Giving the good news

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Lapis was sitting on the group rewatching CPH but stood up the second she saw me.
"That took you quite a while"
"I had to do something important"
"If it's so important how come I'm not allowed to know about it"
I smiled and put my temporary license behind my back.
"Who said you couldn't know about it"
Lapis was suddenly very curious.
"Well what is it"
She tried to walk behind me but I put myself in the corner so there's no chance she'll see it.
"Impatient are we?"
Lapis was clearly not patient and tried to grab my arm. I was able to move out the way but she's not stopping here.
"Hey wait a second"
Lapis smiled and grabbed me by the waist. She pulled me into a kiss. She stuck her tongue in almost immediately and I began to get very heated. I melted into lapis's kiss and added my tongue to the mix. Suddenly lapis pulled away.
Did I do something wrong ?
I looked up at lapis who was holding the envelop I put my license into.
"HEY that's not fair!"
"Too bad so sad"
Lapis opened the envelope and scanned through the document.
"Is this?"
"A drivers license yeah, my real one is coming in the mail in a few days"
Lapis pulled me into a hug and gave me a small peck on the lips.
"Well congratulations I guess we don't have to take the bus anymore"
"I still need a car lapis"
I had been saving up to get a car for a while now and I have enough to pay it all in one go.
"When my actual license gets here do you want to go pick one out with me"
"Sure I'd love to"
We put the envelope on the counter and lapis pulled me down so we could continue watching CPH.
Time skip one week
       My license came yesterday but we decided to wait until today to go buy a car. Lapis was pretty excited I guess she likes vintage cars or something. We went to the dealership and looked around a bit. I wasn't sure what I'd like so I mostly walked around a let lapis tell me about all the cars. Eventually we settled on a black series two BMW and decided to go to Stevens house to give everyone the news. I finished paying for the car and got all the paper work done, after what felt like forever they finally handed me the key.
"Lapis come on let's go"
Lapis looked like she was falling asleep but the second I showed her the key her eyes lit up.
"Well what are you waiting for?"
I unlocked the car and held the door open for lapis. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and hopped into the new car. I got in and started the drive to Stevens house.
"Well how do you like the new car?"
"It's really nice, I love the smell of new car"
We both laughed a little and talked about little things on our way to Stevens house.
     Once we got there I told lapis to knock on the door and tell everyone to come outside. She quickly got up and called them over. They couldn't see the car yet so I honked twice and they ran over to see where the noise came from.
"OMG PERI YOU ACTUALLY GOT A CAR!?" Steven was by far the most enthusiastic of the bunch.
"Hey P-dot sick wheels mind if I take it for a spin?"
"Over my dead body"
"Now amethyst it's time to celebrate not try to borrow the car. At least wait a few days"
"You're right garnet but damn do I wanna race in that"
Amethyst has recently gotten into racing which im pretty sure is illegal. She's already crashed her own car far beyond repair so I am never letting her borrow mine.
"Come inside you two we can order a pizza and play a few games to celebrate" I'm surprised Pearl didn't spill the news she can act like a proud mom sometimes.
    Lapis and I walked in and Steven started to ask about how everything was going between us. I wasn't sure if lapis wanted to tell them about us so I waited to see if she would say it.
"So have you two been getting along alright ?"Lapis turned to me and smiled
"I guess you could say that"
Lapis scooted closer to me on the couch and put an arm around my waist. I got the hint and leaned my head on her shoulder.
"Wait don't tell me you two are together together! OMG this is priceless I never thought P-dot would be such a smooth talker you guys got together fast."
Amethyst did have a point we had only known each other for a little over 2 months now.
"How long have you guys been dating?"
"A little over two weeks"
"So you are dating?" I could've sworn Stevens eyes had stars in them.
"Yes we are dating" Pearl peaked her head out from her room holding an uno card deck.
"You're what now?"
We explained everything to Pearl and answered a few questions some of the others had over a few games of uno. For some reason lapis always one and we quickly got bored of uno.
"Oh I know let's play truth or dare" amethyst grew a troublesome grin and Steven gleefully agreed.
"I'm good"
"Me too"
"Cmonnn guys please one game" Steven pulled the puppy eyes and lapis gave in.
"Cmon peridot it'll be fine"
I reluctantly agreed and the game began.
Amethyst got out a bottle and spun. It landed on garnet.
"Garnet truth or dare?"
"I dare you to take all of pearl's perfectly folded clothes and throw them on the bed"
Garnet ran to pearls room and undid all her laundry. Pearl was visibly upset and went to fix the mess.
"Garnet spin"
Garnet spun the bottle and it landed on Steven.
"Steven truth or dare"
"Are you dating Connie?"
"Steven blushed and slowly nodded his head"
"Ha knew it you're both so obvious"
Steven spun the bottle and it landed on amethyst.
"I didn't even ask yet"
"Whatever dare"
"I dare you to drink the rest of the milk gallon"
"Cmon man that's easy I do that normally"
Amethyst walked up and sure enough, finished the gallon off with ease. She sat back down and spun the bottle. This time it landed on me.
"Peridot truth or dare?"
I already knew either option was essentially awful but suddenly the image of making out with lapis right before my exam popped into my head. I decided to choose dare since I figured amethyst would ask about something like that.
"I dare you to get on lapis's lap and make out"
I blushed and looked at lapis who was also blushing.
"For how long?"
"5 minutes"
"Isn't that a long time?"
"You chickening out?"
I sighed and scooted over to lapis. She leaned back and helped me onto her lap with my legs in either side of her. I looked back at amethyst who was thoroughly enjoying this and reluctantly put a hand on lapis's face. I leaned in and placed my lips on hers. I slid my tongue in and tried to focus on the kiss as I felt amethyst staring dead at us. Slowly I faded into the kiss and put my other hand on lapis's head ruffling her hair. She put her arms around my back and pulled me deeper into the kiss. We were getting very heated and it took a lot of resilience for me not to let my hands wander all throughout lapis's body.
"Aaaannddddd time"
I pulled away from lapis leaving only a small strand of saliva connecting us.
"Damn you really went at it"
"Oh shut up"
The rest of the day went by fast and soon it was time for us to leave.
"Wait I got something for you"
Amethyst ran to her room and came out holding a tape that says Camp pining hearts.
"It's the next season of your show"
"I thought that the show was over"
"Nah they're still one left"
We took the tape and said our goodbyes.

Warning next chapter will be smut a small summery of anything important will be included so you won't miss anything if you do not wish to read it.

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