Caught in a lie

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Lapis POV
School is usually super boring but after the hell I went through this last weekend I'll appreciate the normalcy. I get a chance to see aqua and topaz so it's a nice break. They don't know anything that happened though so I'll at least have something to talk about during class.
When we get to campus we are already a little late due to our extra cuddle time this morning. The first thing aqua does see is me and peridot power walking in their general direction. Nothing happens if we are late since even the professors are never on time but peridot worries too much.
"Good morning what's this supposed to be light exercise before class?"
"Peridot insists on being on time"
"Punctuality is important you'll miss valuable information"
"Yeah well I don't think I've ever seen our marine science professor on time"
Half the people in college are sleep deprived, depressed or overly motivated. Typically you can tell who's on their first year based on how much of their dream has been crushed. I'm hoping that peridot will loosen up a little over time but she's still the enthusiastic type.
"Well I have to get going I'll see you later"
    I bend over and give peridot a quick peck. Usually we'd leave without too much public affection but I was feeling a little clingy today. I catch her arm before she goes and quickly pull her close. Before she can protest I kiss her again, this time with more feeling. I don't want to take too much time but the desire to turn this into a full make out session is over whelming. Unfortunately though I do have to let her go.
"What's with you this morning"
"I just missed you"
"We sleep with each other"
"Can't kiss in our sleep"
    She gives a soft smile and one final peck before she goes. She's already late so it's pretty funny to see her struggling between a walk and a run. That gay walking speed sure comes in handy though.
"So mind telling me what happened"
"What do you mean"
"Oh please you can not expect me to ignore the honey dripping from your eyes. Something definitely happened to make you this smitten."
"Well we sorta fought"
".....what kind of things are you into"
"N O, we fought and made up and it feels like we kind of took a step forward in our relationship"
    It was strange to think about but I guess I just saw a side of peridot I hadn't seen before. It wasn't a nice side and it was something I had hoped I wouldn't see but I guess we had to fight about something eventually. It just made us more honest about things and I'm not super scared of telling her about what's bothering me. Still haven't told her about what actually happened at aquas though.
    I should tell her today but that would mean she's either be upset I hid it or super concerned. Either way they'll be a reaction for sure. That'll be a pain in the ass we are good right now too it's a shame things have to shift so soon.
"What did you fight about"
"Let's head inside first"
    Once we are inside I tell aqua all about the fight. I tell her about peridot leaving and us making up. Eventually the conversation reaches what happened at Stevens but I leave out some details for the sake of my shame.
"I didn't think your visit would cause so much conflict, very sorry that it went that way"
"It's not your fault it happened it's not like you knew this would happen"
"I suppose not I was certainly anticipating a different outcome"
    Aqua probably expected a normal sleep over with the classic drinking and messing around. I should've denied the drinks and said something about jasper though. I'll definitely be taking peridot to any future parties though, this is the second time I get fucked up.
"So does peridot know what happened with jasper?"
"You know concerning your history it would definitely cause the little one to worry"
"How do you know my history?"
"Oh you don't remember? You told me"
She seems genuinely confused, maybe I told her? I don't remember much of last Friday maybe I told her then? My head hurts thinking about it. I was so sure I hadn't told her.
"When did I tell you? You didn't seem to know anything about her when she showed up"
"She left that night and you told me about your relationship shortly after. I felt bad for inviting her you should've told me sooner I would've sent her on her way"
I guess it was during the time I blacked out. How much does she know. I guess it's not the time to ask the lecture is almost over.
"Let's meet up with peri the professor is basically done"
    We get up with a couple others and start towards the direction of peridot. Knowing her she will stay until she's sure everything is over so we have some time to kill.
"So how come you didn't say anything when I woke up"
"Seemed like you didn't remember anything about that night and honestly I was worried forcing your memory would make your head ache worse"
"You never mentioned anything at all though"
"This is the first time we talk since then I don't think there was an opportunity to discuss this"
    She makes a lot of sense but I'm still concerned over anything said while drunk.
"What did I say"
"You weren't making too much sense since you were out of it but you essentially just started on how much you hated jasper and that you were in a toxic relationship"
At least I didn't spill too much

Aqua POV
    Damnit. I had forgotten that she didn't mention her relationship. If it weren't for her forgetting that night I would've been caught in my own lies. It helps that she's so trusting though it's honestly flattering in a way.

Late chapter yay
No excuse, this is just a weird chapter to write since it transitions plot points. I put it off till the last minute very sorry it's late tho

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