Puns Make the Best Gifts

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Lapis POV
I genuinely thought that being in a giant shopping center would be the perfect way to narrow down a gift. They have everything from clothes to car parts. Yet somehow aqua has taken notice of absolutely nothing. The initial plan was to follow her around and take some notes of whatever catches her eye then secretly buy it for her birthday. She is just kinda walking around and picking up random items before judging them heavily. I've found more things she dislikes than possible gifts.
"I mean who in their right mind would wear this I feel like I've seen it on an elderly dog walker" to be fair I have no idea what an elderly dog walker looks like but aqua seems to have a strong opinion on it.
I'm getting a little more concerned about the gift considering that aqua has shown to have some well strong opinions. If I get her the wrong thing she'll definitely judge it heavily. Peridot was also running out of patience which is fair since this is the 7th store we've thoroughly searched.
"Is there any store you actually enjoy going into?"
"What are you talking about I enjoy all the stores we've visited"
"Right yeah but like do you have any stores you like buy things at"
"Oh well I suppose this one is okay"
She turns her attention to a strangely decorated gift shop. It's not like anything else in the mall it's more like an outdated Christmas supply store in the middle of March. The walls are lines with small statues and glass figures. There are aisles and aisles of Christmas spheres and lights with a single lonely shelf for a few non-Christmas themed school supplies.
    Aqua walks deeper into the store as though she's walked this same path thousands of times. Despite how odd it all is she looks strangely at home. Her entire personality and demeanor are at such odds with the entire warm vibe of the shop that it cancels out in a way.
"Not that this place doesn't have a certain charm to it but why here?" Peridot asks seemingly reading my mind as well.
"The decor is tacky and the majority of what is sold can be purchased in a yard sale but there is a little hidden gem in this little back corner" Aqua laughs with pure joy as she brings us back to a small display case in the back of the little store.
    There are quite literally gems of all forms all sifted into little arrangements. There is a rose made of rose quartz, a cat shaped out of amethyst, and a small crystal tree with leaves of aquamarine. Not only were they beautiful they sparkled in such a way that only Aqua marine herself could have taken attention to them.
"It's a shame most of the gems are fake but it is beautiful nonetheless. A gorgeous little thing they are. I enjoy coming here to view the variety that they bring it's something different every time you know" I would not have taken Aqua marine for the crystal type but it's very fitting in hindsight that she likes to collect gems. I would have thought she'd hated the decorations for using fake gemstones but it seems like that's the only thing in this world that gets a pass from her.
    It's a perfect gift for her but I need to buy it in secret, although the surprise elements of this party are questionable I still want to try my best.
"How did you find this place anyway?" Peri asks
"Darling I go to every store, there is not one place that I have not memorized"
"Do you know any other nice surprises?" I say taking advantage of the chance to get out of here before she can buy anything.
"Of course I do now come along I'll give you some more insight so maybe you can actually start buying some clothes from decent places instead of at walmart"
"I don't even buy from, ah whatever"
    We visit a few stores and I somehow get roped into buying a vest and tie but besides that the outing ended without much issue. I had the bright idea of coming in separate cars so peri and I stayed in the parking lot until Aqua was out of sight. I went back in and bought the Aqua marine tree for no other reason than the sake of making a pun which was very unamusing to peridot.
"Look they had an Aqua marine tree and I'm buying a gift for Aqua marine"
"I understand your reasoning I'm simply ashamed"
"It was perfect"
"It was cheesy"
"Well at least I'm almost done with this whole party thing"
Now that I think about it I definitely got the short end of the stick with this plan. I had to plan and an entire party (well topaz did a lot more than me but still) and peridot is going to do...something. I actually have no clue what she's going to do.
"Hey peri not to say I mind helping you but what in the world are you going to do about the whole 'let's find out if Aqua secretly evil' thing. Because if I'm being honest I literally don't see anyway to get that information."
"Is there anyone else who knows Aqua or anything about how she is around people?" Peridot must be dry out of options considering she's asked this several times out of frustration and this point. But then again. I think there is someone here who can help but my god is this a horrible horrriblllleeee idea.
"I think I know someone"
"Wait you do ? Who why didn't you say something earlier"
Good question maybe because this is the last person either of us want help from. That being said if we want to fill in the gaps from the other night and find out aquas motives might as well ask the only other witness.
"Maybe because you hate her with all your guts so do I and for very good reason"
"God please don't tell me that's our last resort"
"Jasper was there that day and she was apparently something like a friend to Aqua when they were young"
"I'm sure I can find anyone else to ask"
"I hate the idea too but we really aren't getting anywhere with this and im still not very cool with suspecting Aqua, let's just get this over with and go straight to the source"

Well I'm not dead, I'll be honest I thought about giving up on this since I didn't have time to dedicate to it anymore but also it's the last arc and I felt bad. Sorry about the long break I also can't guarantee weekly updates but I promise it'll be finished eventually
I won't leave you hanging

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