nosy about relationships you'd think she's been in one.
"Lapis truth or dare"
Like hell im picking truth
She smiles and I slowly regret everything I've done to this point.
"Call peridot and moan into the phone"
"I would rather die"
"Oh come on you chose dare"
"Alright then let's up the stakes"
She goes into the kitchen and comes back with a bottle of tequila and two shot glasses.
"Refuse the dare and take the shot"
It's around 3 pm and we have all night. Knowing aqua me being drunk is way too entertaining for her and she has more plans up her sleeve. I really hate myself right now
I pull out my phone and slowly look through my contact to find peridot. I call her and silently pray she doesn't answer.
God damnit peridot whyyyy
I take a deep breath and turn to aqua who is staring right at me.
"Uh it's nothing I'll call you later"
I pour my shot and down it fast ignoring the burning in my throat. I can't do it I'd rather drink like a pussy
"Oh didn't go through with it"
"Cmon that would've been too embarrassing"
"Alright your turn"
I'm gonna have to get my revenge somehow and end this game or else I'll be either drunk or ashamed.
"Truth or dare"
"Send a nude to the most recent person you texted"
"Are you sure?"
"Alright then I have one saved on my phone"
She scrolls through her phone a little before stopping on the picture and sending it. It isn't long before I hear my phone ring and I realize I'm an idiot.
"You did say the last person I texted"
"Just go"
"Truth or dare"
"Name everywhere peridot has left a hickey"
I hate this game so much
"Neck, collar bone, chest, stomach and inner thigh"
"Inner thigh huh?"
"Truth or dare"
Oh course she can come up with questions on the fly she's been hoping to ask stuff this person since forever but noooooo I have nothing to go on. This is so unfair.
"Last person you slept with"
"I don't even know the name"
Ughhhhh of course
"Truth or dare"
Both suck
"Have you ever used anything interesting while doing it?"
"Not expected but pleasantly surprised"
"Just kill me"
By the conclusion of the game aqua marine drank 0 shots and lapis drank 4

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