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Peridot POV
    Call me cautious but something wasn't adding up. Too many coincidences and loose threads that tie together if you put aqua in it. We need to find out more about her and what she's actually like. Her words are dressed too nice to be called lies.
"Alright we need to find out more about aqua, do you know anyone who can tell us more about her?"
"I don't really have any other friends"
"I guess I can ask mine"
"Do you really think she's out to get me?"
"Maybe, we will find out I guess"
There isn't much to go off of besides the small chance aqua planned jasper to be there when lapis was drunk. I'll admit it's an empty accusation but I don't have a good feeling about all of this. There's also the time lapis had a spiked drink at aquas house. That's twice lapis was out of it around aqua.
Just then as if a higher force brought a particular memory to the front of my brain. I remembered something I always thought was strange.
"Hey lapis"
"Do you remember the first time jasper met up with me outside our dorm, when she knocked on the door a bunch of times"
"How did she find our dorm room?"
It was a guess but the only person to see where we lived was aqua. Unless jasper did some really good research there was a chance she had some help. Our neighbors don't ever talk to us and we don't ever have any friends over (or have any other friends).
"Lapis aqua was the only one who knew where we lived. There's a chance she told jasper"

Lapis POV
I don't want to believe aqua would have some ulterior motive for hanging out with me but peridot has a slight point. Aqua was the only one who knew which dorm was ours and unless jasper was secretly stalking us or asking around she couldn't have known.
"Didn't she go to the same school as you"
"We were in different areas I was with jasper in the yellow block"
"I don't know anyone who might have knew her"
"Should we ask jasper?"
    That seems like a great idea in theory. I have holes in my memory and only two solid connections for anything going on. But it's jasper and I would rather jump off a building then ask her for favors.
"No we shouldn't"
"Look I know you hate her but I could just text her we don't even have to see her"
"I'd rather not even have her remotely involved in anything I'm doing"
"Alright I'll see if we have any other options"
    There's anyway the possibility that nothing is going on at all and we are being super paranoid which honestly seems like the case but if it'll put peridot at ease we can do some digging. I'll try to ask aqua about more that happened that night and her relationship with jasper but I doubt it'll help.
"No use stressing about it right now we will have to wait until tomorrow to start asking around"
"Guess your right"

Time skip
    I hadn't really prepared what I was even going to ask aqua but I'm sure I'll come up with something. We were already on the way there so I don't have enough time to make a plan either way.
"Have any ideas on who your going to ask about aqua?"
"I'll try asking rhodonite since they are sorta scared of aqua anyway but I don't know how much help that will be"
    We had to pack up the conversation since we'd reached our usual spot. Sure enough aqua and topaz were waiting for us to get there.
"Good morning you two, sleep well?"
"Good morning yeah we slept fine"
"How do you two always get here so early"
"I thrive in the morning, early bird gets the worm and what not"
    I could never be a morning person it's too early to be thinking. Aqua always showed up before us with proper clothes and makeup. She's usually already eaten before we get there too. I have started to just wear sweatpants often and show up late with a bagel in my hand or something.
"I prefer to sleep and get here fashionably late"
"Yes well we don't have much time to converse if you're always here at the last second"
    I arrive on time it's just barely on time. Peridot will usually have to leave right away for her class while me and aqua rush to ours.
"Speaking of last second I should get going, I'll see you in a bit"
I lean down and give peridot a quick peck before she leaves, we've pretty much gotten used to stares and judgments so we can be openly affectionate.
    Now that i'm alone with aqua though I guess I should start asking some questions.
"Hey so how did you know jasper?"
"I've told you already haven't I? We went to the same school and she was known throughout as the troublemaker who picked fights"
"So you weren't close?"
"Not as close as I would say"
"And you invited her in your house?"
"Terrible decision really must've been the drinks, that could've been a dangerous situation we are lucky nothing happened"
    Right I forgot aqua was also drinking that night. Damn she's got a perfect answer to all my questions.
"When I told you about jasper what was it that brought it up?"
"Honestly you were just spouting nonsense the entire time. The second she left you began talking about her in long rambles"
    Okay so I have learned nothing. This is stupid there isn't anything here, it was just a bunch of coincidences mixed with my great luck. I shouldn't have suspected aqua to be doing anything in the first place.

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