Challenge (smut)

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WARNING smut later in the chapter

Peridot POV
"Perrriiiiiii Cmon I said I was sorry"
     Thanks to lapis I successfully missed 3 entire lessons. I keep getting distracted every time we have classes together and missing everything the professor says. I can't exactly ignore her either, she knows exactly what buttons to press and it's infuriating. She had the tendency to do this every time she get bored, which is almost every time we have class.
"No you always do this"
"But it's just too much fun"
"Well at least one of us has to pay attention or we will both fail"
"Yeah but you've got it"
"Three whole classes, I'd be impressed that you even managed to keep my attention that long but I'm more annoyed than anything"
"I already said I was sorry what more can I do"
     She did apologize but I can't let her off that easily or she'll just do it again. The silent treatment will do her good for a while. We don't have each other for this last class so at least it won't be too hard to ignore her.
Nope not gonna answer
"You can't seriously be mad"
"Awwwww cmonnnn you know I hate it when you're like this"
Yeah that's why I do it
"Fine you can try to pull your little silent treatment but I bet I'll break you soon enough"
     I give her a blank stare then wave goodbye. My class is in the other direction and I'd rather not be late. Besides if I stick around too long she may actually get me to say something so it's best to avoid her as much as possible. She knows me well it would be a dangerous game if I stick around.
I have rhodonite in this last class and since I finally talked to them in that party I may finally have someone I know in that class. We've been texting about it but It may also be good to pick they're brain about what happened later in the party. Walking in to the room I spot rhodonite and lock eyes she waves and I take it as an invite to walk over.
"Hey peridot"
"We are a little early the professor is not here yet"
"They're usually late anyway"
"Yeah you'd think that a professor would be more accountable"
"This works out though since I had something I wanted to talk to you about"
"Oh no did I do something?"
"No no you're fine I just wanted to talk a little more about the party"
"Oh thank goodness, well I already told you most of what happened aqua walked into the room pretty angry and asked who spiked the bowl"
"How many people got messed up?"
"A good handful, the others and I drank water so we weren't affected"
"I'm glad"
     Well that wasn't all that helpful, the rest of that class was pretty boring too but at least I was able to pay attention. By the time I got out of the class I had nearly forgotten about what lapis had done but it wasn't long before she reminded me.
"Are you done yet"
Right I'm mad almost forgot
"Yeah well that's too bad cause aqua told me something about the party. She thinks she knows who did it"
That sounds like a lie
"Oh well guess you don't want to hear it"
She really knows what to say, I'm not falling for it though
     We walk over to the car and drive back in relative silence. Lapis still attempted to break me but I wasn't going to fold that easily. This has turned less into a silent treatment and more of a challenge. I don't feel like losing it either.
     When we got back to the dorm I immediately sat down at my desk to work on my assignments. I had a project in robotics that should keep me busy for a while. I was going to have to deal with lapis pestering me but at least it was easier to avoid her this way.
"Hey peri want a snack?"
I nod my head no
"Damnit I was hoping to catch you off guard with that"
I almost responded since it was so casual but no

Time skip (a few hours)
      I finished my assignment and still haven't gave in to lapis but I was getting kind of tired of this. I thought about just giving up but I'll just wait it out until tomorrow. I decide to watch a bit of tv to get my mind off things when lapis walks in with a weird smile.
Oh no what does she have planned now
     She takes a seat next to me and I scoot away a little, she scoots close than before. I try to ignore her and focus on the tv. Not too long after she set a hand at my knee. I brush her hand aside but she puts it back. I don't know where this is going but I have a bad feeling it won't be good.
     Her hand slowly begins to run up my thigh brushing the fabric of my jeans gently. Her fingers barely making contact. So that's her plan. I try to scoot away but I've reached the end of the bed. Her hand runs higher but she barely shows a reaction. I try to stay as quiet as possible but she's testing it. She keeps going making sure to get as close as possible before backing back away. After a bit of this a slight moan escapes my throat
"So I finally get a reaction"
"Shut up"

Major smut ahead you have been warned

    I put a hand to my mouth slowly realizing that she won our little game. A cocky grin now appearing on her face. Well if this is how we are going to play the games I guess I'll go all in. I push her onto the bed and kiss down her neck.
"Hey don't leave any marks"
"You can hide them"
I nibble at her collar bone leaving an intentional mark.
"Besides you wear them well"
    I keep with my trail of kisses going and low as I can. With my off hand I trace a steady line up her shirt. I let my hands find their place on her body as I stop her moans with a kiss. Our tongues dance a familiar song and I start to move my hands lower. I have to hold myself up with one arm but I can easily undo the buttons of her jeans with one hand.
"You're going fast"
"Don't tell me that you're complaining"
"Not one bit"
    We separate long enough for her to take off everything but her underwear.
"You look great like such a shame that I'm going to take it off"
"You talk too much"
"Weren't you mad about me not talking?"
"Shut up"
She gives me a needy kiss and guides my hands to where she needs them most.
"So impatient~"
     I rub her area softly letting moans escape through our kiss. I finally give her what she wants and put a finger in. Her body started to tense around me pulling me in closer. I pump my finger in and out before adding a second. I move in tune with her hips letting my thumb run across her more sensitive areas. I make sure to leave hickeys on her neck as pay back for earlier.
"Peridot I'm"
     I can feel her body tighten even more as she reaches her end. I speed up making sure to give her a  satisfying finish. She uses a hand to cover her mouth and mask her enjoyment. She lets out a last moan and curls her body. Eventually she relaxes leaving the mess on my hand. She's probably too tired for another round so I get off of her and go to wash off.
"Hey I got you to talk"
"You cheated"
"No I didn't"
"Without your little tactics you wouldn't have broken me"
"Sore loser"

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