Knock knock

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Aqua marines POV
It wasn't too hard to find their address though trying to figure out a time lapis is alone is going to be harder than imagined.
I pull out my phone and quickly dial her number.
"I know where it is now, all that's left is for you to make your grand entrance"
"Do you know if there's a time the twerps not home"
"They're stuck to each other like glue i'd imagine you're just gonna have to pay them both a visit"
"Think she still hates me?"
"Oh most definitely"
I heard a long sigh on the other end.
"I'll tell you what as long as you don't mess this up she should be right back to talking to you again before no time"
"Or she'll hate me even more"
"Can't knock it till you try it now can you?"
"Guess your right"
Lapis POV
"Hey lapis did you find anything off about aqua?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean she seems nice but occasionally when we are talking certain words slip out that make me wonder what she's up to"
"I know she likes gossip and stuff so maybe she's just interested in our relationship or something"
"Besides even if she is hiding something I doubt it can really hurt us in anyway. Best not to worry too much"
"Yeah guess your right"
Time skip
Lapis and I finished most of our assignments yesterday so we decided to stay in all day and rest for once. I wore some basket ball shorts and a baggy T shirt while lapis lounged around in sweatpants and a tank top. We settled in bed and watched a few shows on our old TV before deciding to rewatch our favorite show for the millionth time.
"Why do you think we always end up watching this one?"
"I'd rather rewatch something I like then go around trying to find something better and risk it being terrible"
"Fair point"
We watched tv until the show was ever so rudely interrupted by lapis's stomach.
"Should I order a pizza"
Lapis nods and I hop on the phone.
"Hi, yeah can we get a large pepperoni?"
"Alright what's the address?"
"It's (why is it so difficult to come up with a fake address) st."
"Alright it'll be ready for you in 20 minutes"
I hung up the phone and went back over to lapis.
"They said it'll be 20 minutes or so"
"Hopefully they get here faster I'm pretty hungry"
I sat back in bed and cuddled up next to lapis. No more than 5 minutes passed before there was a knock at the door.
"Looks like your wish came true"
Lapis gets up and goes to answer the door. She looks around and then closes it again.
"What happened?"
"There wasn't anyone there, I definitely heard a knock though a pretty strong one at that"
"Maybe some no life playing ding dong ditch with his fitness"
Knock knock knock
"Here I'll get it out this time"
I quickly threw on a hoodie and jeans just in case I had to confront someone.
I opened the door completely and there was still no one there.
Some people have strange views on humor
I took one last peek outside before turning back into the house. As I was closing the door though, I heard faint mumbling.
"No one again?"
"Actually I'll be right back I'm gonna check something out"
"Be careful"
I stepped outside and walked towards the distant sound. It sounded like a frustrated old man. I got closer and the voice became more clear.
It sounds so familiar
I tried to think of who it belongs to but drew a blank.
"Just knock on the door and say something, it's not that damn hard"
I finally saw the hooded figure that's been knocking on the door but I still couldn't recognize them. They were tall and muscular and had a large sweater with the hood on covering their face.
"Uh excuse me?"
They turned to me
"Oh um hi"
No no no no no no no
I stood frozen as jasper slowly moved towards me.
"Look tiny I just wanna talk to lapis"
I wanted to tell her no but my voice was gone.
"Promise I ain't gonna hurt her, I just need her"
"For what?"
"I need her peridot, without her a part of me is missing, I need to get her back"
"Well she's with me now"
Her expression turned blank.
"So I've heard, but I'm not really worried about that"
"Look just leave us alone she doesn't want to talk to you"
"How about we ask her then"
Jasper slowly starts to walk towards our dorm.
"Wait! Jasper this is not the time or place she is not going to react kindly"
"Alright then here's what's gonna happen I'm going to meet up with lapis and you're gonna make sure she gets there"
She pulls out her phone and gives it to me
I thought about putting a fake but decided that if she could find our address she could verify my number.
"Don't let her know I was here or else"
And just like that she left.
I went back inside and closed the door behind me.
"Took you a while, pizza came by the way I put it on the table"
I walked over to lapis and pulled her into a hug.
"You okay?"
I didn't answer but I knew I'd have to tell her about what jasper wanted eventually.
I pulled away from the hug and kissed her softly.
"Sorry just have a bad feeling something is gonna happen"

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